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  • Thread starter zer05ive




My hats off to everyone. :bowdown:

Edit: After all the hard work putting this together I just realized I made a big mistake!!!:banghead:
It was @TBongX that won at High Speed Ring not @racingchamp30. How could I forget that brilliant pass he made on me on the last lap for the win!!!
Again sorry guys. :crazy: I'll try and get my facts straight next time.
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In my opinion both the pickup truck and the guy with the dash cam are in the wrong lane. They aren't passing anyone! Get the heck over. The Camaro has to pass on the right, and as soon as the pickup truck sees this he speeds up and won't let the faster guy by. I'm not saying that the Camaro is in the right at all. That was a crazy move that could have been way worse. However this all could have been avoided if you follow the simple rule of staying in right lane unless you are passing someone. UUGH! One of my biggest pet peeves!

In this regard, I'm totally with you @TomMang_68 and it just made me remember this video: Look until about the 1:30 mark.

It's amazing how both the bike and the audi remember to pass from the left side and how they keep going back to the center lane (when it's safe) just in case someone wants to pass them at about 320 km/h - 200 m/h
While I can''t argue the camaro's driver is at fault here, this is nothing more than 1 arsehole following another and karma stepping in to let them know it. Damn shame the semi driver had to pay as well. Karma rarely produces false positives though.
I agree totally. Can't blame the guy in pickup for being mad at getting cut off, but he had no intention of letting him by after that and was using the semi as a block. Two wrongs don't make a right!!
In my opinion both the pickup truck and the guy with the dash cam are in the wrong lane. They aren't passing anyone! Get the heck over. The Camaro has to pass on the right, and as soon as the pickup truck sees this he speeds up and won't let the faster guy by. I'm not saying that the Camaro is in the right at all. That was a crazy move that could have been way worse. However this all could have been avoided if you follow the simple rule of staying in right lane unless you are passing someone. UUGH! One of my biggest pet peeves!
First let me say that slow drivers in the left lane is one of my biggest pet peeves as well. It's as if some people think that just because they're going the speed limit (and sometimes not even that), they have the right to block faster traffic. Those idiots think it's "their right" to stay in the left lane, when in fact the law states that slower traffic needs to move to the right lane so that faster traffic can pass on the left.

That being said, the guy in the pickup is not one of those idiots IMO and I see nothing wrong with what he did. I've reposted the video below for reference.. From the very beginning of the video, you can see the shadow of the vehicle in front of the pickup (look to the right of the pickup's fender). Based on where that shadow is, you can tell that there's not much more than a car's length between the pickup and the vehicle he's following. In fact, 40 seconds into the video when the pickup truck swerves to the left, you can see the vehicle in front of him and just how closely he was following it. Also, take note of the distance between the car with the dash cam and the pickup truck. Throughout the beginning of the video, the car with the dash cam is following at a normal distance behind the pickup truck. However, right at 30 seconds, he accelerates to be much closer to the pickup. He probably did this because he sees in his rear view mirror that the Camaro has pulled out from behind him and might try to cut in front of him so that he isn't stuck behind the semi truck.

All in all, this is a classic interstate/expressway scenario in which there's a long line of cars in the left lane following closely behind each other, but none of them want to go to the right lane, because that's where the slower traffic (e.g. semi trucks) are, and nobody wants to lose switch lanes only to lose their place "in line". Inevitably, someone further back in the left lane "line" will see an open stretch of highway in the right lane and decide to accelerate to see if they can cut in line and advance their position. Often times, it works out well because there's someone in the left lane who isn't "keeping up" and has therefore left a large gap in the line. But sometimes, that driver finds that there's no opening and now he's lost his place in line since the other in the left lane have "bunched up" to fill the spot that he vacated.

When this happens, most drivers realize their little gamble hasn't paid off and they fall back until they can find an opening back into the left lane. But other times, you have numbnuts like the guy in the Camaro who decide they're going to cut in line no matter what - even if it means cutting off a guy who's already basically tailing the car in front of him.

The point I'm trying to make is that I see absolutely nothing wrong with what the pickup driver did. IMO he is keeping up with the traffic in front of him perfectly and he has every right to be pissed by the Camaro trying to cut him off. If I were in the pickup, I'd do exactly what he did.. I'd speed up to make sure he couldn't cut me off, and then I'd slow down and stay right next to the semi so that he couldn't pass. Then I'd laugh quietly to myself as the impatient and disrespectful LOSER in the Camaro throws his little temper tantrum behind me.

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First let me say that slow drivers in the left lane is one of my biggest pet peeves as well. It's as if some people think that just because they're going the speed limit (and sometimes not even that), they have the right to block faster traffic. Those idiots think it's "their right" to stay in the left lane, when in fact the law states that slower traffic needs to move to the right lane so that faster traffic can pass on the left.

That being said, the guy in the pickup is not one of those idiots IMO and I see nothing wrong with what he did. I've reposted the video below for reference.. From the very beginning of the video, you can see the shadow of the vehicle in front of the pickup (look to the right of the pickup's fender). Based on where that shadow is, you can tell that there's not much more than a car's length between the pickup and the vehicle he's following. In fact, 40 seconds into the video when the pickup truck swerves to the left, you can see the vehicle in front of him and just how closely he was following it. Also, take note of the distance between the car with the dash cam and the pickup truck. Throughout the beginning of the video, the car with the dash cam is following at a normal distance behind the pickup truck. However, right at 30 seconds, he accelerates to be much closer to the pickup. He probably did this because he sees in his rear view mirror that the Camaro has pulled out from behind him and might try to cut in front of him so that he isn't stuck behind the semi truck.

All in all, this is a classic interstate/expressway scenario in which there's a long line of cars in the left lane following closely behind each other, but none of them want to go to the right lane, because that's where the slower traffic (e.g. semi trucks) are, and nobody wants to lose switch lanes only to lose their place "in line". Inevitably, someone further back in the left lane "line" will see an open stretch of highway in the right lane and decide to accelerate to see if they can cut in line and advance their position. Often times, it works out well because there's someone in the left lane who isn't "keeping up" and has therefore left a large gap in the line. But sometimes, that driver finds that there's no opening and now he's lost his place in line since the other in the left lane have "bunched up" to fill the spot that he vacated.

When this happens, most drivers realize their little gamble hasn't paid off and they fall back until they can find an opening back into the left lane. But other times, you have numbnuts like the guy in the Camaro who decide they're going to cut in line no matter what - even if it means cutting off a guy who's already basically tailing the car in front of him.

The point I'm trying to make is that I see absolutely nothing wrong with what the pickup driver did. IMO he is keeping up with the traffic in front of him perfectly and he has every right to be pissed by the Camaro trying to cut him off. If I were in the pickup, I'd do exactly what he did.. I'd speed up to make sure he couldn't cut me off, and then I'd slow down and stay right next to the semi so that he couldn't pass. Then I'd laugh quietly to myself as the impatient and disrespectful LOSER in the Camaro throws his little temper tantrum behind me.

The guy in the Camaro should be charged with attempted murder!

I totally agree with you and do it all the time. When I was driving rigs if there was an idiot like that blasting up the road and another rig around me we would stack up and slow his ass down for as long as we could the other side of Toronto 401, 400 and 403 around Brantford is horrible for these type of people!

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My hats off to everyone. :bowdown:

Edit: After all the hard work putting this together I just realized I made a big mistake!!!:banghead:
It was @TBongX that won at High Speed Ring not @racingchamp30. How could I forget that brilliant pass he made on me on the last lap for the win!!!
Again sorry guys. :crazy: I'll try and get my facts straight next time.
I really like how you do this! Keep it up each week!
Last Sunday was my and @MajorBlixem 's one year anniversary weekend in SNAIL. My first race in D4 in a 1967 Toyota 2000GT around Rome was rough. I thought I was fast and couldn't believe that I couldn't get pole.... I think I started 4th. And in the race the cars were flying by me and I was wondering what the heck...? The rest of the evening was just a blur. Like some of the "newbies" who fealt like you don't belong here - I know how you feel. I was delegated to D5 and with lots of practice in the week I got a better hang of things and used to the close competition. I manage to win the night squeeze out Prize A!!! Then I got placed back in D4 again - back to earth again. So, with many ups and downs D4/D5/D4/D3/D2/D3 I'm settling in and enjoy the racing. There are bunch of good guys, funny guys, grumpy guys, old guys, young guys, serious guys, happy-go-lucky guys, dedicated and not so dedicated guys. But, if we didn't have the diversity - this place would have been boring. Be whatever you want to be - but always treat your fellow SNAILS with respect.

Thanks SNAILS! :cheers:
Time flies when you have fun! I was celebrating my anniversary in style on the beach with a cold beverage of a sociable nature.
It's the diversity of Snails that make this a great place to hang out. But I really tip my hat for the few individuals that work tirelessly behind the scenes to make Snail run like clockwork week in and week out.
Happy anniversary to both of you! Thanks for a memorable first year, but I hope it's just the first of many! :cheers:

Your posts (and your anniversaries) actually remind me of something that's been on my league "To Do" for the last month or so. Ever since @Dragonwhisky was selected as GTPlanet's Member of the Week and then shortly thereafter @msgt-sd created the Mother of All Google Docs to organize all the stats throughout SNAIL's history, I've been thinking that it'd be cool to kinda marry those two things together. In my head, I've been calling it "SNAIL Spotlight".. It would not only be a way for us to highlight "achievements" in the league (cool stats, anniversaries, etc), but it would also be a platform for us to get to know our fellow SNAILs on a more personal level.

For example, someone could point out a cool stat or achievement by another league member, and then nominate him for a SNAIL Spotlight. That member would then be subjected to an interview-style barrage of questions. And just like GTP's Member of the Week program, many of the questions could come from the rest of us SNAILs. On top of that, we could also include a picture of the "spotlighted" member if he so chooses. Basically anything and everything that would help us get to know more about that person's life and personality off the thread and off the track. 👍

Of course, something like this would require a coordinator or two to tally nominations for the spotlight and collect questions to be asked to those who are selected etc. What do you guys think of this idea? Any suggestions to improve it? Any more importantly, are any of you willing to take this idea by the horns and make it your own project? If you're looking for a way to give back and contribute to the league, this would be a great way to do it! :)
The guy in the Camaro should be charged with attempted murder!

I totally agree with you and do it all the time. When I was driving rigs if there was an idiot like that blasting up the road and another rig around me we would stack up and slow his ass down for as long as we could the other side of Toronto 401, 400 and 403 around Brantford is horrible for these type of people!
So just to jump in here. What is dangerous about driving fast? Why does it warrant your reaction of calling him an idiot and then aggressively interacting with him. Basically you are making an aggressive response to the idiot. You are trying to exert on them the behavior you want to see. What makes you judge an jury? Why not just let him go?

As to the video. Yes the Camaro driver was wrong in so many ways. I am glad no one got hurt and I hope they throw the book at him. But the pickup driver was also responsible for his actions. He swerved towards another car. He was following the car in front of him too closely. If he had just backed off and let the Camaro go the accident would not have happened. I am not trying in anyway to imply what the Camaro did was justified because it was not.

Then there is the truck with the dash cam. He also tries to shut the door on the Camaro? Why? He is also following the pickup truck way to close. There is not even 1 second between him and the pickup for most of that video.

The only innocent driver is the big rig.

Just some little information from http://www.motorists.org/ (and yes they have an agenda like most of us do)

Q. Isn't slower always safer?
A. No, federal and state studies have consistently shown that the drivers most likely to get into accidents in traffic are those traveling significantly below the average speed. According toresearch, those driving 10 mph slower than the prevailing speed are more likely to be involved in an accident. That means that if the average speed on an interstate is 70 mph, the person traveling at 60 mph is more likely to be involved in an accident than someone going 70 or even 80 mph.

So why do you try to slow down a car that is traveling faster than you?

Q. Aren't most traffic accidents caused by speeding?
A. No, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) claims that 30 percent of all fatal accidents are "speed related," but even this is misleading. This means that in less than a third of the cases, one of the drivers involved in the accident was "assumed" to be exceeding the posted limit. It does not mean that speeding caused the accident. Research conducted by the Florida Department of Transportation showed that the percentage of accidents actually caused by speeding is very low, 2.2 percent.

Why not focus on the other 97.8% of causes for accidents rather than focus on the 2.2% of speeders?

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My hats off to everyone. :bowdown:

Edit: After all the hard work putting this together I just realized I made a big mistake!!!:banghead:
It was @TBongX that won at High Speed Ring not @racingchamp30. How could I forget that brilliant pass he made on me on the last lap for the win!!!
Again sorry guys. :crazy: I'll try and get my facts straight next time.

Thank you @singlepaddy for uploading all the pictures, job well done.
The guy in the Camaro should be charged with attempted murder!

I totally agree with you and do it all the time. When I was driving rigs if there was an idiot like that blasting up the road and another rig around me we would stack up and slow his ass down for as long as we could the other side of Toronto 401, 400 and 403 around Brantford is horrible for these type of people!

The crash wouldn't of happened if the driver in the Camaro didn't get out of line getting into the dirt, sliding out of control. Their was a driver in front of the driver in the pickup truck and this happens way too many times of people driving drunk on the roads. Their should be tougher penalties for drunk drivers.
I have a funny feeling, @jobyone that the issue with speeding is related to the perception that speeding causes more accidents, but even more so, the severity of an accident at speed vs severity and collateral damage at higher than speed limits will be much higher. I haven't checked anyone's database, but I am guessing that is to be a given.

I do take exception to flagrant speeders who choose to endanger not just themselves but others, but I am not getting in front of them. Those guys need to hit a track day somewhere. I called to Maryland State Police / Report line on my way home from autocross Sunday - a motorcyclist was doing waaaay over 100 (I guessed 120) going the other direction. I had not heard about the riots in Baltimore yet, so I doubt there was manpower to address it.
First let me say that slow drivers in the left lane is one of my biggest pet peeves as well. It's as if some people think that just because they're going the speed limit (and sometimes not even that), they have the right to block faster traffic. Those idiots think it's "their right" to stay in the left lane, when in fact the law states that slower traffic needs to move to the right lane so that faster traffic can pass on the left.

That being said, the guy in the pickup is not one of those idiots IMO and I see nothing wrong with what he did. I've reposted the video below for reference.. From the very beginning of the video, you can see the shadow of the vehicle in front of the pickup (look to the right of the pickup's fender). Based on where that shadow is, you can tell that there's not much more than a car's length between the pickup and the vehicle he's following. In fact, 40 seconds into the video when the pickup truck swerves to the left, you can see the vehicle in front of him and just how closely he was following it. Also, take note of the distance between the car with the dash cam and the pickup truck. Throughout the beginning of the video, the car with the dash cam is following at a normal distance behind the pickup truck. However, right at 30 seconds, he accelerates to be much closer to the pickup. He probably did this because he sees in his rear view mirror that the Camaro has pulled out from behind him and might try to cut in front of him so that he isn't stuck behind the semi truck.

All in all, this is a classic interstate/expressway scenario in which there's a long line of cars in the left lane following closely behind each other, but none of them want to go to the right lane, because that's where the slower traffic (e.g. semi trucks) are, and nobody wants to lose switch lanes only to lose their place "in line". Inevitably, someone further back in the left lane "line" will see an open stretch of highway in the right lane and decide to accelerate to see if they can cut in line and advance their position. Often times, it works out well because there's someone in the left lane who isn't "keeping up" and has therefore left a large gap in the line. But sometimes, that driver finds that there's no opening and now he's lost his place in line since the other in the left lane have "bunched up" to fill the spot that he vacated.

When this happens, most drivers realize their little gamble hasn't paid off and they fall back until they can find an opening back into the left lane. But other times, you have numbnuts like the guy in the Camaro who decide they're going to cut in line no matter what - even if it means cutting off a guy who's already basically tailing the car in front of him.

The point I'm trying to make is that I see absolutely nothing wrong with what the pickup driver did. IMO he is keeping up with the traffic in front of him perfectly and he has every right to be pissed by the Camaro trying to cut him off. If I were in the pickup, I'd do exactly what he did.. I'd speed up to make sure he couldn't cut me off, and then I'd slow down and stay right next to the semi so that he couldn't pass. Then I'd laugh quietly to myself as the impatient and disrespectful LOSER in the Camaro throws his little temper tantrum behind me.

Although I agree with you about the whole description of the situation... I think the pickup driver's actions where right up until the point when too much is too much... (Being beside the semi just to teach a lesson / or being an asshole).

If it happened to me, I would be pissed off by the camaro but I would have done everything to let myself out of the whole situation and let the drunken man put his own life at risk, not mine and probably others.

So just to jump in here. What is dangerous about driving fast? Why does it warrant your reaction of calling him an idiot and then aggressively interacting with him. Basically you are making an aggressive response to the idiot. You are trying to exert on them the behavior you want to see. What makes you judge an jury? Why not just let him go?

As to the video. Yes the Camaro driver was wrong in so many ways. I am glad no one got hurt and I hope they throw the book at him. But the pickup driver was also responsible for his actions. He swerved towards another car. He was following the car in front of him too closely. If he had just backed off and let the Camaro go the accident would not have happened. I am not trying in anyway to imply what the Camaro did was justified because it was not.

Then there is the truck with the dash cam. He also tries to shut the door on the Camaro? Why? He is also following the pickup truck way to close. There is not even 1 second between him and the pickup for most of that video.

The only innocent driver is the big rig.

Just some little information from http://www.motorists.org/ (and yes they have an agenda like most of us do)

Q. Isn't slower always safer?
A. No, federal and state studies have consistently shown that the drivers most likely to get into accidents in traffic are those traveling significantly below the average speed. According toresearch, those driving 10 mph slower than the prevailing speed are more likely to be involved in an accident. That means that if the average speed on an interstate is 70 mph, the person traveling at 60 mph is more likely to be involved in an accident than someone going 70 or even 80 mph.

So why do you try to slow down a car that is traveling faster than you?

Q. Aren't most traffic accidents caused by speeding?
A. No, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) claims that 30 percent of all fatal accidents are "speed related," but even this is misleading. This means that in less than a third of the cases, one of the drivers involved in the accident was "assumed" to be exceeding the posted limit. It does not mean that speeding caused the accident. Research conducted by the Florida Department of Transportation showed that the percentage of accidents actually caused by speeding is very low, 2.2 percent.

Why not focus on the other 97.8% of causes for accidents rather than focus on the 2.2% of speeders?

This, I fully agree with, if everyone commited to the laws and driving etiquette speed won't cause an accident on its own. (Just look at the video I posted from an unlimited portion of the autobahn) ... It's sudden changes in speed what causes most accidents and both drivers did that.
So just to jump in here. What is dangerous about driving fast? Why does it warrant your reaction of calling him an idiot and then aggressively interacting with him. Basically you are making an aggressive response to the idiot. You are trying to exert on them the behavior you want to see. What makes you judge an jury? Why not just let him go?
There are so many thing I want to say about this. But I'll just say I would have done and have done the exact same thing. If I were the guy in the pickup I would have gotten out and beatin his dumb ass with in an inch of his life!
I have a funny feeling, @jobyone that the issue with speeding is related to the perception that speeding causes more accidents, but even more so, the severity of an accident at speed vs severity and collateral damage at higher than speed limits will be much higher. I haven't checked anyone's database, but I am guessing that is to be a given.

I do take exception to flagrant speeders who choose to endanger not just themselves but others, but I am not getting in front of them. Those guys need to hit a track day somewhere. I called to Maryland State Police / Report line on my way home from autocross Sunday - a motorcyclist was doing waaaay over 100 (I guessed 120) going the other direction. I had not heard about the riots in Baltimore yet, so I doubt there was manpower to address it.
Was the issue speeding or was the issue aggressive driving if he was just speeding it's a different story.