In options then utilitiesSaGaSpeedLabNoob question here but where do you clear system cache??
What room number??? It's 10:10pm
man had I been in all the races I would've wonzer05iveWow, we had a packed house tonight! Good thing I limited the number of participants in my lounge to 14, otherwise we would had had the default 16 participants, which would have created even more lag. With so many guys racing, we definitely got bit hard by the bug tonight, but here are the results:
1st: Diabolicwyvern -- selected Prize A
2nd: kcheeb --------- selected Prize B
3rd: whatbadgerseat - selected Prize C
4th: aDirtySpic-
5th: DjX2391
7th: jlbowler
8th: AG07WRXTR
9th: spooble
10th: GTsail2
11th: ckoerner210
12th: zer05ive
13th: cmbeal317
14th: dvdoughboy
The round that received the most elimination votes was:
Round 2 - BMW Concept 1 Series tii '07 @Trial Mountain Circuit / Reverse
Therefore it has been dropped from next week's line-up. Since Diabolicwyvern selected Prize A, he gets to decide which car and track will replace it.
The round that received the second most votes was:
Round 1 - Toyota 86 GT '12 @Nürburgring GP/F
Therefore, either the car or the track will be replaced for next week's line-up. kcheeb got Prize B, so he gets to decide which is replaced and what replaces it.
whatbadgerseat got Prize C, so he gets any car he wants (up to $999,999).
^^^It was the second race...I won the first race. Broke in spirit and 86 with b spec grand valley enduro. Left bmw as stock^^^
I might be confused kcheeb but don't you have to make you're choice on the 2nd most voted round? Which was the 86 GT at nurgburgring gp? Diabolic gets to change round 2s BMW/tm reverse completely correct? Correct me if I'm wrong please..
Lucky me cheeb you've got to change round 1.
I've not decided on the replacement yet for round two but for certain the car will be more powerful than the spirit...I'm ready to finish with a new car.
Yeah I wasn't there for the first race diabolic won that one and I'm sure he won the last three too lol, I didn't do anything to it lol I just love that track ask sagaspeedlab, on two seperate races I started off in 14th and won both lol on trial mountain though I started in 14th one race and diabolic stole it from me so I finished second on the second trial mountain run I started in 13th and kcheeb took advantage of my one slip up lol. The last run however I won. Some really fine racing it was pretty fun.jag302ciI agree with SaGa, I apologize for any harsh bumping as well due to jumpiness. I had a blast though. Oh and any gentle bumps, well rubbin' is racing right?
Zer05ive, you and I had a close last race, amazing, if you hadn't slipped up a couple of times on the last lap I would have never caught you. Darn the draft.
Also I'm curious, how many of you actually broke in your cars, or changed the oil or anything? I was so busy this week, I just signed on bought the cars and tires, and then it was time to race. Lots of fun though!
djx2391, what did you do to your Toyota 86 that first race? You were miles ahead.
awe cmon all those wins were deserveddiabolicwyvernI discount the first five races altogether. With the bug in the room even the two races I won were undeserved.
don't think we'd finish in a timely fashion if Nurb was in the lineup. Friday, though, we can run spec anything but lmps since they're not on the list. HINT HINT Kaz.
I won't shy from competition...I just get bored waiting for it to catch up!![]()
Sorry I could not made it back to the room, all my friends did not have the DLC and I decided to play with them.
Is this an ongoing league?
Can you join at any time?
Maybe we can have two separate lobbies going on at the same timezer05ive
Maybe we can have two separate lobbies going on at the same time
I'll have the new combination edited to this post by 1:00AM EST. I'm having trouble deciding between a few 500+ PP european cars...
Jeez zero you read my mind bro! I was just chatting with my gf over dinner telling her I want to host a Wednesday night league but geared towards the snail guys. Similar format and what not, intermediate drivers. I can't wait once a week for good racing like that! Anywho just blabbing away. I'd like to talk to ya more about it as I'd like to seek your help.