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Constantly parking your car in corners and blocking clearly faster drivers is the total opposite of good defense technique. @Kgffy would’ve dusted you easily if you raced like a normal person.
Strategic car placement on a defensive line is good and fair defense. At no point did I see Raul move to block an advance...he simply ran a line that made it as difficult to overtake as possible. That side of racecraft is just as important as knowing how and when to overtake.Constantly parking your car in corners and blocking clearly faster drivers is the total opposite of good defense technique. @Kgffy would’ve dusted you easily if you raced like a normal person.
My reviews of the 2 incidents have been completed.View media item 2540Race Date: 4 April 2015
Currently tracking 1 Incident ReportWe have at least one prize winner with a racing incident being investigated by the stewards. This may, obviously, change the order of the prizes to be selected. All winners are asked to refrain from making selections until the Weekly Steward's report has been posted.
The target deadline for the Steward Reviews, this week, is Wednesday night by 10PM Eastern. The Steward Summary will be posted as soon as possible, following completion of reviews.
:@: SNAIL Stewards, please make your way to The Incident Review Scoring.The IR Submission Form is now closed.
Constantly parking your car in corners and blocking clearly faster drivers is the total opposite of good defense technique. @Kgffy would’ve dusted you easily if you raced like a normal person.
Worth the read!
How GT7 could be compromised by PS4
This is from 8 days ago. Sorry if I’m revisiting but I know there were posts on this. This article brought some clarity as to the “conflict of interest” on GT7 being PS4 compatible.