◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
hi guys, I'd like to join this league. Sharkie invited me a while back, but I'm busy studying often (chem is rough!) , so I'm not sure if I can make all the events. I was reading up on some of the off-night events like cat and mouse, and that sounds really fun.
do you guys keep track of points? I dont want to throw you off by missing races and whatnot...

Hey celicagt113!

The only points that are kept track of are for the Sunday nights races and they don't carry over week to week. The only affect they have is to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in Division 1 for awarding of prizes. They are also used to determine promotion and relegation between the three groups.

I'll add you to the drivers list in the Associate S.N.A.I.L.s group. If you can make a Sunday night, post in this thread at least 24 hours prior to race start and you'll be added to the Division 3 lineup.

PSN friend requests will be sent to you from SNAIL_Division1, SNAIL_Division2 and SNAIL_Division3. Their lounges are where we race Sunday night and hold our various events. Here's a breakdown of the ways we use the different lounges.

During the week we run a number of different events feel free to jump in and partake!

The original post also has a lot of information regarding the league, have a browse through it.

Welcome aboard and enjoy :)
Monday Mayhem has been updated for tonight. 2 hours of C&M. If we can get enough people in I'd like to try some more of the 3 man team play again.
Unfortunately, due to RL issues this weekend and my wheel going south during play (actually, its been an issue thats been coming on slowly for the past few months) last night, I wont be able to start my racing "series." But until my new wheel arrives, the only kind of racing I'll be able to do is C&M or dirty. Hopefully it gets here this week.
To the newer drivers or those who haven't tried it, I would like to give a shout out to the monday mayhem. I wouldn't call it therapeutic, but it is smile inducing and getting enough folks for 3 person teams makes it even better. 👍
...plus it brings about an entirely different sort of stress and excitement when compared to Sunday night.
I apologise to all in div 2 for the mayhem that was me using a wheel for the first time in actual anger :scared:

Deep Forest was by far the worst track for me with Trial Mountain being the best. On the plus side, I did get some nice shots of me losing it constantly :lol:

Yes, through turn 1 in the lead without going around 👍


Didn't last long and not what zer0 wanted to see happen right in front of him.



He was able to serenely drive off into the sunset though, lol


Zer0 seemed to love the reverse grid races....but bowler didn't make it easy for him. Despite having a moment on lap 1, he stormed back into contention for the win.



But decided to back off with threats of being demoted to div 5 for the rest of time by zer0 ;) (just kidding)


Ap and I had a good tustle going in the Amuse.


While out front, bowler was getting a bit of help :sly:

Good pics Tez. I needed one more lap in a couple of races to run down zero on the reverse grid starts. Overall, very close, competitive racing in D2 last night. I almost wish I could stay for another week or two.
That was me helping. I found myself doing that in a couple of different races last night. I was just fast enough to catch, but not fast enough to pass. Helping seemed to be the best compromise...

The hardest part was making sure I braked early enough to keep from pushing the leader all the way through the back of the turn!
@sharkie: great response. these are my favorite kind of post. :)

LOL Thank you Diabolic. It was a combination of 2 things.
  • Your funny & witty post regarding a fictional conversation with some beating a dead horse.
  • A SERIOUS lack of sleep.

Glad you liked it.
I don't know if anyone is actually interested in this, but here are the full results (fastest laps and all) from D3 last night.

Keep in mind, the points are preliminary. It is entirely possible that my math is wrong. There is also an outstanding protest that needs to be resolved.
I don't know if anyone is actually interested in this, but here are the full results (fastest laps and all) from D3 last night.

Keep in mind, the points are preliminary. It is entirely possible that my math is wrong. There is also an outstanding protest that needs to be resolved.

Nice! Thanks Vol!
Holy crap! I only have replays of the first two races, but all I can say is d1 is starting to get dirty! In those two replays I saw a lot of dive bombing, corner cutting, punting and just plain bad racecraft. remember guys, people are watching. The rules are out there, dont get yourself docked a race and mess up your chances are a good finish. Missing one races worth of points could be the difference between podium and getting relegated.

That said I want to be sure everyone realizes what the proper passing technique is. watch these. All of them, especially if your competing in D1. it is extremely bad conduct to late brake and jump down into the inside if someones lane while they are already going into a corner. If you are not next to (IE, front wheel lined up with the driver or better. then you must brake and get behind the lead car, allowing them the corner. At no point should you be fully behind a car going to a corner, try out braking them and dive boming their lane. If you bump someones rear going into a corner, you should not keep on going to pass them. And at no point should you take retaliation on the track. We now have a steward system in place. Read! This is how your grievance is to be handled. Not by trying to push someone off track at the end of a race.
If Im out of line on this, I degrees and I will edit this post. But I don't feel I am. There was some bad driving in the first two races. I hope it got better for the rest.
Garris thanks for the great D3 stats and your time as moderator, for our rag tag group. Also thks to Dabneyd for showing how to act after a racing incident.
Holy crap! I only have replays of the first two races, but all I can say is d1 is starting to get dirty! In those two replays I saw a lot of dive bombing, corner cutting, punting and just plain bad racecraft. remember guys, people are watching. The rules are out there, dont get yourself docked a race and mess up your chances are a good finish. Missing one races worth of points could be the difference between podium and getting relegated.

That said I want to be sure everyone realizes what the proper passing technique is. watch these. All of them, especially if your competing in D1. it is extremely bad conduct to late brake and jump down into the inside if someones lane while they are already going into a corner. If you are not next to (IE, front wheel lined up with the driver or better. then you must brake and get behind the lead car, allowing them the corner. At no point should you be fully behind a car going to a corner, try out braking them and dive boming their lane. If you bump someones rear going into a corner, you should not keep on going to pass them. And at no point should you take retaliation on the track. We now have a steward system in place. Read! This is how your grievance is to be handled. Not by trying to push someone off track at the end of a race.
If Im out of line on this, I degrees and I will edit this post. But I don't feel I am. There was some bad driving in the first two races. I hope it got better for the rest.


I agree Rally, infact even tho i have watched the 2nd race at Deep forest, i will go back and re-watch both races again. I know their was some "Dirty" racing going on last night, and I among other's saw this and were very displeased. There was one driver who was consistently dive-bombing every lap, and after the races he was called out by several people there.
Clean it up guys!
Hey celicagt113!

The only points that are kept track of are for the Sunday nights races and they don't carry over week to week. The only affect they have is to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in Division 1 for awarding of prizes. They are also used to determine promotion and relegation between the three groups.

I'll add you to the drivers list in the Associate S.N.A.I.L.s group. If you can make a Sunday night, post in this thread at least 24 hours prior to race start and you'll be added to the Division 3 lineup.

PSN friend requests will be sent to you from SNAIL_Division1, SNAIL_Division2 and SNAIL_Division3. Their lounges are where we race Sunday night and hold our various events. Here's a breakdown of the ways we use the different lounges.

During the week we run a number of different events feel free to jump in and partake!

The original post also has a lot of information regarding the league, have a browse through it.

Welcome aboard and enjoy :)

thanks! i'll see if i can make the sun/monday/friday events...
Ok, Im headed to the d3 lounge. games start at 10 EDT. I'll be there just playing around till then.
I may be a little scarce during the week for the evenings now that slo-pitch has started back up for the year.
Good evening all! First off I would like to apologize about my sloppy driving last night. I did the best I could to stay out of everyone's way but still made some unacceptable contact. I will try to do better next week. Although my results could have been better, last night was a real gas! It was a real treat to race with mature, like minded folks that really enjoy the racing environment. Kudos to all of you. I really learned a lot last night and have much to work on this week. I really need to work on tire conservation... By lap 5 in all 3 rounds it felt like I was driving on bananas! Among other things, my cars were not broke in proper but won't make that mistake again. Look forward to next week and hope I can post better results!!

Good evening all! First off I would like to apologize about my sloppy driving last night. I did the best I could to stay out of everyone's way but still made some unacceptable contact. I will try to do better next week. Although my results could have been better, last night was a real gas! It was a real treat to race with mature, like minded folks that really enjoy the racing environment. Kudos to all of you. I really learned a lot last night and have much to work on this week. I really need to work on tire conservation... By lap 5 in all 3 rounds it felt like I was driving on bananas! Among other things, my cars were not broke in proper but won't make that mistake again. Look forward to next week and hope I can post better results!!


Try Sharkie's/Mopars tutoring.:)👍 You won't be disappointed. Watch thier posts when school is in session. Learn it,Live it,Love it.
Try Sharkie's/Mopars tutoring.:)👍 You won't be disappointed. Watch thier posts when school is in session. Learn it,Live it,Love it.
I intend to! I got beat like a rented mule last night and had a blast! Can't wait until I can get to the front of the pack! (Santa Monica? Sweet... Grew up there and miss it tons!)
Monday Night Mayhem is HAPPENING NOW!!!!!

Free hats, cakes and gold chrome paints... well maybe not the chrome paints but.....

what about...




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