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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Here are the division champions for the August 2013 season:

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4

Division 5

Congratulations to all five of you! :cheers:
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SWEET! I got a GOLD STAR!:cheers:

Thanks, to everyone who noticed, and everyone in SNAIL for making this the only league that has competition for everyone. It truly is "one of a kind", thanks, in no small part, to the efforts of the league founders and all those who've pitched in to help out. :bowdown:

I've been off the "E" grid most of the weekend and, at the moment, is not looking like I will make the race grid this coming Sunday. Here's why.

Most of you know that OwensRacing built some custom mods for my Wheelstand Pro and the office chair I use for my sim rig. I've spent the last couple of weeks testing it out, made a couple of minor additions and decided this weekend would be as good a time as any to send it to paint. Jarvis wasn't around to do it all for me and before I felt comfortable painting anything I had to clean up about 2 years of accumulated dust, spiders and general all around grungieness of my garage.

This is what it looked like after I spent 2, 10-12 hour days vacuuming, sweeping, , re-sorting a few boxes of "stuff" and wiping down EVERYTHING.
Hopefully the panoramic shot shows up worth spit.

This morning, after getting up quite a bit later than I'd intended, I got the mods ready for paint.

After I had all the pieces broke down I sent them over to cleaning, and with a toothbrush, rag and some of this stuff,

I ended up with this;

Ready for primer. I'd only bought one can of the stuff from Autozone and the stupid thing stopped working after a little more than half was gone. Quick trip to WallyWorld and picked up 2 more cans. Tossed those cans to the painter and told him to get busy.

Got the main pieces all primered with 2 coats and spent some time prepping the small hardware items that will need paint as well. Good thing I bought 2 cans. Painter man went through one, finishing up the first and second coat on the big pieces and left us with one to do the little ones.

So here is where this project stands as of this writing.

All pieces have 2 coats of primer, my garage floor has a nice dusting of paint on it. According to the paint manufacturer's instructions, I missed my "window" to apply other coats and now I am waiting half the 48 hours they say it takes for the primer to cure before applying color coats. The small hardware items will get their coats tomorrow after work and once they're all dry and can be moved out of the "paint booth" I'll set up the big pieces for their color coats.

Since I'm going to, mostly, follow the manufacturers suggested dry times, it's unlikely that I'll make any race grids this week and improbable that I'll make Sunday's grids either.

You all have fun and keep it between the ditches.

On an official note: There are changes coming to the Incident Report system. Please stay tuned.
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Volunteers from every division are requested to help the Stewards with testing a new Incident Reporting and Review system.

The system is comprised of some seriously autoblackmagical components designed and built by kcheeb.

Part 1 is a new form we intend to use for drivers wishing to submit an Incident Report.
The autoblackmagical portion here consists of, once the report is submitted properly, the brooms start up and email the Division Steward, the driver the report is made against and Cc the reporting driver.

Part 2 is a spreadsheet the Stewards will use to track Incident Reports and Review scores.
This part's magic is that it will pull all the data from the submitted report and enter it for review by the stewards. The Stewards will then record their findings directly to this spreadsheet.

Part 3 Is where it all comes back out as the Steward Summary.

Please PM me if you wish to participate and help us test this system out, this coming Sunday.

Thank you.


There is now a survey available that all prospective SNAILs will be asked to take prior to beginning their career with S.N.A.I.L. The Steward Corp and S.N.A.I.L. Leadership highly recommends all current drivers spend the time necessary and strongly encourages all Division 3 drivers specifically, to complete this survey as soon as you can. Prior to this Sunday's racing would be preferable.

The survey can be found here


The people who score the highest win cake from Terronium12. Not really. He doesn't have any cake. He hasn't had cake in a long time. He said so here

Volunteers from every division are requested to help the Stewards with testing a new Incident Reporting and Review system.

The system is comprised of some seriously autoblackmagical components designed and built by kcheeb.

Part 1 is a new form we intend to use for drivers wishing to submit an Incident Report.
The autoblackmagical portion here consists of, once the report is submitted properly, the brooms start up and email the Division Steward, the driver the report is made against and Cc the reporting driver.

Part 2 is a spreadsheet the Stewards will use to track Incident Reports and Review scores.
This part's magic is that it will pull all the data from the submitted report and enter it for review by the stewards. The Stewards will then record their findings directly to this spreadsheet.

Part 3 Is where it all comes back out as the Steward Summary.

Please PM me if you wish to participate and help us test this system out, this coming Sunday.

Thank you.


There is now a survey available that all prospective SNAILs will be asked to take prior to beginning their career with S.N.A.I.L. The Steward Corp and S.N.A.I.L. Leadership highly recommends all current drivers spend the time necessary and strongly encourages all Division 3 drivers specifically, to complete this survey as soon as you can. Prior to this Sunday's racing would be preferable.

The survey can be found here


The people who score the highest win cake from Terronium12. Not really. He doesn't have any cake. He hasn't had cake in a long time. He said so here
Just took the survey. Great idea and I hope I did ok :nervous: Anyway love the idea. Great job guys, and I cant thank you guys enough for making this the best league around. 👍
Will be glad to participate in the Test this Sunday.
Cheeb, zer0, are we waiting on the stewards report for the division placement report?

Dragon, I'll have that survey done hopefully tonight. I'll lead the way for d3 (or d4 depending on the above). Btw, that rig, can't wait to see it finished! I've started collecting bits and pieces for my pvc rig. Stl debating if I'm going to build just a cockpit, or a whole work station much like obutto builds. Sitting in a new rig, it's kinda like getting into a new car.
Cheeb, zer0, are we waiting on the stewards report for the division placement report?

Dragon, I'll have that survey done hopefully tonight. I'll lead the way for d3 (or d4 depending on the above). Btw, that rig, can't wait to see it finished! I've started collecting bits and pieces for my pvc rig. Stl debating if I'm going to build just a cockpit, or a whole work station much like obutto builds. Sitting in a new rig, it's kinda like getting into a new car.

Just for you Rally. Take a peek at this.

And, Are the combos posted yet? ;) :crazy:

Thanks for taking the survey!

Starting the color coats tonight. Hope to have it all back together by this weekend. Will post up a Wolfsatz like pictorial when I get it back in service. The intent behind the mods was to first and foremost, make it heavier and more stable to allow for smoother steering inputs and more stability when I have to really saw at the wheel. Secondly, since the chair I use only goes so low, the relation to the pedals and wheel was more like driving a commercial truck than it was a sports car, let alone a race car or kart, so we raised it approximately 5" and made it adjustable front and back. Thirdly, to reposition the shifter in a more natural location. I found, on occasion, I would knock the shifter with my right hand and kick the car in to sequential shifter mode and out of gear or into another undesired gear, with the standard setup offered by Wheelstand Pro.

The mods also have the beauty of folding up, so the rig can be stowed in practically the same area as the stand would without the mods. It has the added benefit of, if I think of something to add or improve, I can make a phone call and probably get it ordered and made without much fuss.
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Your Steward Report for the Week

Race Date - 25 August 2013
Penalty Rate 90%​

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thanks to DrKronin, Chiochan, JLBowler, DabneyD and Oshawa Joe for their reviews this week. This was a tough batch of incidents and we're likely not done dealing with them.

Don't forget to put in your points for the TEAM SNAIL Contest.
If you don't recall this going on, send a PM to kcheeb and he should be able to fill you in on the details.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, just PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***

Thanks to all the stewards who reviewed incidents last week. Sorry for the delay on my part, but the results post has been updated.

D3 drivers, please remember to take this survey as soon as possible.
Not only are there changes occuring with the game and SNAIL, there also appears to be some wide ranging changes being made to GTPlanet. What little details there are can be found here.