Hey Guys! Can someone loan me a 125 kart for Bowler's oval race tonight.
Mine is not broken in!
Thanks! psn AJK-VAIL
Well, I woulda sent the kart but it won't let me... DLC?
Call me newb.![]()
The Kart is DLC. Schmiggz correct me if I'm wrong but DLC cannot be sent to friends.
Look here!Skillz...DLC cars cant b sent to friends
Oh god my butt hurts. Left cheek specifically. I need a chair that's got a pad and, well you know not made for a five year old.
Zero, why don't you get us a hookup with a gaming chair company like you did the buttkickers?
Oops, the tie-breaker was not calculated properly. Yes, Screaming Chief is the winner of D5 and the results post as been corrected. However..
The bonus pole point for Round 1 was not awarded to anyone. If that went to you, then you won D5 outright and the tiebreaker rule isn't even necessary. I've awarded you the pole point and now your 77 points is one ahead of JJ's 76 points. Therefore, you're the winner of D5 and the Prize B winner as well. Congrats!
Any word on combos? I skimmed the thread but easy to miss a post.
Omg 6 hours of darkness on Le Mans.....
I'm 11 hours in and not a single drop.... yet... but... now I jinxed it so I'll be expecting it soonAny rain? When I did it, it rained all night. But I took over a week to do it. You're nuts.
Just a heads-up: if you haven't yet installed the latest PS3 update, I'd hold off for now.
DrKroninJust a heads-up: if you haven't yet installed the latest PS3 update, I'd hold off for now.
Just a heads-up: if you haven't yet installed the latest PS3 update, I'd hold off for now.
And for The Bandit, GO MAN GO!! we are all behind you in your 24 hour endeavors!! Tonight is gonna be long for you so here is a little something to keep you motivated!!
Great video link!
Keep it up, Bandit!
Thanks 6 hours left with a 27 lap(hour and a half) lead
Just a heads-up: if you haven't yet installed the latest PS3 update, I'd hold off for now.
As in PS3 firmware? I can't get to that link from work. Stupid filters anyway. Phone is to old and slow to load web sites over 3G. Any chance you could paste the text of that here? I updated GT5 when it popped but haven't checked for any PS3 updates in a while.
So how will that ever get patched if they get no functionality?
Looks like they pulled the update....