- 1,218
- Burnaby, BC
- canoworms1
D4 Scores and votes recorded.
@JLBowler @Rednose58 Prize C:
Mazda Roadster Touring Car N200@CourageRising @JamCar0ne @CANOWORMS1 @TEX36 @FooleyCooley @Skills @CdnSweetTee
I would like who participated on last Sunday's race to pick a suggestion for prize A. I will test each car and track combo selected and will pick one after testing.
Mazda Roadster Touring Car N200
80,000 Cr 205hp. 1753 lbs. SH Tires
Tokyo South Outer Loop 16:35 Sunset Fine
Early lap times: 1:56s
Oh lord please no more Tokyo
@CourageRising @JamCar0ne @CANOWORMS1 @TEX36 @FooleyCooley @Skills @CdnSweetTee
I would like who participated on last Sunday's race to pick a suggestion for prize A. I will test each car and track combo selected and will pick one after testing.
Here's one for ya:For all of the drivers who participated in last Sunday's race besides @TEX36 who has offered a suggestion for prize A, please make a suggestion from all division from drivers who raced last Sunday a combo each one of you would like so i can test out each one and then pick a combo by afternoon time tomorrow. I changed it to include all divisions for a suggestion so not to leave out anyone since we all race the same combo no matter which division. Please be specific on the vehicle, track, time of day each person would like. I will test all suggestions and make my pick known by afternoon time. Think of a vehicle we have not raced in awhile, track in awhile.
Oh lord please no more Tokyo
To quote a very wise man - "Oh lord please no more" Sardegna
Sardegna B is completely different than the Windmill A version. They don’t even have any common parts. That’s like saying the 2 Kyoto tracks are the same.
No idea, sorry. So what has been occupying your time? Where is the mango rat pack these days?Hey everyone! I've been trying all day to log onto the gran-turismo.com website to upload some decals without any luck. Did they shut the website down? It's probably been close to a year since I've messed with that website.
The servers in game have been awful all day it probably has something to do with it.Hey everyone! I've been trying all day to log onto the gran-turismo.com website to upload some decals without any luck. Did they shut the website down? It's probably been close to a year since I've messed with that website.
Hey Rob,No idea, sorry. So what has been occupying your time? Where is the mango rat pack these days?