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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Howyakeeping, Mopar, and Jersey have been MIA for a couple of weeks. If dsgerbc shows up, we could have nine. It would take somebody suprising me for us to have more than nine.

Can we have voice back? It would make my job much easier and since nobody really talks anyway, what's the big deal. I could even ask that drivers unplug their mics if they're not going to use them. It would just be easier for me to give standing updates and keep things rolling.

That shouldn't be a problem, that's how we did it in D2, before the race I asked everyone to turn of their mics.
I will not be able to race this sunday, which sucks since I got to chose part of the combo. Hope you guys enjoy the civic enough to keep it around for another week. Have fun and see you next week.
I broke in my GT at the 200 mi Laguna Seca race, and I'll just say that I really wish we were racing it there. It's really fantastic to drive there, and makes more sense as a combo.

But then again the GT and Laguna Seca are both great on their own anyway, so I can't complain.
Can we have voice back? It would make my job much easier and since nobody really talks anyway, what's the big deal. I could even ask that drivers unplug their mics if they're not going to use them. It would just be easier for me to give standing updates and keep things rolling.

Okay, we can try turning mics back on with the understanding that everyone is to turn their mics off during the races. The D1 lounge is currently set up with voice chat enabled, and I'll leave it like that for tonight.

That shouldn't be a problem, that's how we did it in D2, before the race I asked everyone to turn of their mics.

This has been working well in D3 as well. The only problem is that D1 is the only division that doesn't have a designated host with a great connection. Hopefully with a slightly smaller grid size (around 10 drivers), they'll be fine in D1 using this method as well.
I'm sure this was discussed before: what the official word on use of concrete beyond red/white curbing in multiple places on GVS and green run-off in Rome? Not that I was gonna use green pavement, just gotta know whether that's still track or it's an off, if I end-up there.

If it's over the curbing it's out of bounds. Two wheels off of the track and two wheels on the curb is as far out as you can get. If you're four on the outside concrete you're off the track and subject to a penalty.

The green pavement in Rome is also a run-off area and not to be used for racing.

If you end up in one of these areas it would be wise to reduce speed until you get back on the track. Also, in this instance, the rules in the OLR for track re-entry (such as waiting for traffic to clear, etc) are in play.
Important S.N.A.I.L. Data Announcement​

Over the next couple of hours I will be making adjustments to our Public S.N.A.I.L. results Google Doc.

It's approaching some size limits, 400,000 cells and 40,000 formulas, that has forced me to rework how the data gets summarized.

The individual weekly Division data tabs will not be affected. The sheets that will be affected rely on the Consolidated data, as such the Graphs, Driver and Combo tabs will look a little messed up (technical term).

I'll post back here when I've got it all sorted.

I have made a back up in case something untoward happens.



If you end up in one of these areas it would be wise to reduce speed until you get back on the track. Also, in this instance, the rules in the OLR for track re-entry (such as waiting for traffic to clear, etc) are in play.
With that said, I would like to take a moment and touch on this subject, as I all to often see drivers rushing back on to track, and forcing others to jump off line to avoid the returning driver, or just as often, to have a driver stuck in traffic, and slam into the back of the driver coming on to the track.
This is a no go drivers. Rule 14 in the SNAIL OLR covers your proper course of action when reentering the track. This is whether you have run off the track in a run off area, spun out into the grass, come to a near stop in the gravel, slammed a wall, orany instance you have gone 4 wheels off the track. 14-A says it all, "it is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way."
This means it is not accept for you to hop back in the middle of the pack when you ran wide and off course while in second place. You must wait for a safe opportunity to pull back onto the course, not force yourself into the pack. As the race director in D3, and a regular middle of the pack racer, I will be watching out for these incidents.
With that said, I think it is also important to note that once you are on the track, be mindful of the next couple of corners and the track ahead and behind. When you go off track, especially in dirt and gravel, your tires will "pick up" a dirt "coating". This in turn affects (did I use the right one?) your turn in speed, braking points and acceleration, making you more liable to punt the driver in front, or push out into the driver looking to make a pass on the outside.

Stepping down from the soapbox, lets all have a great race tonight gentlemen. (no ladies have joined since devious, right?)
With that said, I would like to take a moment and touch on this subject, as I all to often see drivers rushing back on to track, and forcing others to jump off line to avoid the returning driver, or just as often, to have a driver stuck in traffic, and slam into the back of the driver coming on to the track.
This is a no go drivers. Rule 14 in the SNAIL OLR covers your proper course of action when reentering the track. This is whether you have run off the track in a run off area, spun out into the grass, come to a near stop in the gravel, slammed a wall, orany instance you have gone 4 wheels off the track. 14-A says it all, "it is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way."
This means it is not accept for you to hop back in the middle of the pack when you ran wide and off course while in second place. You must wait for a safe opportunity to pull back onto the course, not force yourself into the pack.)

See last week's Division 4 Laguna Seca/ Camaro RM Race video as an example :)
Important S.N.A.I.L. Data Announcement​

I'm done with making the transition to a different consolidated datasource. Nothing major went awry
and it looks as if the Graphs, Driver and Combos tabs are all intact. I do have a little bit more historical
data to grab and I also need to tweak some of the car/track names as they are not consistent.

But for the most part, the numbers are back in business.

If you have any issue seeing any of the data, please let me know!


Why doesn't SNAIL have a Nascar League, or Indycar, or GT500/300 league and What about some earlier in the day events. I don't like staying up past midnight when i got to get up at 6:00am for work the next day just to race in Sunday league?
Make it so, jbica. If there's interest people will race with you.

(Though there's probably no Indy league because there are no Indy cars.)
I'm no organizer, no one follows me, I just want to participate in some good, fun events, and I'm sure someone in Snail would have no problem getting the participation.
Why doesn't SNAIL have a Nascar League, or Indycar, or GT500/300 league and What about some earlier in the day events. I don't like staying up past midnight when i got to get up at 6:00am for work the next day just to race in Sunday league?

Make it so, jbica. If there's interest people will race with you.

(Though there's probably no Indy league because there are no Indy cars.)

Depending on the time and day of the week, I would probably be interested to run in a tuning-prohibited Super GT or DTM league (anyone else hoping GT6 has Aussie V8s?).
Why doesn't SNAIL have a Nascar League, or Indycar, or GT500/300 league and What about some earlier in the day events. I don't like staying up past midnight when i got to get up at 6:00am for work the next day just to race in Sunday league?

Depending on what the format is, I'd be interested in some Saturday afternoon racing. Fewer conflicts with my social conveners activities :)
I'm more of an early evening guy. When I go back to school next week, Sundays are not a weekly guarantee, depending on the 'agenda of the year' from principal or school board and my schedule.

Once I know the kids soccer schedules, and Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts meetings, I'll see if I have an evening to try to run something.

I tend to favor the lower hp cars - older British or Italian cars, the Honda S800/Fairlady style, and so on, over the heavy, FR, high HP, high torque cars. More chugging about, and a bit less spinning about, for me at least.
My first foray into online series was going to be the Nationwide Series that Furinkazen did up. Alas, that got canned due to the glitch that was around early this year that left some cars with a massive speed boost while others were going half speed....with the addition of Motegi, it's possible to have a six race series with two races on each oval (I suppose you could make it eight races with two on Route X, but that's a bit extreme, lol).

If you wanted to, you could ask Furi if you could resurrect it...a mid-Saturday time could produce interest from any European players as well.
After this summer I'd be interested in helping with a Oval racing series if we had the interest. I have quite a few created ovals

Oval racing with stock nascars on comfort softs hehe, I did that with Aderrrm but he never started the series.
I'm really sorry for the late notice, but I won't be racing tonight. Hopefully you guys will have fun without me, and will enjoy the car/track combo that I picked.
I for one would enjoy a weekday league with an earlier start, and we even tried to get one started to get more over seas interest. after a week of inquiring and what not, nothing ever came to fruition. Hover, we now have a far larger we driver base to pull from, so something may be able to happen. So if you get something started, you can consider me in.
Wow, I'm glad I got some interest in this subject. I can put some work in with helping put it together, but i think one of the main Snail guys can really get this off the ground and running.

What format would you guys like, I'm open to Nascar, GT500/300, would have to practice with Formula cars.
Wow, I'm glad I got some interest in this subject. I can put some work in with helping put it together, but i think one of the main Snail guys can really get this off the ground and running.

What format would you guys like, I'm open to Nascar, GT500/300, would have to practice with Formula cars.

If you are talking around 2-5pm est I'm down. Maybe GT300 or rally WRC or something like that.
1pm central time (2pm eastern) would probably make for an ideal daytime series for me. I'd be up for whatever's poppin' at that time.
Why doesn't SNAIL have a Nascar League, or Indycar, or GT500/300 league and What about some earlier in the day events. I don't like staying up past midnight when i got to get up at 6:00am for work the next day just to race in Sunday league?

I agree with earlier in the day,and some f1/fgt races
I'll put a vote in for GT500/300 series, always enjoyed those cars.

But is there much of a difference between the GT500 cars? Would a no-tune GT500 series see too many people fighting over the 'good' car? I would love it if GT would allow weight penalties between races without having to lift the no tuning setting.
If you are talking around 2-5pm est I'm down. Maybe GT300 or rally WRC or something like that.

I wouldn't mind a rally-style deal....but only if it was like the real WRC and you were just racing the clock (albeit we'd have laps, say 5 flying laps and you take your best one). But in order for that to go through, a room/lounge would have to be open all day and we'd need people to verify the laps so they were legit (say no one can record times unless 2 other people were watching or something).

Then, after however many weeks (from what I can tell, there are 7 dirt/snow tracks), we tally up your best times from each track and get an overall result list.