S.N.A.I.L. Classifieds
The V.P. of H.R. dodged the pink slip last month, let's see if we can keep him employed for another
Help Wanted
Needed asap, Primary Division 5 Data Specialist. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to use GT5's proprietary video playback functionality. Basic spreadsheet, typing and math skills. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend 1 hour per week entering race data. You work well unsupervised and are committed to meeting deadlines. Video training available. Apply
here or
here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested
Needed asap, Backup Division 5 Video Uploader. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to export GT5 replays and transfer them to PC for zipping and uploading to the S.N.A.I.L. Google Docs data archive. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend a 1/2 hour per week saving and uploading replays. You work well unsupervised, are committed to meeting deadlines and able to attend most S.N.A.I.L. Sunday night races. Video training available. Apply
here or
here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested
Needed asap, Primary Division 4 Video Uploader. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to export GT5 replays and transfer them to PC for zipping and uploading to the S.N.A.I.L. Google Docs data archive. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend a 1/2 hour per week saving and uploading replays. You work well unsupervised, are committed to meeting deadlines and able to attend most S.N.A.I.L. Sunday night races. Video training available. Apply
here or
here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested
Needed asap, Primary Division 3 Data Specialist. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to use GT5's proprietary video playback functionality. Basic spreadsheet, typing and math skills. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend 1 hour per week entering race data. You work well unsupervised and are committed to meeting deadlines. Video training available. Apply
here or
here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested
Position filled, thanks tcrash 👍
Needed asap, Primary Division 2 Data Specialist. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to use GT5's proprietary video playback functionality. Basic spreadsheet, typing and math skills. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend 1 hour per week entering race data. You work well unsupervised and are committed to meeting deadlines. Video training available. Apply here, here or here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested 
Needed asap, Backup Division 2 Video Uploader. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to export GT5 replays and transfer them to PC for zipping and uploading to the S.N.A.I.L. Google Docs data archive. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend a 1/2 hour per week saving and uploading replays. You work well unsupervised, are committed to meeting deadlines and able to attend most S.N.A.I.L. Sunday night races. Video training available. Apply
here or
here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested
Join Team S.N.A.I.L. today and get in on the ground floor of S.N.A.I.L.enomics! $hells for S.N.A.I.L.s
Many hands make light work!
Thanks to bandit0627 for stepping up and becoming the D3 Race Director and Scorekeeper 👍