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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Schmiggz Slappin' da bass
Tex... you're just adorable You have no idea how much i would love to meet you in person... you and your lady love.
Cheers my good friend

Now wait a minute, I've known both Tex and Schimggy for a leat two years.
While Schimmy is a diamond in the rough, remember he operates heavy equipment, He has a great heart and is true family man!

As for Tex, he is as Schimmy said and much more, like Honest, Very Trustworthy, Respectful, Polite, well you get it!
Schimmy saying it that way takes nothing from either man especially once you get to know them both!!!!

I know we're all just playing around, but if kept this going we could start our own thread. *dramatic music* snails of our lives!

I hope everybody knows I love everybody and it's just brotherly love when I tease ya.
I know we're all just playing around, but if kept this going we could start our own thread. *dramatic music* snails of our lives!

I hope everybody knows I love everybody and it's just brotherly love when I tease ya.

We are All humans and we all have emotions it's not always needed to be related to Man vs. Women or Man vs Man it all about what you feel as a Human!

Tell me you never hug a friend!

I'd written a long post bringing up shining examples of racecraft in D3 last Sunday, no matter what the steward summary shows, thought I'd hit the post button, went to enter the D3 data (which, as far as I know is done now) came back to check the thread before heading to bed or practicing for SPEC or open wheel and discover that post was never sent. Knew I shoulda copied it out to a txt file... FML. :( :ouch::grumpy::irked::banghead:

Reckon it's fate it didn't. No telling how it woulda' been received.
We are All humans and we all have emotions it's not always needed to be related to Man vs. Women or Man vs Man it all about what you feel as a Human!

Tell me you never hug a friend!

Hey, a bro without a bro hug is no bro 👍

Thank you guys for all the fun last night but I have some bad news to the guys that stuck around for our "race" :sly: on the Eiger K Trail. Our voices were not recorded so all the "competitive" :sly: talk was lost. Game audio is still intact so I will be uploading the touge battles that took place. I will be uploading two today. One right now in the morning which should be up around 2:30 PM EST. and another one when I get back from a sporting event. I will NOT be able to keep up with the thread so if there are any questions PM me either on GTP or PSN. Thanks again for all the fun last night! 👍 :)

P.S. I will post on the thread where to find the link for the videos. 👍
Last night was awesome indeed. The racing was close the whole time and some epic battles were had. Thanks guys for a great night.
Good morning all! Just a reminder that I will not be racing tomorrow night. At the very least we will need someone to save replays and cover score keeping for the night. Thanks!
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Hey snails, I just made some of most significant changes to the weekly schedule in a long time.. Please check it out and let me know what you think. We have a new series coming on Wednesday now that the official practice night has been moved to Thursday. However, one of the things that remains the same is that there's still a gaping hole on Friday night. There have several ideas proposed, but none of them has been promoted enough or picked up enough steam to become official. Hopefully one of those ideas (or a new idea) will establish itself as the new Friday event soon. 👍
Just because I believe it needed to be said. I went through it again and re-typed it all up. For your consideration, amusement and derision.

Since D3 seems to have been the bulk of the Steward Summary the last few weeks, I feel compelled to point out some shining examples of gracious, gentlemanly driving. These examples are from Round 1 Race 1 from 04 August 2013. Since my skills at video editing are 50 times worse than my driving skills in GT5, which is to say, virtually non-existant, and I have no idea how to get a video from my TV/PS3 to a hosting site for such, I'll include time stamps and names. If you can get your hands on the replays and/or edit the video and post it up, be my guest.

0:19 - 0:32 - The entire 14 man crew gets through the hairpin on lap 1 without incident, even if Rally appeared to be driving an S2000 racecar. ;)

1:03 - I tap the wall on the left and scrub off more speed than I should, take a mid-wide line through, while schmiggz, whom I'm fully expecting to go shooting by, keeps it down low. How he didn't shoot past me before the sweeper, I have no idea.

1:12 - dragonwhisky, Wolfsatz, schmiggz, chatva and o10231994 are 3 wide and 3 deep heading in to the right sweeper. Little rubbing, a little ghosting, but no one lost control or gained a position from either and we all got through even though the running order did change.

1:22 - In the loop, o10231994 avoids hitting schmiggz by jumping out wide. There were some shenanigans after he went wide but I wanted to illustrate his effort to sacrifice his inside line for possible contact.

1:34 - Schmiggz thinks about a pass underneath Dragonwhisky, or maybe that's his normal line through the chicane, either way, from my view, it looked like the beginning of a pass attempt, but he lets it go and waits to see if I'll tank it.

1:37 - ONESPACE smacks the right wall coming out of the chicane. He keeps it over there, even going so far as to rub the wall a little more, loses 2 positions, but waits until he's back up to speed before joining the racing line. One of the best examples of a safe re-entry, on a track such as this, ever.

2:22 - Schmiggz gets a run on me on the back stretch, has more than sufficient overlap by turn in, I brake earlier than I normally would, mostly hoping he won't notice and overcook his entry and give me the spot back, he doesn't, but we both get through the turn without any drama and carry on.

2:46 - Thanks to a better exit and a little draft I get a run on schmiggz. While not, strictly speaking, having overlap by turn in, schmiggz is kind enough to not dive for the inside, I stay tight on the in side, schmiggz rides out the mid lane apex and we both get away with no contact and I have the position. I perfect example of gracious driving.

2:55 - Since I stayed to the right all the way down the straight schmiggz stays tight on my left rear quarter and when my poor entry to the loop helps me go wide, he squirts by underneath in a clean "I'll have that back, thank you" pass.

4:17 - Schmiggz catches a door on the right wall as he passes the apex, bounces off, gathers it back up and maintains his lateral position on the track, he knows I'm there and doesn't change his line at all and I go by safely on his right. Another bit of graciousness that is schmiggz.

7:41 - We've (schmiggz and I) caught tezgm99 and I've got a good run on him, have more than overlap on the right, but just like earlier with schmiggz, it's a poor entrance position, tez gives me room and literally outbrakes me as we go side by side through the kink to the right and into the loop. He stays low on his line, I stay out wide on mine and he takes the position back. Meanwhile, schmiggz is back there giggling, probably maniacally, that I tried that line, again, and thinks to take advantage, gives me a rub, which doesn't upset my car but it causes him to lose some momentum on the exit and I escape his clutches for a little while.

9:36 - I strike the right barrier on entrance to that thrice damned chicane, rub the wall on the way out, schmiggz lets me get squared away, I check the rear view to see which side he's gonna take me on, see he eases left then back to the right and I ease left and down the straight we go side by side.

9:58 - Since schmiggz has a nose in the lead by now I let out, again hoping he'll overcook the entry into the hairpin and I can slide by, he keeps it tight and right and we go on around. Now I'm pinning my hopes to get past him in the turn I seem to get a better exit than he usually does. By the time we get there I'm not close enough for a run to matter and he nails it as good or better than me and the race for 7th is essentially his. He teases me a little and goes a tad wide in the loop but it's not enough. He's better at the chicane than I so, unless something catastrophic happens to him or in front of him, 7th is all his.

All that might have sounded a bit like a shmiggz love fest. I will say I took the events I remembered from the race and focused my comments from them. I'm certain there were more battles elsewhere on the track and in other races, that were equally respectful and gracious. This is not to say there was not, less than exemplary racecraft in this race, but that isn't what this essay is about.

Now, I said all that to say this; That, was as much fun as I've ever had in a race. I'd much rather have a good clean battle for 7th, than run away with 1st, (even if that has it's own type of satisfaction, it's just not as much fun).

You can decide to give room to your brother SNAILs, whether they have corner rights or not, and you will get to race. Or, you can choose not to, and instead of racing you can spend your time ghosting, crashing, and, if you so decide, incident reporting. Rest assured, the Steward Corp will always look at the incidents reported and we will not hesitate to penalize whomever we determine is at fault, regardless of who made the report.

I'll close this little essay with the following axiom - "Race with Dignity, Race with Pace, Above All Else, Race with Grace"

Dragonwhisky Out.

Literally. I'm gonna take a nap now.
For anyone interested, I plan on holding a test run of the "Racecraft Training Ground" on monday. We will use this sundays combos for the trial run. I'll reply later with more details on the race and a time and room. To that end, anyone interested in participating, let me know what time works well for you. I personally prefer a 9 o' clock start. but I don't expect this to run much more then an hour.
Dragon, you definitely pulled a tear off my eyes. One of the great feelings a person can get is the the sense of being admired and respected for his effords to comply with the system he's included. I make some mistakes and drag some racers along with it but, i'm absolutely aware and clean conscience that none of them comes from careless driving or extreme greed.
Chatva, we developed a strange relationship with eachother. Strange because we never met but sometimes it feels we have been good neighbours for years. You're a great guy.
D3, do you guys want to open negotiations to start our races at 9.30 central?
Dragon, thanks so much for posting you commentary on good racecraft 👍

In our efforts to promote good racecraft we have a tendancy to emphasize our steward/penalty system as a deterrant to marginal racecraft.

We know good, clean racing happens in S.N.A.I.L. but don't often enough applaud it. :cheers:

I'm firing up the recorder shortly and will hopefully have it ready tonight :)
Okay SNAILs its time for the moment you have all been waiting for! My first video has uploaded of all the touge action last night. Follow the link below to view the video. Another one should be uploaded by 9 PM EST so stick around for that! Oh, and if you guys could show me some support by leaving a comment about what I can do to make the videos better that would be greatly appreciated. 👍

Dragon, thanks so much for posting you commentary on good racecraft 👍

In our efforts to promote good racecraft we have a tendancy to emphasize our steward/penalty system as a deterrant to marginal racecraft.

We know good, clean racing happens in S.N.A.I.L. but don't often enough applaud it. :cheers:

I'm firing up the recorder shortly and will hopefully have it ready tonight :)

I knew somebody had the equipment and knowledge to do this. Just isn't I.

Thanks 'cheeb. Looking forward to that edit.


Wouldn't 9:30 central be a half hour later than what we start now?
Just because I believe it needed to be said. I went through it again and re-typed it all up. For your consideration, amusement and derision.

Since D3 seems to have been the bulk of the Steward Summary the last few weeks, I feel compelled to point out some shining examples of gracious, gentlemanly driving. These examples are from Round 1 Race 1 from 04 August 2013. Since my skills at video editing are 50 times worse than my driving skills in GT5, which is to say, virtually non-existant, and I have no idea how to get a video from my TV/PS3 to a hosting site for such, I'll include time stamps and names. If you can get your hands on the replays and/or edit the video and post it up, be my guest.

0:19 - 0:32 - The entire 14 man crew gets through the hairpin on lap 1 without incident, even if Rally appeared to be driving an S2000 racecar. ;)

1:03 - I tap the wall on the left and scrub off more speed than I should, take a mid-wide line through, while schmiggz, whom I'm fully expecting to go shooting by, keeps it down low. How he didn't shoot past me before the sweeper, I have no idea.

1:12 - dragonwhisky, Wolfsatz, schmiggz, chatva and o10231994 are 3 wide and 3 deep heading in to the right sweeper. Little rubbing, a little ghosting, but no one lost control or gained a position from either and we all got through even though the running order did change.

1:22 - In the loop, o10231994 avoids hitting schmiggz by jumping out wide. There were some shenanigans after he went wide but I wanted to illustrate his effort to sacrifice his inside line for possible contact.

1:34 - Schmiggz thinks about a pass underneath Dragonwhisky, or maybe that's his normal line through the chicane, either way, from my view, it looked like the beginning of a pass attempt, but he lets it go and waits to see if I'll tank it.

1:37 - ONESPACE smacks the right wall coming out of the chicane. He keeps it over there, even going so far as to rub the wall a little more, loses 2 positions, but waits until he's back up to speed before joining the racing line. One of the best examples of a safe re-entry, on a track such as this, ever.

2:22 - Schmiggz gets a run on me on the back stretch, has more than sufficient overlap by turn in, I brake earlier than I normally would, mostly hoping he won't notice and overcook his entry and give me the spot back, he doesn't, but we both get through the turn without any drama and carry on.

2:46 - Thanks to a better exit and a little draft I get a run on schmiggz. While not, strictly speaking, having overlap by turn in, schmiggz is kind enough to not dive for the inside, I stay tight on the in side, schmiggz rides out the mid lane apex and we both get away with no contact and I have the position. I perfect example of gracious driving.

2:55 - Since I stayed to the right all the way down the straight schmiggz stays tight on my left rear quarter and when my poor entry to the loop helps me go wide, he squirts by underneath in a clean "I'll have that back, thank you" pass.

4:17 - Schmiggz catches a door on the right wall as he passes the apex, bounces off, gathers it back up and maintains his lateral position on the track, he knows I'm there and doesn't change his line at all and I go by safely on his right. Another bit of graciousness that is schmiggz.

7:41 - We've (schmiggz and I) caught tezgm99 and I've got a good run on him, have more than overlap on the right, but just like earlier with schmiggz, it's a poor entrance position, tez gives me room and literally outbrakes me as we go side by side through the kink to the right and into the loop. He stays low on his line, I stay out wide on mine and he takes the position back. Meanwhile, schmiggz is back there giggling, probably maniacally, that I tried that line, again, and thinks to take advantage, gives me a rub, which doesn't upset my car but it causes him to lose some momentum on the exit and I escape his clutches for a little while.

9:36 - I strike the right barrier on entrance to that thrice damned chicane, rub the wall on the way out, schmiggz lets me get squared away, I check the rear view to see which side he's gonna take me on, see he eases left then back to the right and I ease left and down the straight we go side by side.

9:58 - Since schmiggz has a nose in the lead by now I let out, again hoping he'll overcook the entry into the hairpin and I can slide by, he keeps it tight and right and we go on around. Now I'm pinning my hopes to get past him in the turn I seem to get a better exit than he usually does. By the time we get there I'm not close enough for a run to matter and he nails it as good or better than me and the race for 7th is essentially his. He teases me a little and goes a tad wide in the loop but it's not enough. He's better at the chicane than I so, unless something catastrophic happens to him or in front of him, 7th is all his.

All that might have sounded a bit like a shmiggz love fest. I will say I took the events I remembered from the race and focused my comments from them. I'm certain there were more battles elsewhere on the track and in other races, that were equally respectful and gracious. This is not to say there was not, less than exemplary racecraft in this race, but that isn't what this essay is about.

Now, I said all that to say this; That, was as much fun as I've ever had in a race. I'd much rather have a good clean battle for 7th, than run away with 1st, (even if that has it's own type of satisfaction, it's just not as much fun).

You can decide to give room to your brother SNAILs, whether they have corner rights or not, and you will get to race. Or, you can choose not to, and instead of racing you can spend your time ghosting, crashing, and, if you so decide, incident reporting. Rest assured, the Steward Corp will always look at the incidents reported and we will not hesitate to penalize whomever we determine is at fault, regardless of who made the report.

I'll close this little essay with the following axiom - "Race with Dignity, Race with Pace, Above All Else, Race with Grace"

Dragonwhisky Out.

Literally. I'm gonna take a nap now.

Dude, your so adorable, I totally adore all of your work and effort!
Now That's adorable!

I think you might need to eat more cow. Your apparent desire to use words applicable to kittens and puppies can be counteracted with iron and protein. :sly: ;) No more tofu or granola for you. ;)
So I've noticed that Friday doesn't have any series, but I also noticed that you usually do Touge battles, so why not make a series just for that, Friday would be Touge night. From the video DriftinAssassin uploaded to Youtube, the track looks pretty awesome and could be the one used Fridays (Can you share tracks? If yes I would love to have it, please), and other tracks if you don't want it to become too repetitive. To keep things competitive we can make some regulations like for example:
Being restricted to Sport Soft tires or lower.
Being restricted to weight reduction stage 1. .... Since Touge is about tuned street cars that can be used on day to day basis and not so much the super cars or race cars that don't even have carpeting on. Power would be divided in classes like up to 200 hp ... 200 - 280 hp and over 280 hp.... This is just an idea, feel free to change any or all the "rules" or simply ignore if you think this is dumb.
So I've noticed that Friday doesn't have any series, but I also noticed that you usually do Touge battles, so why not make a series just for that, Friday would be Touge night. From the video DriftinAssassin uploaded to Youtube, the track looks pretty awesome and could be the one used Fridays (Can you share tracks? If yes I would love to have it, please), and other tracks if you don't want it to become too repetitive. To keep things competitive we can make some regulations like for example:
Being restricted to Sport Soft tires or lower.
Being restricted to weight reduction stage 1. .... Since Touge is about tuned street cars that can be used on day to day basis and not so much the super cars or race cars that don't even have carpeting on. Power would be divided in classes like up to 200 hp ... 200 - 280 hp and over 280 hp.... This is just an idea, feel free to change any or all the "rules" or simply ignore if you think this is dumb.

I think my track is already on share so just sen me a friends request on PSN and you can have it. :) As for it being an event, I would support it. We had six people last night which isn't bad but it would probably be more fun with more people. Surely we can just do this every Friday without it being an official league event. 👍
Dragon, you definitely pulled a tear off my eyes. One of the great feelings a person can get is the the sense of being admired and respected for his effords to comply with the system he's included. I make some mistakes and drag some racers along with it but, i'm absolutely aware and clean conscience that none of them comes from careless driving or extreme greed.
Chatva, we developed a strange relationship with eachother. Strange because we never met but sometimes it feels we have been good neighbours for years. You're a great guy.
D3, do you guys want to open negotiations to start our races at 9.30 central?

Don't be a cry baby! ...Just Kidding! Sweet words Dragon and I agree with you about 7th!

vote one infavor for early start since I am also part of the 5 o'clock club!

mopar...how about in an hour?