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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Seemed like a few people thought we were doing Jahgee's Dirty Snail racing last night.

At this point everyone should know how to race in Snail. The dive bombing into corners and general banging around is getting over the top.

Did anyone else feel the same way or am I just being a whiner?

I think there is one or two that forget about the OLR and good race craft. Overall it was a good night at the Red lounge.


I am not sure how long you have had the wheel but they do take some time to get used to.

I am not sure but it almost sounds like you might be trying to hard to get perfection rather than just getting comfortable with it. I found that just hopping in a car and driving on the Ring for an hour is great. I focus on not making any mistakes so they are not fast laps. Gradually I have begun to get faster and more confident. I find my self making some great saves with the wheel now.

Feel free to ignore just my $.02

I agree with Joby, and I actually frequently hop in around the Nurb with the week's cars. The nurb is an excellent track to learn and adjust; I started racing with the G27 about 4 weeks ago, the 1st weekend that I decided to race with it was terrible, but since then I've been getting better and better. I am more than willing to do some laps around the Nurb with you or any other track.

When I was following you yesterday it seemed to me that you were breaking a tad too late, but you were going at decent speed at Spa. Hitting those breaking points at the right time is a must at Spa, otherwise it will send you to the grass or the sand traps.

Just like others have already said, just do your own race and forget the whereabouts of others, just concentrate on the track and be smooth. 👍 Yesterday I threw away the 2nd Fuji race for constantly checking the back view mirror and I completely missed the breaking point at the 1st turn.:crazy::ouch: I hated myself for not following my own advice. I have even turn the driver list away because that is a constant distraction to my own driving.
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When I first got my wheel last year the thing that threw me off the most was dealing with the FF. I turned FF down to the minimum and drove alot of 4wd and Fwd cars to get used to it without having to worry about spinning out all the time.

Took 2-3 months before I could turn consistently faster laps than my controller. I just now started turning the FF strength up a few notches.
Seemed like a few people thought we were doing Jahgee's Dirty Snail racing last night.

At this point everyone should know how to race in Snail. The dive bombing into corners and general banging around is getting over the top.

Did anyone else feel the same way or am I just being a whiner?

I didn't receive any contact last night, nor did I give any, but I heard quite a bit of it going on directly behind me. I would hear tires screeching and contact, look back and suddenly no one is behind me.
Yeah...I was either in front or in the back. Pretty much the story of my Snail experience....poor consistency. I have the speed but not the focus and concentration. Should probably try what some are doing by turning off driver lists etc and stop looking behind me.

Anytime I was in your vicinity the racing was as it should be. But that didn't happen much because I could keep it on the road for very long. Maybe sunday I can pull it together.
Yeah...I was either in front or in the back. Pretty much the story of my Snail experience....poor consistency. I have the speed but not the focus and concentration. Should probably try what some are doing by turning off driver lists etc and stop looking behind me.

Anytime I was in your vicinity the racing was as it should be. But that didn't happen much because I could keep it on the road for very long. Maybe sunday I can pull it together.

I was good at Fuji until I started pressing...made a slight mistake and my body temperature went up. Next thing I know I'm making a ton of mistakes and even got a penalty on the last corner. By the time I finished, I was washed down like I just ran a marathon! I need to put a big fan near me to keep me cool in hopes that it will allow me to stay focused.
I need to put a big fan near me to keep me cool in hopes that it will allow me to stay focused.

This was a key to my racing this summer :) It's getting a good bit cooler up here now, so just cracking the patio door (right beside my rig) is enough. I also keep a BIG glass of water at my side for SNAIL races, those two hours can wear you down and I need some hydration. I sip a bit between each session and find that helps keep my cool too.

Edit: just turn your mic off when driving as the fan noise drives us all crazy :)
This was a key to my racing this summer :) It's getting a good bit cooler up here now, so just cracking the patio door (right beside my rig) is enough. I also keep a BIG glass of water at my side for SNAIL races, those two hours can wear you down and I need some hydration. I sip a bit between each session and find that helps keep my cool too.

We just moved into a new house and I have my rig in the basement where it's nice and cool but apparently not cool enough. I also bought a cup holder from Amazon that fits a baby stroller...fits my rig perfectly. I usually keep some Gatorade in the cup holder for Sundays but figured I wouldn't need it last night. I actually hadn't planned on racing after the 4th race but remembered I didn't have any seat time in the Amuse S2000 so I had to run it. That was the first time I have EVER driven that car.
I will be practicing the combos today around 2:00 pm est in D1. Anyone care to join me?

I'll be there.

For anyone looking for some cool SNAIL racing to participate in tonight, check out Standard Car Thursdays (also known as ESCarGoT, Every Standard Car Goes on Thursday, a tasty snail event). Turnout has been sort of low the last couple of weeks, lets see if we can fill the lounge up tonight!

Check out the thread for more info: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=263631

I'll also be here.
For anyone looking for some cool SNAIL racing to participate in tonight, check out Standard Car Thursdays (also known as ESCarGoT, Every Standard Car Goes on Thursday, a tasty snail event). Turnout has been sort of low the last couple of weeks, lets see if we can fill the lounge up tonight!

Check out the thread for more info: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=263631

I'll be there too, combos look like fun :) I'm going for the most obscure car that fits the bill ;)
I will be practicing the combos today around 2:00 pm est in D1. Anyone care to join me?

All 3 combos are new for me. I'll be there at 1:30 but will have to leave by 3.
Excellent!! Thanks so much for all the input!👍 While I have my work cut out for me, but the journey should be a fun one. They say patients is a virtue, so I shall be slowing it down and trying not to push it so hard and work all the advice into my training program! S.N.A.I.L.s ROCK!!
Excellent!! Thanks so much for all the input!👍 While I have my work cut out for me, but the journey should be a fun one. They say patients is a virtue, so I shall be slowing it down and trying not to push it so hard and work all the advice into my training program! S.N.A.I.L.s ROCK!!

I was one of the many that thought about returning my wheel 2-3 weeks after owning it. I felt that it had ruined the game for me because I was faster on the controller. I may not be that much faster with the wheel, I'm just more consistent and my hands don't hurt quite as much after a long race.
I was one of the many that thought about returning my wheel 2-3 weeks after owning it. I felt that it had ruined the game for me because I was faster on the controller. I may not be that much faster with the wheel, I'm just more consistent and my hands don't hurt quite as much after a long race.

And don't forget the immersion factor. You feel like you're driving (minus the gee's) 👍
LOL. Immersion factor indeed. I have a hard enough time navigating the XMB with my controller. Driving with one? No 🤬 way.
Yea, there is a *tad* bit of frustration but even if I never get any faster, the wheel makes it so much more fun. I have been playing GT since the first one came out on PS1 (Shows doesn't it!!) and I had always used the controller with RS tires and all the aids. I had to become a SNAIL to really start racing! Fun stuff and thanks to all of you for a renewed sense of purpose!!
Speaking of sucking, I need help. I seem to be getting worse and worse every week. I am not sure if it just the learning curve of going from DS3 to the wheel or what is actually going on. I practice as much as real life will allow and I am going back through all the license tests (and not moving on until I gold them all) and I am spending some time in the dirt to work on recovery skills, but I still feel like I am missing something. I hate the idea knowing that I am practicing my mistakes. If this were a motocross sim, I would have it all wired because I understand the physics much better. Cars, not so much. I would really appreciate any insight you all could give me and if anyone was willing to do a little tutoring? I just need a little confidence builder and I think the rest will follow naturally.

Thanks all!!

I use both my DS3 and wheel about 50% of the time. I'm not a wheel expert by a long shot but I think I can add something.

Shuffle rooms, try and find sub 380PP rooms. With so many different cars and tracks it helps you learn the "wheel" not the car or track combo.
I was talking about racing WITH a wheel, not sure where you were going?

I was attempting to allude to the fact that I'm fairly inept with a controller and have no need of factors regarding immersion to justify using a wheel. There was never any consideration on my part of playing the game with a controller. In fact, I only have a ps3 because my son got me hooked on gt5 from his setup and it was purchased with all the gear in the first line of my sig, all at the same time, last December.
I was attempting to allude to the fact that I'm fairly inept with a controller and have no need of factors regarding immersion to justify using a wheel. There was never any consideration on my part of playing the game with a controller. In fact, I only have a ps3 because my son got me hooked on gt5 from his setup and it was purchased with all the gear in the first line of my sig, all at the same time, last December.

An allusion that was an illusion to me :dopey:
Some pretty cars in the Online CAr Dealership this week.

I always love the lines of the '67 2000GT, the '68 Fairlady 2000, and the 240Z. Not quite sure they have the oomph for many courses, but they are nice to look at.
Gentlemen -
I have been called out of town on business for a few days - consequently I will not be able to join Div 5 on Sunday night. Sorry, but this one is unavoidable.
Enjoy the new combinations
Gentlemen -
I have been called out of town on business for a few days - consequently I will not be able to join Div 5 on Sunday night. Sorry, but this one is unavoidable.
Enjoy the new combinations

Thanks for letting us know TEX36, hope the business trip is profitable 👍
I use both my DS3 and wheel about 50% of the time. I'm not a wheel expert by a long shot but I think I can add something.

Shuffle rooms, try and find sub 380PP rooms. With so many different cars and tracks it helps you learn the "wheel" not the car or track combo.

Maybe we should come up with the S.N.A.I.L. top ten suggestions for learning how to drive better with the wheel:

1. The Jackie Stewart Approach. Drive a course at 30mph for one lap then 40 on the next then 50 and so on. And never get on the gas till you know that you will not need to lift off.