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  • Thread starter zer05ive
im so sorry i couldnt race with you guys on sunday. I had to stay @ my company overtime.
maybe next sunday i can get in.

Man this real life stuff seems to running rampant in S.N.A.I.L. lately :(

Don't our employers know it's play time???

Seriously, thanks for letting us know OUTLAW---666, much appreciated 👍
Haha. Sticky away.

I like watching from the other driver's POV because I can then see that they literally could not have done anything to avoid the situation that arose. Once I see that, then I realize that I couldn't have done it any better either. I see that there was no "intent" or "divebombing" etc etc. Just close racing with good drivers who all want to win.

By watching a few of the other drivers race from their POV I also realized that many of them were braking earlier and consciously avoiding situations just like I was. I know, I know...you're thinking "how is this possible?". But it is possible. Not everyone was out to drive me off the road. They respected me just like I respected them. "Impossible!" you say. But nevertheless true. Cats and dogs living together...mass hysteria.

I completely agree, well said.
Are those clamps there to prevent the keyboard tray from sliding in and out? I'd be surprised if they were actually strong enough serve that purpose. I have my wheel clamped to a wooden desk and still yank it off sometimes! :ouch:

Yes. Flea market find, 4 for a dollar. They hold the keyboard tray out very well. Also the seat can recline, all I need is a center console cup holder and it's complete.:dopey: Actually I've been planning out the next one already. I'm going to go for a more colapseable unit with the base able to fold in on itself, since it is in my living room.
Here my get to know your G27 self improvement program. I had a pretty bad races: if I can master Nurb I know i can race anything!

I will be opening a room at around 9:30 est to race around Nurb Nord with the same cars from Sunday before we part with some of them. 2 lap race with same regs as Sunday.
Sorry i couldn't make it last night guys. Things have happened at the home and I've been unable to access the internet. So I'll hopefully be around next Sunday!
I don't know why I struggled so much in round 1. My qualifying time was well over a second off my practice time. Too bad the oval likely won't stick around another week, that was an absolute blast. I know what I'm picking if I ever win a prize ;)

The same thing happened to me with that combo last week. I told myself that it must have been network issues, but that was just to save my ego, because I'm sure that the truth was that I just wasn't focused for some reason :)

I sympathize with you guys. Yesternight was my first full participation to SNAIL D3 and the first round was a disaster. Round 1 Q period wasn't started yet that my face was already red and hot. For sure my Q time was 1.5 sec slower than what I can do just because 10 curves without an error were too much for my nerves. :nervous:

I continue that brilliant debut by knocking out Apmaddock (real sorry again) during Race 1 when I was 2nd or 3rd. For sure I had to wait by him before putting throttle back to floor. Too late, was now 10th and finish there.

Brilliant you think? You saw nothing yet! On Race 2 I started 1st (no doubt). After a couple of well better laps and still in 1st I saw Apmaddock pointing behind me. In a kind of Gentlemen behavior I did few brake touch on the straight to let him overtake me. But by doing that I was looking behind for too long (bravo) and missed my brake point at the straight end. Result of being deep in sand. Oh my god, I'm in 10th and last place again.

Is that why I was so excited to be Sunday? :ill:….. Better laughing.:dunce:

That adrenalin rush of nerves is what makes it fun 👍 You start to get used to it and use it to advantage. At least that's what I keep telling myself :lol:

That adrenalin rush of nerves is what makes it fun 👍 You start to get used to it and use it to advantage. At least that's what I keep telling myself :lol:

Some weeks the nerves seem to help me, other weeks not so much. The only nerve-calming trick I have is what I use for public speaking. I do 2-5 minutes of aerobic exercise about 10 minutes before. It really does work -- at least for me.
It didn't help that we ran the first two races in D3 last night with a strong slipstream and no penalties…

It's not so fun to start in the lead when that happens.

Thanks for the double-concession, RamSam.
Some weeks the nerves seem to help me, other weeks not so much. The only nerve-calming trick I have is what I use for public speaking. I do 2-5 minutes of aerobic exercise about 10 minutes before. It really does work -- at least for me.

Good advice Dr. For sure I'll try that next week. Already on round 2 it was well better. Finished 4 and 5. I imagine with a little aerobic I'll be a hard to beat canuck! :D

It didn't help that we ran the first two races in D3 last night with a strong slipstream and no penalties…

It's not so fun to start in the lead when that happens.

Thanks for the double-concession, RamSam.

I won't say you welcome. We all prefer to not have to do this. But it was a pleasure nevertheless. :cheers:
Here my get to know your G27 self improvement program. I had a pretty bad races: if I can master Nurb I know i can race anything!

I will be opening a room at around 9:30 est to race around Nurb Nord with the same cars from Sunday before we part with some of them. 2 lap race with same regs as Sunday.

If anyone is interested:
1472 6118 3701 4254 5255
A quick but important note:

There were a few complaints this week but the Prize A and Prize B winners were not in them.

I believe the two of you can come forward and announce your prizes. Congrats!

We had better hold off on Prize C, though…
Alright, throwing out something different for a car this week. Electric power! I chose the Tesla Roadster '08 on deep forest reverse. Once the tires warm up it's a pretty fun little car.
Alright, throwing out something different for a car this week. Electric power! I chose the Tesla Roadster '08 on deep forest reverse. Once the tires warm up it's a pretty fun little car.

👍 I just realized that you're a fellow Oregonian. For my "Week of the Oregonian" Prize B selection, I'm going to replace the track. I think the NSX will be a lot of fun at Circuito de Madrid / Reverse. I enjoyed it when we raced this track in STATS, and I was surprised when I discovered that we've never gone there on Sunday. I think it will make for some fun racing.
A quick but important note:

There were a few complaints this week but the Prize A and Prize B winners were not in them.

I believe the two of you can come forward and announce your prizes. Congrats!

We had better hold off on Prize C, though…

I wasnt gonna go for any of the prizes anyways, id just donate the one i got back
Alright, throwing out something different for a car this week. Electric power! I chose the Tesla Roadster '08 on deep forest reverse. Once the tires warm up it's a pretty fun little car.

Ah so Deep Forest Reverse returns! I remember racing there with the S2000 for weeks on end. That was back when I was in D1 (or the Sharkie and Mopar show as it might as well have been known back then)

What a great segue, speaking of the pink duo, which one of the D1 aliens is going to fill their shoes as resident racing instructors?
What a great segue, speaking of the pink duo, which one of the D1 aliens is going to fill their shoes as resident racing instructors?

I'd be willing when time and internet connection allows to help anyone wanting instruction. Just send me a pm and we'll figure out a time that works.
What a great segue, speaking of the pink duo, which one of the D1 aliens is going to fill their shoes as resident racing instructors?

I could. It's usually a learning experience for instructors as well depending on how involved you get. Every close look at how a combo works generates improvement. Though I'm looking at getting a job pretty soon, so my options in Snail may be limited just to Sunday's races.

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