There could be more that would need to be looked at. At first glance, it appears to favor winning individual races over being consistent for the entire night.
That would be a step back, imho, if it turns out as Bowler suspects.
Mathematically, it is possible this system even favors winning a race and taking a minor penalty to do it over doing it clean, there is an incrementally larger reward in some cases.
I feel like I've debunked that suspicion by explaining how that happened in the second section of
this post. However, let me know if you disagree. If you want to look at it mathematically, let's break down the formula. I feel it speaks for itself:
16 - z(16/y) = points awarded
As you can see, 16 is divided by y. Nothing more, nothing less. This means that every driver receives their fair a proportionate amount or points based on where they finish the race. There are no other variables that put a premium on 1st place or even getting on the podium. If there were, there would be more to the formula. There simply isn't. The difference in points between 1st and 2nd place (the value of x) is identical to the difference between 14th place and 15th place. Simple as that. It's like Fox News news.. "Fair and Balanced"
EDIT: If anyone is wondering whether or not this formula favors winning over being consistent, simply look at
this post and go to this section:
Points awarded when 16 drivers in the race
y = 16
x = 16/y
x = 16/16
x = 1
z = number of positions behind the 1st place
16 - zx = points awarded
1st = 16 - 0x = 16
2nd = 16 - 1x = 15
3rd = 16 - 2x = 14
4th = 16 - 3x = 13
5th = 16 - 4x = 12
6th = 16 - 5x = 11
7th = 16 - 6x = 10
8th = 16 - 7x = 9
9th = 16 - 8x = 8
10th = 16 - 9x = 7
11th = 16 - 10x = 6
12th = 16 - 11x = 5
13th = 16 - 12x = 4
14th = 16 - 13x = 3
15th = 16 - 14x = 2
16th = 16 - 15x = 1 (last place always wins the value of x)
Is there anything disproportionate about the above points distribution? I would argue not. In fact, it's identical to our unadjusted points distribution, which is an indication to me that the formula does exactly what we'd want it to do. 👍
Because all the data got put out there for me to see and I had to look at it and try to flesh out any issues that might be there.
Because the 7th place finisher didn't "beat" anyone on the track. Just measuring on track performance, I would call that last place when you don't beat anyone that also finishes the race. That's part of the luck equation in racing. Sometimes you get a good finish without a good effort and sometimes you get a bad finish with good effort. It is racing after all.
You're bringing forth arguments that have nothing to do with this formula versus the current one. The validity of how well a driver
actually did if half the field disconnects could be argued under the current system as well. But more to the point, I don't think it matters if a driver achieves a given result based on on-track passes or based on other drivers not getting to the finish line. As you said, "it is racing after all." When F1, NASCAR, and Indycar etc start caring about whether drivers passed cars on the track or passed cars because other cars DNF'd, then I'll know the racing world has been flipped on it's head and and having this discussion would make more sense to me.