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  • Thread starter zer05ive
It would turn into an online demo derby room...lol. I say we get Tony Stewart and "Wrecking" Robby Gordon to join S.N.A.I.L.

:lol: Stewart isn't nearly as bad as he used to be. I was actually rooting for him to beat Edwards last season, which I never would have done 5 years ago. Robby Gordon on the other hand.... :crazy:
:lol: Stewart isn't nearly as bad as he used to be. I was actually rooting for him to beat Edwards last season, which I never would have done 5 years ago. Robby Gordon on the other hand.... :crazy:

Me too...Stewart is the man. Gotta respect his driving ability. He can flat out drive anything on the planet...AND WIN!

Still a Dale Jr fan though...shhhhhh!
You are kidding, right? He's pathetic with the media and has no time for his own supporters at the track....won't miss him one little bit when he decides to retire.

Oh, so that's what being a racecar driver is about. For some reason I though it was about driving, you know, racecars. I'll root for a "stupid cowboy" (to quote Talladega Nights) over a field full of Jimmie Johnson clones any day.
I understand, but I'm here to race, not be a steward. I honestly don't feel like it nor do I have the time to sit down and document someone taking me out, etc. I'll leave that up to the next person who is on the wrong end of his driving. Personally I know how to handle that person now and will race him accordingly.

Actually, you're going far beyond documenting it right now. It's not that hard.

One PM with two names.
Race. Lap. Turn. Done.

Even if that's too much for you a quick PM to your division steward saying "watch so-and-so" would be helpful. What you're doing is the opposite of that.
agreed. What i'm responding to, to use your voting analogy, is when people who don't vote bitch and moan about the people in office.

If you didn't report it, don't complain about it here. That's my $0.02.

I looked up the theory and couldn't relate it. Didn't want to look stupid ... too late.

It was sort of to do with the fewer the facts, the stronger the opinions.
....didn't work.
It was sort of to do with the fewer the facts, the stronger the opinions.
....didn't work.

Lmao. Opinions, by their very nature, have no basis in fact. If facts are involved then what were opinions become statements. Neither are required for decisions, good or bad, to be acted upon. But this could all be a bit deep for such a place, not to mention, complete and total bs. ;) :crazy:
Lmao. Opinions, by their very nature, have no basis in fact. If facts are involved then what were opinions become statements. Neither are required for decisions, good or bad, to be acted upon. But this could all be a bit deep for such a place, not to mention, complete and total bs. ;) :crazy:

But opinions are so much fun! :)

I really like the way Bertrand Russell said it (actually, I like the way he said a lot of things):

"the passionateness of a belief is inversely proportional to the evidence in its favour"
But opinions are so much fun! :)

I really like the way Bertrand Russell said it (actually, I like the way he said a lot of things):

"the passionateness of a belief is inversely proportional to the evidence in its favour"

That is pretty close to Benfords law of controversy.
Even if it was not being used why would you want to;)

Hey now!

(And believe me you.... I'm not likely to be in D1 unless we have serious contraction issues... to one division or less)

Lime Green METALLIC, baby!


This thread
Bed for me, I think.

Hella week, I will spare the details, and I could not get my head in the game Wed. (sorry, Goat! I can't believe I punted you! Gah!). Sincere apologies to those that I fouled or knocked wayward Wed evening.

I will run some practice in a few days, but I am tired. We will see how it goes (of course, the "better half" heads overseas at Inopportune moment... And not her fault... Dang it!)