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  • Thread starter zer05ive
The reason for not doing it through the whole grid is because its not necessary. Only the 1st place finishers get adjusted. o the rest don't need adjustment since they aren't winning prizes, they are just scored for standings. Adjusting 5 people is far easier than 50+-.

You are right it is not completely necessary. But it would allow someone in, say, 2nd place in D3 to compare his points with someone in 2nd place in D1 because they would be normalized across divisions.

But meh, probably too much work for little reward. Again, was just a thought.
I see you have no problem making it to the podium!

Congratulations on making it into the 100 podiums club!!!

Well done sir.

Thanks socal. It only took a year and a half but I did it.:crazy:
It looks like you and Oshawa joe are next in line to get it done.
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Yeah I've thought about that too. The 2nd races should have some multiplier attached to them, for example make it worth 0.75 the first race, or something like that.

My thought would be to make each step down in points in the first race 2 points instead of one (first race double points). But that would ruin the 100 point scale. Adjusting everyone for prize points during the races wouldn't mean much as the winner would stay the same, would really just complicate things. I'm a fan of the current prize point adjustment system, would not touch. But then again, if its not broke, break it to the point of no return
With respect to the adjusted points, they are calculated for each driver for each race. We only 'publish' the winners total as it's used for prizes.

There are two grids in the monthly sheet that we have your adjusted point total as a monthly ranking. As well as another grid for monthly adjusted point average.

We did this as the points are normalized across divisions and quickly show us who is doing well in each of the divisions. It's a good sanity check during promotion and relegation.

It would not be a difficult thing to show each nights adjusted points and sort across all divisions, per night and/or monthly total. A la the fast lap and total time grids.

If you scroll across to the right in the nightly division tabs, you'll see the adjusted points for each driver in each race, as well as the nights adjusted total.

If there's enough will, the way is easy :)
Anyone interested, I'll be opening a drift lobby in just a moment. Gotta whip me up a big jug o' punch. Some Jameson, a splash of lemon juice and a touch of sugar. Supposed to use hot water too, but thats for the women and children.
If you scroll across to the right in the nightly division tabs, you'll see the adjusted points for each driver in each race, as well as the nights adjusted total.

Nice, did not notice that. 👍 That results doc has so many goodies that I still haven't found :lol:

It would not be a difficult thing to show each nights adjusted points and sort across all divisions, per night and/or monthly total. A la the fast lap and total time grids.

You should make them more visible :)

IMO, those adjusted points are the ones that should be officially "published", since they not only normalize across divisions, but also allow you to compare points from week to week in a single division (since they would be normalized for grid size).

I thought it might be too tedious to calculate for everyone, but since you already have it done, why not.
The Pit Board

"I'm so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on tryin'
Till I reach my highest ground"

Higher Ground

"'Cause we all just made a pact
We've agreed to get together
Joined as children in Jah
When you're moving in the positive
Your destination is the brightest star"

Master Blaster.

It is amazing how much momentum random chaos can gain when it all comes together like a full room, in an open lobby, entering into the first turn. That is the Readers Digest of my last six weeks. If you haven't heard yet, in another example of my great wizardry with electronic devices, I had a momentary lapse of reason and blew away my GT5 save file. Like a fart in the wind, my copy of GT5 was now in the exact state it was in the day I took the wrapper off. When I had realized what I done, I was in total shock. I actually felt like I had been told a close friend had died. I have finished mourning my safe file and have moved on.

There are still a couple of thorns that I have yet to deal with. Leveling up in B-Spec is a priority because break in is a drag when you have to send Bob to the Sunday cup. I have started getting a new game put together and so far I have to say I am starting to enjoy it. I have only had an hour or two to work on it but I over 2mil in cabbage and level 19. I even ran a couple of seasonals down by 100pp. I did not win I managed a couple of 5ths and a 3rd or two. They paid handsomely! I still have all of the DLC so getting started wasn't as painful as it could have been. Handlebarman has been very kind in sharing his cars and pointing me towards the borrow glitch. (Thanks)

Ahhh... Good story... (not)... The point of the Stig and all of this is to back up you files. Do it NOW. I would bet that at least 60% or more of us do not have a current GT5 save file on a thumb drive. I do... now. Handlebar was kind enough to tell me that he had done the same thing last year. It could happen to anyone. It is a special kind of misery when it really sinks in that YEARS of GT5 progress and work are all gone. It really goes to show how much an influence a League3 like this can have. I have nuked other files over the years and was a little miffed but it was really no big deal. I just started over. I didn't care so much about the "game" part of GT5. It was knowing that I am going to miss out on racing with you guys that really killed me. I don't care who you are... S.N.A.I.L. Rocks.

I really have to thank everyone in the League. Putting up with all of my yakking week after week. I have said it before. The Pit Board was always supposed to be a way to get good information out about the League. I think it has been working. There are many more of us the refer to the Results Document and know a little more about what make the League tick. I also think that the chance you all gave me with this should also be shared. There are a lot of folks with something to say. There is still so much going on behind the scenes. I think the more everyone knows about how the League operates, the more of our members would be inclined to jump into the fire!

Over the past couple of weeks there has been much discussion about penalties, stewards racing complaints. I know most of us have a vague idea about what they do but know one knows it better than our Chief Steward, Dragonwhisky. The following is Dragons words and experiences after the racing is over. The above quotes are his as well!

* * * * * * *

"In my experience, almost 50 years now, there isn't a human alive that can be truly unbiased and purely impartial. We all react to what we see, based on our experience, mood at that moment, and our conviction to do what is right. Keep in mind, by "right" I mean from the individual's perspective, and no one else's. Our steward's forum is a perfect example of this "theory" in practical application. The way I've chosen to calculate penalties seems the fairest way to adjust for variations caused by an individual's experience, mood and conviction. We just need as many "opinions" as we can get, for the level of fairness to achieve "Justice".

My ideal, algorithm, if you will, is {3 unanimous (down to level and point) reviews = closed incident, 5 reviews where any differ = majority rules for penalty assessment and if penalty assessment is majority, all point values averaged and penalty level determined from average value, with 0 values counted in average calculation.} This is not to say we can't have more than 5 reviews and all reviews will be accounted for when calculating penalty level and point value. This system works best at a 5-7 reviews level. In the case of differing "opinions" an odd number must be achieved for a majority to rule. This has been the first week of Incident Reports where we've had more than 3 stewards reviewing the majority of reports and I can say, without equivocation, I was ecstatic with the response. We, in fact, had one incident from this past Sunday's batch, that hit terminal velocity and got 7 reviews.

From the end of racing on Sunday, to the point of the Steward Summary being posted, relies very heavily on the timely actions of every SNAIL member getting their reports to their Division Steward, each Replay Uploader making the data available for review, the Division Directors getting the data to the SNAIL Results document, as many Stewards as can, review and post their decisions, the results of the reviews are compiled, cogitated on and regurgitated as your Steward Summary for the Week. Once that hits the shelves, the League Directors get the results of all of this updated and posted so all the drivers can get down to what this league is all about. Racing. The cleaner we do it, the more of it we'll get to do."


* * * * * *​

How to Submit a Complaint

Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.
Chaos was the law of nature. Order was the dream of man.

Henry Adams

Just read the Pit Board, again. Great job Exo!
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Another great pit board exo! I hope your still enjoying building up your fleet of cars instead of moaping about every time you think of it(no moaping allowed :D )! I look forward to racing you tomorrow night!!!
Replay Uploaders and Stewards, Read This!

The SugarSync share is shutting down at midnight tonight! If you need access to replays, you need to PM me TODAY!
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I think I might be able to make it tomorrow. Have to see about getting and breaking in these cars, though. I should have the Elise and the ACR since we ran them before. I think I have an SP1, but I may need to get the Bobs on it.
I think I might be able to make it tomorrow. Have to see about getting and breaking in these cars, though. I should have the Elise and the ACR since we ran them before. I think I have an SP1, but I may need to get the Bobs on it.

Welcome back, Vol! Things aren't the same around here without you. :)

hey i just added the d1 account so i can practice w/ everyone. can whoever has those accept me? thx:)

I appreciate you sending the FR! Makes things easier. 👍

EDIT: FR accepted! :)
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Vol! Welcome back fella! How the hell have you been? Ready to take on the new blood? Lots of new guys here since you stepped out on a hiatus. The competition has definitively jumped up a click.
Round 1 is going to be 5 laps. With six the race ran 12 minutes; with 5, 9:55.

And while I'm near the top...

Replay Uploaders and Stewards, READ THIS!!!

The SugarSync share will be shutting down on Saturday! If you do not have access to the new Google Drive share, you will not have access to the replays!

Five laps at 9:55? You guys are doing laps under two minutes in Grand Valley with Lotus?
I thought it appropriate to post my 1000th post on the main S.N.A.I.L. thread. What a great year and a half it's been being associated with a bunch of awesome people. And a special shout out to all who put in a lot of their personal time to make it the best racing league on GTPlanet.:cheers:

I recently took advantage of the special discount that all Snails are receiving on the purchase of the ButtKicker Gamer 2 and wanted to post some pictures on how it sets up on my Playseat and how to take advantage of getting the full effect of the ButtKicker if you happen to own a PlaySeat.




What I did was I mounted the rubber isolators that you can purchase from ButtKicker to the entire PlaySeat. By doing this, I was hoping to also feel the ButtKicker through the pedals up to the steering wheel. OMG, I got more than I thought I was going to get. WoW:eek: Not only do you feel the seat shake when you go over the rubble strips and when you hit something, a wall, another car, ect, I also feel the engine and the imperfections on the racing surface.

Here's how I mounted it with the PlaySeat mounting kit you can purchase from ButtKicker.



The ButtKicker makes your Sim Racing experience a lot different and if you were thinking about getting one, DO IT! If you happen to win it, your going to be very happy:)

I also took advantage of the extra headphone output on the front of my PX5 to plug into the ButtKicker amp so I can mute my sound system and still be able to get the full effect of the ButtKicker, while being able to use my wireless headphones/mic. I'm using digital audio through my console/PX5, so I don't lose much, if any, of the audio effects. I tried it, first, with the splitter, through my subwoofer connection on my receiver and felt no difference either way.

I also purchased an new racing seat from Scat, here in Hawthorne, CA, about 5 miles from my house, as an upgrade to the seat that comes with Playseat, which is not all that comfortable. I had a fabricator friend of mine fabricate the new seat to the base, as the mounting holes in the Scat seat did not line up to the base.


I want to thank the powers to be for the opportunity to receive the discount and free shipping from ButtKicker.

Also, I want to thank ButtKicker and GranStand for being sponsors of this great league we call S.N.A.I.L.
I thought it appropriate to post my 1000th post on the main S.N.A.I.L. thread. What a great year and a half it's been being associated with a bunch of awesome people. And a special shout out to all who put in a lot of their personal time to make it the best racing league on GTPlanet.:cheers:

I recently took advantage of the special discount that all Snails are receiving on the purchase of the ButtKicker Gamer 2 and wanted to post some pictures on how it sets up on my Playseat and how to take advantage of getting the full effect of the ButtKicker if you happen to own a PlaySeat.




What I did was I mounted the rubber isolators that you can purchase from ButtKicker to the entire PlaySeat. By doing this, I was hoping to also feel the ButtKicker through the pedals up to the steering wheel. OMG, I got more than I thought I was going to get. WoW:eek: Not only do you feel the seat shake when you go over the rubble strips and when you hit something, a wall, another car, ect, I also feel the engine and the imperfections on the racing surface.

Here's how I mounted it with the PlaySeat mounting kit you can purchase from ButtKicker.



The ButtKicker makes your Sim Racing experience a lot different and if you were thinking about getting one, DO IT! If you happen to win it, your going to be very happy:)

I also took advantage of the extra headphone output on the front of my PX5 to plug into the ButtKicker amp so I can mute my sound system and still be able to get the full effect of the ButtKicker, while being able to use my wireless headphones/mic. I'm using digital audio through my console/PX5, so I don't lose much, if any, of the audio effects. I tried it, first, with the splitter, through my subwoofer connection on my receiver and felt no difference either way.

I also purchased an new racing seat from Scat, here in Hawthorne, CA, about 5 miles from my house, as an upgrade to the seat that comes with Playseat, which is not all that comfortable. I had a fabricator friend of mine fabricate the new seat to the base, as the mounting holes in the Scat seat did not line up to the base.


I want to thank the powers to be for the opportunity to receive the discount and free shipping from ButtKicker.

Also, I want to thank ButtKicker and GranStand for being sponsors of this great league we call S.N.A.I.L.

Just awesome rig! Pure Racing Sweetness! 👍👍👍
Can I join?

Hey amh1499,

Skills will be along shortly to give you the full welcome message. Please read it, there's all kinds of good information about S.N.A.I.L. in it 👍

In the mean time, please follow the instructions in the time trial post, then we'll get you set up to race.


I think I might be able to make it tomorrow. Have to see about getting and breaking in these cars, though. I should have the Elise and the ACR since we ran them before. I think I have an SP1, but I may need to get the Bobs on it.

Glad you can make it tomorrow Vol 👍

The Pit Board
Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.

Thanks again Exo for another stellar Pitboard 👍

I thought it appropriate to post my 1000th post on the main S.N.A.I.L. thread. What a great year and a half it's been being associated with a bunch of awesome people. And a special shout out to all who put in a lot of their personal time to make it the best racing league on GTPlanet.:cheers:

I recently took advantage of the special discount that all Snails are receiving on the purchase of the ButtKicker Gamer 2 and wanted to post some pictures on how it sets up on my Playseat and how to take advantage of getting the full effect of the ButtKicker if you happen to own a PlaySeat.

The ButtKicker makes your Sim Racing experience a lot different and if you were thinking about getting one, DO IT! If you happen to win it, your going to be very happy:)

I want to thank the powers to be for the opportunity to receive the discount and free shipping from ButtKicker.

Also, I want to thank ButtKicker and GranStand for being sponsors of this great league we call S.N.A.I.L.

Awesome stuff tcrash, thanks for posting the pics and happy 1000th post :D

Just got my email for GTA!!!!!!

Excellent, congrats dgaf95integra 👍 Good Luck