◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive

Video of the Week
S.N.A.I.L. Open Wheel Shout Out (7 - 16 - 13)


Photo of the Week
Photographer: JJLopez427​

Happy Friday fellow SNAILs! A huge thanks to dabneyd for the new Pit Board banner! I have been wanting one of these since I started. With all of the new banners coming out, this thread is going to really stand out. I just love it!

I decided to try a new opening format this week and I think it will be the norm for the Pit Board from now on. I hope you all like it. There has been quite a bit of work going on lately to stream live video from League night and other SNAIL events. There is also chatter about recording educational videos related to good race craft and racing sequences from some of our alien members. Check out the SNAIL YouTube Channel.

In the very near future, GTPlanet will be switching over to completely new software. From what I have read, the posting of photos is going to become much easier. We will still have to move them from our PS3s to our computers but once there, it is supposed to be a drag and drop affair. My hope is to encourage more SNAILs to get into the photo scene by adding the Photo of the Week. As they say, "A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words!"

We are without a doubt THE most professional racing organization in the history of the Gran Turismo series. With all of the shiny new banners, action packed and informative video and all of the creative photography, we are becoming just as beautiful on the outside as we always have been on the inside.

We are now four divisions. If you look at the statistics, there has always been fluctuations in grid numbers. In the past it always made sense to ride it out and stick with the five divisions. They always filled back up over time. There are several reasons our grids get smaller but I think this time the move to four divisions is the logical move. With real life, some of our crew going back to school along with other outside influences, our numbers were bound to shrink a little.

The release of GTA5 I am sure has a hand in it as well. I am not ashamed to admit that I am quite smitten with Rockstars new offering. I have played every version of the title since the first top down incarnation. In the past, I have always played the game the same way. It amazes me how much this League has influenced how I have approached the new game. It is all about the cars! Online SNAIL crews are going to be a boatload of fun and will really boost the social aspect of what we do. It opens up a whole new twist with what we can do as a League.

I have seen new threads poping up about others on GTPlanet getting together. Some interesting ideas as well. Dirt bike racing, off road clubs and the like. I can see many cruise clubs being formed. It was a real shame to see DBeav12s cruise club shut down. I was always interested but never had the time. I was thinking it would be awesome to get a group of SNAILs together online with GTA5 and do a bunch of Top Gear parodies. The thread could come up with the road trips, types of cars and the challenges. Our video team could record it and post on the thread. There are so many creative members here that I think some SNAIL GTA5 time could be a modern "Monday Night Mayhem!" And I would be willing to bet that if we looked hard enough there really might be a few hatcakes.

Wow, I guess that was a little off track. :dunce: The other factor is that we know when GT6 will launch. GT5 has been our home for so long but now the we have next title in sight, many are coming to grips with the fact that we are tired of the game. We have driven the wheels off of this round and it has been an epic run. Truth is that most of the GT fans shelved the game years ago. With out a doubt, if I had not discovered SNAIL, I would have shelved it a long time ago as well.

Once GT6 is out, all of the series fans will come out of retirement and all of us die hards will get a huge boost in our level of interest as well. I would be willing to wager a few $hells that by next summer we are running 6 divisions. I think we are heading into some very exciting times!!

Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.
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Your Steward Report for the Week

Race Date - 29 September 2013
Penalty Rate 20%​

Division 2 5 incidents on file
  • Round 2 - Race 1 - Level 1 - 3 points doubled to 6 for probation violation.
  • 2 Weeks Probation remain

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thanks to DrKronin & JLBowler for their reviews this week. :cheers:

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These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here.
***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, just PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***

Shamelessly plagiaristic Steward Recruitment plug follows.

If there's anyone else out there who would like to help enforce the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and promote good racecraft, I have three words for you..


  • Do you value clean racing so much that you're willing to help protect and promote it?
  • Are you looking for a way to give back to the league and join TEAM S.N.A.I.L.?
  • Do you think you might have what it takes to be a S.N.A.I.L. steward?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, please PM me! :)
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Primary Director:
Back Up Director: ExoSphere64 / Rallywagon

Primary Scorekeeper: Wolfsatz
Back Up Scorekeeper: ExoSphere64

Primary Host:
Back Up Host: FastFox400 / Tex36

Primary Data Specialist: ExoSphere64
Back Up Data Specialist: Dragonwhisky

Primary Replay Uploader: ExoSphere64
Back Up Replay Uploader:

Primary Photographer:
Back Up Photographer: Wolfsatz as time permits

* * * * * * * *​

Tex: If it is okay, I put you in as a back up host. My connection is not as good as yours and I have hosted a few times without any issues. If you would like to help out more, directing is pretty easy. All that needs to be done is set up the room and make changes in between races and make sure we aren't acting like a bunch of animals during qualifying. Let me know what you think.

FastFox: If it is okay with you, I have you in as a back up host. I know your plate is pretty full but when you do have a chance to race, your connection would be THE one to use.

Rally: You mentioned that you could direct but I don't want to heap to much on you since you will be attending to your video feeds. But if it is cool with you I would like to list you as a back up.

Wolf: If you have not received the link to the directors doc, PM me your email address and I will get it to you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

What we really need most at this point is a primary host with an above average HSI connection that races on a consistent basis. Just a few more other spots to fill. Just remember that members of Team SNAIL will have a steady income of $hells!! Again, this is just the preliminary list.
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anyone still up for some drifting? I'll be on in about 10, setting up my rig now. If no one posts I'll probably see what the lobbies are offering.
Parents tripped over Ethernet wire, so I'm just gonna call it a night, had fun with ya rally and DGA, Ashame we can't get a train going lol

The Pit Board never disappoints! Great job, Exo. Loving all the new ideas and the thoughtful perspective. 👍

As far as GTA V is concerned, I think it'd be great have something organized so that we can enjoy a game together other than GT5. And as OwensRacing mentioned, it would elevate the social aspect of our group. In the same way that playing team cat and mouse was so much fun, playing GTA V as a team would be an enjoyable change of pace since we'd actually be working together as a team (and not competing against each other). Of course, GTA V should never be the focus of our league, but I think a once-a-week or so gathering to perform coordinated missions together would be a riot!

I was actually going to start a GTA V S.N.A.I.L. Crew, but two things stopped me from pulling the trigger. First of all, I can't get online very often and when I do it's after the usual S.N.A.I.L. hours since I have to get my daughter to bed first. Therefore, I didn't think I should be the one who started the crew (aka the crew leader). Secondly (and this one's a bit more serious), I couldn't decide on what four letters we should use for our Crew Tag. The word "SNAIL" has five letters and removing any one of those letters forms an entirely different word (NAIL, SAIL, SNIL, SNAL, and SNAI are all no good IMO). In fact, it'd be better if we could get away with using only three letters (like SNL), but I don't think that's possible. Does anyone have any suggestions? I told you this was a serious problem! :sly:

Awesome Pit Board Exo! 👍 Love the Video/Photo of the week idea.

Me too! Maybe we could even borrow a page from the mothership and have a S.N.A.I.L. member of the week.. err month.. yeah.. member of the month! :D
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I use the SNail Racing SNR tag:


I'm very proud to be a member of this league.

Primary Director:
Back Up Director: ExoSphere64 / Rallywagon

Primary Scorekeeper: Wolfsatz
Back Up Scorekeeper: ExoSphere64

Primary Host:
Back Up Host: FastFox400 / Tex36

Primary Data Specialist: ExoSphere64
Back Up Data Specialist: Dragonwhisky

Primary Replay Uploader: ExoSphere64
Back Up Replay Uploader:

Primary Photographer:
Back Up Photographer: Wolfsatz as time permits

* * * * * * * *​

Tex: If it is okay, I put you in as a back up host. My connection is not as good as yours and I have hosted a few times without any issues. If you would like to help out more, directing is pretty easy. All that needs to be done is set up the room and make changes in between races and make sure we aren't acting like a bunch of animals during qualifying. Let me know what you think.

FastFox: If it is okay with you, I have you in as a back up host. I know your plate is pretty full but when you do have a chance to race, your connection would be THE one to use.

Rally: You mentioned that you could direct but I don't want to heap to much on you since you will be attending to your video feeds. But if it is cool with you I would like to list you as a back up.

Wolf: If you have not received the link to the directors doc, PM me your email address and I will get it to you. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

What we really need most at this point is a primary host with an above average HSI connection that races on a consistent basis. Just a few more other spots to fill. Just remember that members of Team SNAIL will have a steady income of $hells!! Again, this is just the preliminary list.

i'll be racing every sunday but will just tool around in the back on the ds3. i cant handle sawing on the wheel for 2 hrs. Hell i was wiped after the first race of the first combo @ practice.

Edit: Newest wireless test to seattle.
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Parents tripped over Ethernet wire, so I'm just gonna call it a night, had fun with ya rally and DGA, Ashame we can't get a train going lol
Takes practice man. I need to work on holding a solid drift again. It has been a long while since last time I really drifted. With a little work, we will be bumper to door in no time.
Now that the stewards have finished their reviews, I'd like to officially announce that the September 2013 season results are final. While a complete summary of the points standings can be found here, I wanted to highlight the division champions:

Division 1

Division 2

Division 3

Division 4

Division 5

Congratulations to all five of you! :cheers:
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Your Steward Report for the Week

Race Date - 29 September 2013
Penalty Rate 20%​

* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Thanks to DrKronin & JLBowler for their reviews this week. :cheers:

* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

Thanks Stewards for taking care of this weeks incidents 👍

The GranStand Points are now up to date.

S.N.A.I.L. September - October Challenge, presented by GranStand

Sim racing product discounts for S.N.A.I.L. members:

GranStand is offering a 10% discount to all S.N.A.I.L.s and a 15% Discount to members of Team S.N.A.I.L.

Take advantage of being a S.N.A.I.L. ;)
First Overall win and my first season championship. Trust me, it wasn't easy, skills was right there, same with tex and exo. If Harley would have stuck around, he would be the one that won the season for sure. Gonna miss racing with you guys. D3. I'm coming in with a new mind set. Can't wait for the fun, close battles that will take place. Gonna have to step up my consistency and focus.