◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
"Detailed Results" question. Have not been able to see the Graphs portion of the Results for quite a while. Is there a setting I need to change? Just wondering.

Hey Tex,

I just loaded the Results Doc and the graphs on the Graphs tab showed up as did the graphs in the Monthly tab.

They did take quite a bit of time though.

If you can give it another look and let me know if you can see them or not, I'd appreciate it!

Cheeb, since bandit was promoted, you can slide me into primary host. 34 down 15ish up and a ping of 15 or less. Don't think people will mind.
Cheeb, since bandit was promoted, you can slide me into primary host. 34 down 15ish up and a ping of 15 or less. Don't think people will mind.

Good stuff, thanks Rally 👍 zer0 will get the roles updated when he can.

I have some work to do tonight to get any gaps in Division roles filled. Will be posting another S.N.A.I.L. Classified when my poop is sufficiently piled :lol:
Cheeb, since bandit was promoted, you can slide me into primary host. 34 down 15ish up and a ping of 15 or less. Don't think people will mind.

I don't mind being host either. current speeds are 125 up/75ish down and typical ping of around 5-10

Awwwwe Riiiiight! You guys freaking rock!! I had every intention of getting a "Help Wanted" post up tonight for a new D4 host. My connection has held it together in the past when Bandit was absent but not ideal.

We will miss those that have moved on but welcome the new D4 drivers. Just keep in mind that it IS D4. Dig out you Hawaiian shirts and ditch your time keeping devices this Sunday! (Cigarettes rolled into the sleeve of a white t-shirt and Duck tails are also acceptable)
I still need a invite from D4

Can you host / direct practice for REd room tonight? The usuals will not be hosting. I cannot make practice tonight either.

With that said, the SNAILIEN room also needs a host. Please let me know ASAP if you can and are willing to host.

Send PM with the room number and Ill post it at 9:45pm.
Can you host / direct practice for REd room tonight? The usuals will not be hosting. I cannot make practice tonight either.

With that said, the SNAILIEN room also needs a host. Please let me know ASAP if you can and are willing to host.

Send PM with the room number and Ill post it at 9:45pm.

Got the SNAILIEN Room covered. PM coming ASAP

ButtKicker Challenge Finalists, I've just sent you a PM. Please copy and paste the entire list of numbers below with your PSN ID added next to your picks:

01 - Owens
02 - Sandblazter
03 - Garagefather
04 - Sandblazter
05 - O10231994
06 - Nic-KL
07 - soundtiger95
08 - nmcp1
09 - hooker4
10 - O10231994
11 - Owens
12 - Garagefather
13 - TEX-36
14 - Sandblazter
15 - hooker4
16 - O10231994
18 - qwietstorm
19 - Sandblazter
20 - martin20az
21 - hooker4
22 - Nic-KL
23 - Owens
24 - Garagefather
25 - soundtiger95
26 -
27 - TEX-36
28 -
29 - qwietstorm
30 - hooker4
31 - nmcp1
32 - Garagefather
33 - Owens
34 - O10231994
35 -36 - TEX-36
38 - martin20az
39 - hooker4
40 -
41 -
42 - Sandblazter
43 -
44 - nmcp1
45 - Garagefather
46 - Nic-KL
47 - martin20az
48 -
49 - soundtiger95
51 -
52 - O10231994
53 -
54 - Nic-KL
55 - nmcp1
56 - hooker4
57 -
58 - martin20az
59 -
60 -
61 - Nic-KL
62 - qwietstorm
63 -
64 - Sandblazter
65 -
66 - soundtiger95
68 - nmcp1
69 - Owens
70 -
71 - Nic-KL
72 -
73 -
74 - qwietstorm
75 -
76 - Garagefather
77 - soundtiger95
78 -
79 - TEX-36
80 -
81 -
82 - Sandblazter
83 - nmcp1
84 -
85 - Owens
86 -
87 - Garagefather
88 - nmcp1
89 -
90 - hooker4
91 - soundtiger95
92 -
93 -
94 -
95 -
96 -
97 -
98 -
99 - Owens

Thanks Buttkicker!
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/\ please remove the quoted by deal. Makes it much easier for the next person to add their name. ;)


Mazda Roadster TC - 213HP / 484PP

GT by Citroën Road - 526HP / 575PP
Alright…so when I joined you Snails a year ago, I found out quickly that I wasn't ready for such a place. So I took many months off with plans to get better, well the time really never got put in… So I started back up a few months ago practicing with plans to improve my skill and rejoined the league. I now have 2 races under the belt. The 1st time out was a bit of a disaster, but was able to pull off some 3rd place finishes the second time out…made a few adjustments that seemed to work.

Based on this, I knew that I needed to do more to improve…so I figured why not leverage the data you guys work hard to capture to better understand how poorly I drive and begin building out a foundation of how much I need to improve.

The output attached is based on one weekend (8/25), but still gives a good baseline of who's fast and well…who's not so fast-yet. The results are average lap times (not fastest). If you didn't complete a minimum of one of each of the 3 races, you were dropped from the stats… I also created splits at every 2 seconds in lap time from fastest to slowest…or until there was a minimum of 4 splits to better understand how each Snail aligns to both split times and division.

Based on this I found some interesting facts…

(1) Overall the results show the league has done a great job keeping racers in the right division..even with all the posts over the past few weeks. As you review the slits, you will see the % of divers from Division 1 to 5 reduce or increase from fastest to slowest…pretty clean if you ask me.

(2) The average gap is 10 seconds between the fastest and slowest driver in the entire league…no matter what track…that's impressive. The gap of 10 seconds is no easy feat…but well, it is what it is…and shows that every second counts…

(3) I'm much slower than I anticipated…much, much, much slower….which is why I'm sharing this with everyone. I believe you will find some learnings in this to help improve your craft as well…

I look forward to learning more from you Snails as time goes on…I'm hooked on racing…this is a great league.



  • 201308125 SN Results.pdf
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S.N.A.I.L. Classifieds

The V.P. of H.R. dodged the pink slip last month, let's see if we can keep him employed for another :D

Help Wanted

Needed asap, Primary Division 5 Data Specialist. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to use GT5's proprietary video playback functionality. Basic spreadsheet, typing and math skills. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend 1 hour per week entering race data. You work well unsupervised and are committed to meeting deadlines. Video training available. Apply here, here or here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested ;)

Needed asap, Backup Division 5 Video Uploader. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to export GT5 replays and transfer them to PC for zipping and uploading to the S.N.A.I.L. Google Docs data archive. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend a 1/2 hour per week saving and uploading replays. You work well unsupervised, are committed to meeting deadlines and able to attend most S.N.A.I.L. Sunday night races. Video training available. Apply here, here or here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested ;)

Needed asap, Primary Division 4 Video Uploader. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to export GT5 replays and transfer them to PC for zipping and uploading to the S.N.A.I.L. Google Docs data archive. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend a 1/2 hour per week saving and uploading replays. You work well unsupervised, are committed to meeting deadlines and able to attend most S.N.A.I.L. Sunday night races. Video training available. Apply here, here or here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested ;)

Needed asap, Primary Division 3 Data Specialist. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to use GT5's proprietary video playback functionality. Basic spreadsheet, typing and math skills. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend 1 hour per week entering race data. You work well unsupervised and are committed to meeting deadlines. Video training available. Apply here, here or here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested ;)

Position filled, thanks tcrash 👍
Needed asap, Primary Division 2 Data Specialist. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to use GT5's proprietary video playback functionality. Basic spreadsheet, typing and math skills. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend 1 hour per week entering race data. You work well unsupervised and are committed to meeting deadlines. Video training available. Apply here, here or here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested ;)

Needed asap, Backup Division 2 Video Uploader. Skills needed, ability to use Gran Turismo 5 Replay Save during Sunday night races. Ability to export GT5 replays and transfer them to PC for zipping and uploading to the S.N.A.I.L. Google Docs data archive. You are a motivated and committed member of S.N.A.I.L. willing to spend a 1/2 hour per week saving and uploading replays. You work well unsupervised, are committed to meeting deadlines and able to attend most S.N.A.I.L. Sunday night races. Video training available. Apply here, here or here, remuneration negotiable. References may be requested ;)

Join Team S.N.A.I.L. today and get in on the ground floor of S.N.A.I.L.enomics! $hells for S.N.A.I.L.s

Many hands make light work!

Thanks to bandit0627 for stepping up and becoming the D3 Race Director and Scorekeeper 👍
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Alright…so when I joined you Snails a year ago, I found out quickly that I wasn't ready for such a place. So I took many months off with plans to get better, well the time really never got put in… So I started back up a few months ago practicing with plans to improve my skill and rejoined the league. I now have 2 races under the belt. The 1st time out was a bit of a disaster, but was able to pull off some 3rd place finishes the second time out…made a few adjustments that seemed to work.

Based on this, I knew that I needed to do more to improve…so I figured why not leverage the data you guys work hard to capture to better understand how poorly I drive and begin building out a foundation of how much I need to improve.

The output attached is based on one weekend (8/25), but still gives a good baseline of who's fast and well…who's not so fast-yet. The results are average lap times (not fastest). If you didn't complete a minimum of one of each of the 3 races, you were dropped from the stats… I also created splits at every 2 seconds in lap time from fastest to slowest…or until there was a minimum of 4 splits to better understand how each Snail aligns to both split times and division.

Based on this I found some interesting facts…

(1) Overall the results show the league has done a great job keeping racers in the right division..even with all the posts over the past few weeks. As you review the slits, you will see the % of divers from Division 1 to 5 reduce or increase from fastest to slowest…pretty clean if you ask me.

(2) The average gap is 10 seconds between the fastest and slowest driver in the entire league…no matter what track…that's impressive. The gap of 10 seconds is no easy feat…but well, it is what it is…and shows that every second counts…

(3) I'm much slower than I anticipated…much, much, much slower….which is why I'm sharing this with everyone. I believe you will find some learnings in this to help improve your craft as well…

I look forward to learning more from you Snails as time goes on…I'm hooked on racing…this is a great league.

nice graphs. What does it look like if you do the splits at 1% instead of a fixed number of seconds? For example split 1 would be everyone within 1% of the fastest time. Then the next split would be everyone within 1% of the fastest time in split 2. Just curious.
Alright…so when I joined you Snails a year ago, I found out quickly that I wasn't ready for such a place. So I took many months off with plans to get better, well the time really never got put in… So I started back up a few months ago practicing with plans to improve my skill and rejoined the league. I now have 2 races under the belt. The 1st time out was a bit of a disaster, but was able to pull off some 3rd place finishes the second time out…made a few adjustments that seemed to work.

Based on this, I knew that I needed to do more to improve…so I figured why not leverage the data you guys work hard to capture to better understand how poorly I drive and begin building out a foundation of how much I need to improve.

The output attached is based on one weekend (8/25), but still gives a good baseline of who's fast and well…who's not so fast-yet. The results are average lap times (not fastest). If you didn't complete a minimum of one of each of the 3 races, you were dropped from the stats… I also created splits at every 2 seconds in lap time from fastest to slowest…or until there was a minimum of 4 splits to better understand how each Snail aligns to both split times and division.

Based on this I found some interesting facts…

(1) Overall the results show the league has done a great job keeping racers in the right division..even with all the posts over the past few weeks. As you review the slits, you will see the % of divers from Division 1 to 5 reduce or increase from fastest to slowest…pretty clean if you ask me.

(2) The average gap is 10 seconds between the fastest and slowest driver in the entire league…no matter what track…that's impressive. The gap of 10 seconds is no easy feat…but well, it is what it is…and shows that every second counts…

(3) I'm much slower than I anticipated…much, much, much slower….which is why I'm sharing this with everyone. I believe you will find some learnings in this to help improve your craft as well…

I look forward to learning more from you Snails as time goes on…I'm hooked on racing…this is a great league.


Dude, that's so awesome 👍 Thanks for taking the time to put that together, it's really appreciated!

I need your ideas! If you have any thoughts or additions you'd like to see from the mountain of numbers we've collected, I'm all ears!


As was mentioned earlier, the Speed Secrets Series is good at laying the fundamentals out. Easy to understand and apply, so glad I read them (over and over again) 👍
nice graphs. What does it look like if you do the splits at 1% instead of a fixed number of seconds? For example split 1 would be everyone within 1% of the fastest time. Then the next split would be everyone within 1% of the fastest time in split 2. Just curious.

The splits would reduce down to 1.1 to 1.5 second splits. I didn't want to create overkill...but give some high-level guidance on where we stand. I can do more as the weeks progress...
Dude, that's so awesome 👍 Thanks for taking the time to put that together, it's really appreciated!

I need your ideas! If you have any thoughts or additions you'd like to see from the mountain of numbers we've collected, I'm all ears!


As was mentioned earlier, the Speed Secrets Series is good at laying the fundamentals out. Easy to understand and apply, so glad I read them (over and over again) 👍

No worries....will think of some ideas and let you know.

Thanks for the reminder on speed secrets....need to invest time in that next.
First thank you for those graphs.

I'd love to see those graphs after each week. Really allows the data to be read and understood with ease.

Then a monthly graph could be done and this would be idea for promotions / relegations purposes.

All requests for information have been sent via PM. If you are an active driver and have not received a PM from me regarding a request for information. Please let me know.

Thanks to all who have responded so far.

Current status of completion of this phase, by Division;

D1 - 41%
D2 - 50%
D3 - 67%
D4 - 39%
D5 - 38%
New SNAILs - 0%

League overall - 41%

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kcheeb - Thank you for mentioning the Ross Bentley books. Seems like they were mentioned earlier in the thread, but I couldn't find/remember the details. Just ordered the first book ........ "Racing 101", you might say. Look forward to reading, adjusting and improving (I hope).
kcheeb - Thank you for mentioning the Ross Bentley books. Seems like they were mentioned earlier in the thread, but I couldn't find/remember the details. Just ordered the first book ........ "Racing 101", you might say. Look forward to reading, adjusting and improving (I hope).

No problem Tex. If you apply the concepts he talks about, I have no doubt you'll improve.

I like to learn by reading how to do things, then trying them out and also watching people better than I. More times than I can count, I've had ah ha moments, where I could relate something that happened on track to what was said in the books. Cool stuff.