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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Heh, naw... I am just one of the many moving parts that makes up the whole engine. Just a recent tune up is all!
Oh so your the new spark plugs, and coil packs. Got it..

Edit: Looks like i napped a TTOP..
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Ok Exo, I watched Owens video and already tested a room and I think I got everything straight. My only quastion is regarding qualifying time. Shall I make it enought for 2 or 3 laps?
Schmiggz here are the minutes needed to allow proper qaulifying time. Deep Forest should be 7 minutes, Apricot Hill should be 7 minutes, and Suzuka should be 7-8 minutes depending on lap times.

Combo 1 is 4 qaulifying laps
Combo 2 is 4 qualifying laps
Combo 3 is 3 qualifying laps
Schmiggz here are the minutes needed to allow proper qaulifying time. Deep Forest should be 7 minutes, Apricot Hill should be 7 minutes, and Suzuka should be 7-8 minutes depending on lap times.

Combo 1 is 4 qaulifying laps
Combo 2 is 4 qualifying laps
Combo 3 is 3 qualifying laps

K fastfox, thanks
D1 runs with penalties off. Everyone else runs with them on.

On a personal note, why is D1 still running with penalties off. It was an experiment and I don't feel there is any advantage gained by the league to have one division race with different track boundaries than everyone else. In my mind, the experiment should be scrapped and everyone should race on the same track.
What is your criteria for determining whether or not the experiment was a success or failure? The way I see it, D1 drivers voted almost unanimously to turn penalties off and so we did. Almost a year later, not a single one of them has expressed any regret with their choice or complained that they race with penalties off. In fact, today was the first time it was even brought up. Doesn't that seem like a successful experiment?
Lap times...who's got lap times for the new combos???

Late night practice for me tonight, looking for something to shoot for.
What is your criteria for determining whether or not the experiment was a success or failure? The way I see it, D1 drivers voted almost unanimously to turn penalties off and so we did. Almost a year later, not a single one of them has expressed any regret with their choice or complained that they race with penalties off. In fact, today was the first time it was even brought up. Doesn't that seem like a successful experiment?

I don't know about successful but we've recently had a rash of shortcut incident reports, some of them in D1. Admittedly, it was from a track that didn't enforce anything near what SNAIL shortcut policy is, but I'm still against D1 running with penalties off. I've always been of the mind that they should race like the rest of us. Being irritated over getting penalized for crossing a track boundary you know is there is really just, well....:rolleyes:

Lap times...who's got lap times for the new combos???

Late night practice for me tonight, looking for something to shoot for.

2:13s at Suzuka. S'all I remember from earlier. Ain't sayin' who put that down either, but it wasn't me.
What is your criteria for determining whether or not the experiment was a success or failure? The way I see it, D1 drivers voted almost unanimously to turn penalties off and so we did. Almost a year later, not a single one of them has expressed any regret with their choice or complained that they race with penalties off. In fact, today was the first time it was even brought up. Doesn't that seem like a successful experiment?

It may be find and dandy for those racing in D1 (who wouldn't like a more lenient track boundary) but how much sense does it make to have one division run with different rules for what is track and what is not? If it has been so wildly successful why hasn't it been implemented in all the other divisions? If it is a situation where it's six and one half dozen, they why not make it the same as the rest of S.N.A.I.L.?

I can think of two tracks off the top of my head that are very different because of the penalties being on or off. Deep Forest and all layouts of Fuji. When trying to compare data of lap times between divisions, you may as well throw out anything from at least these two tracks.
1:22.8's @ deep forest with the Subie
2:13.2's @ Suzuka with the Amuse
1:27.9's @ Apricot hill in the Stang.

Lap times...who's got lap times for the new combos???

Late night practice for me tonight, looking for something to shoot for.

I'll be opening a new room here in a couple of minutes.
Zero you don't honestly think the freed inmates would vote to reincarcerate themselves do you?

I talked about this ad nauseum a year ago...

I actually laughed out loud reading that.
My lap times with a ds3 are

Subaru 1:23.0
Mustang 1:28:2
Nismo 2:13:9

It's a shame my wheel broke a few weeks before GT6 release ugh.. Tomorrow will be fun.
I think with the massive influx of people lately, it has pushed all the divisions super close. I know of at least 3 other d3 guys running times like this :)

Like JoeW has said before ( a year ago?), you can throw a blanket over the bottom of D1 to the top of D3. I know from experience that the top third of D3 is insanely competitive.
Like JoeW has said before ( a year ago?), you can throw a blanket over the bottom of D1 to the top of D3. I know from experience that the top third of D3 is insanely competitive.
Also fastest laps don't always mean a win... A couple fast laps + a couple laps with mistakes = a mediocre overall time.
I don't know about successful but we've recently had a rash of shortcut incident reports, some of them in D1. Admittedly, it was from a track that didn't enforce anything near what SNAIL shortcut policy is, but I'm still against D1 running with penalties off. I've always been of the mind that they should race like the rest of us. Being irritated over getting penalized for crossing a track boundary you know is there is really just, well....:rolleyes:
It sounds like your objection has more to do with the fact that it's a different setting than what the rest of the league runs, rather than you believing that the setting itself is bad. Can you clarify?

It may be find and dandy for those racing in D1 (who wouldn't like a more lenient track boundary) but how much sense does it make to have one division run with different rules for what is track and what is not?
Track boundaries weren't the motivating factor behind turning penalties off in D1. It was the issues with ghosting, collision penalties, illogical shortcut penalties etc.

If it has been so wildly successful why hasn't it been implemented in all the other divisions? If it is a situation where it's six and one half dozen, they why not make it the same as the rest of S.N.A.I.L.?
Because it simply hasn't been brought up I guess. If D2 wanted to run without penalties too, I'd say put it up for a vote just like we did for D1. That being said, if it has been such a failure, why hasn't it even been a topic of conversation for almost a year? No complaints from the drivers and no complaints from the stewards regarding shortcutting (at least not when compared to other divisions that run with penalties on).

I can think of two tracks off the top of my head that are very different because of the penalties being on or off. Deep Forest and all layouts of Fuji. When trying to compare data of lap times between divisions, you may as well throw out anything from at least these two tracks.
Again, track boundariy inconsistencies are a non-issue. None of the questions about track boundaries in recent days (or ever that I can think of) has been caused because penalties are off in D1. Also, we don't compare lap times between divisions so much as we compare lap times between drivers. Being one of the two people in the league who has ever discussed Promotion and Relegation, I can assure you that the penalties on/off difference has never created any difficulties in determining who should be moved from D1 to D2 and vice versa. Movement between D1 and D2 can usually be made using points/results alone. And even if we were to use lap times, your suggestion that D1 drivers are using the lack of penalties to shortcut tracks more than other divisions isn't supported by any facts that I know of.
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Considering we have a large number of new racers, I'd like to put this out there again.

The S.N.A.I.L. OLR

07: Corner Rights:

When approaching the turn/apex of turn, the car which "holds" the inner side of turn has entrance-advantage and other driver(s) must refrain from endangering him by his actions.

You must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before they reach the corner’s turn-in point to have the right to drive up their inside, or to expect them to leave inside room for you. At least the front of your car should be up to the driver’s position in the ahead car. The ahead driver has the right to be fully committed to the racing line of their choice without any interference if there was no substantial overlap before he turned in.

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to sufficient side room. The ahead driver must also leave sufficient side room for the behind driver. This means that each driver has a right to their respective "line", or side of the track, right up to the exit point. Neither driver should squeeze the other toward the inside or outside of the corner during the apex or exit.

The turn in point is the point at which the leading car begins their turn into the corner–this may vary from the point at which you turn into the corner.

If an ahead driver has clearly made an error to warrant a passing move, a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. However, the overtaking driver must still avoid contact. Small errors by the ahead driver may not necessarily justify a passing move. The ahead driver getting a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to force a pass. You still have to pass safely and without undue contact.

Drivers are expected to set buttons up for side views as "I didn't see you" is not an excuse if you collide with another driver when racing.

The Good Racecraft Guide

Defending & Attacking
An experienced racer will take whatever line he feels necessary into any given corner in order to defend & maintain his place, he is entitled to do so as he has track position over the pursuing driver, remember that the fastest line is not always the winning one. It is the other chaps job to force him into an error, whilst still driving cleanly of course, or wait for one to occur naturally & then take advantage of it, albeit in the proper fashion. An inexperienced racer will, in his endless optimism, tend to stuff it up the inside at every unavailable opportunity when trying to pass, imagining he is driving well but making far too much contact & causing many unnecessary incidents. Also, some lacking in good racecraft tend to drive right up to & into the driver in front, as they do not have the common sense to adjust their throttle & braking to account for following in the slipstream of another. You will notice that drivers who have good racecraft make very little contact when following & passing others on track.

The following is from another forum -ukgpl.com. Same message, with pictures.

Corner Rights

If you watch the odd few GPL drivers in action you might think the rule for corner rights goes something like, " Whatever piece of ground I can barge my way into I have the right to ". Well, ... not so. There is actually an etiquette for corner rights. It's not just for GPL, or racing sims, but is basically the same for every level of real-world motor racing - from Formula Ford to Formula 1 and everything in between. " What ! ", you say. " You mean I don't have the right to throw my car into any gap I see ? ". Actually no, you don't - and if you raced in any real-world competition the way you may race in GPL, instead of being hailed as a motor racing genius you may find yourself banned from even the lowest levels of the sport. Some of the everyday things you see in GPL simply aren't tolerated where real cars are damaged, real money is the cost of repair, and real lives are at risk.

In brief, the concept is, you must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before a corner's turn-in point to have the right for room to be left for you by the ahead driver. Substantial overlap means at least that the front of your car is up to say the driver's position in the ahead car - and that's at the very least. You probably should have more in many circumstances. The ahead driver has ever right to be fully committed to the racing line of his choice without any interference if there was no overlap before he turned in.

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to room. The ahead driver can still battle for the place of course but must do so from a wider-out position, leaving room for the behind driver.

You can see here why overlap established after the turn-in point isn't really valid and therefore isn't honored in car racing rules. Its actually false overlap that's created by the turning movements of the cars. Its not due to one being faster than the other or one out-braking the other. In positions 1, 2, and 3, below, you can see that the Lotus has no overlap at all if you consider the straight ahead direction - shown by the blue lines. But if you take a perpendicular from the attitude of the cars, shown by the red lines, there is some overlap at position 2 and substantial overlap at position 3. This overlap is entirely false of course as the Lotus here hasn't actually out-braked or out-sped the Eagle by any amount what-so-ever - as I hope you can see form this diagram. Unfortunately many drivers think that if they do this they are some kind of out-braking genius, when in fact they are not out-preforming the other driver at all. Its a geometric illusion that has nothing to do with a driver's ability or performance. If they could really out-brake the other, they would have made some overlap before the turn-in point, not after it.

1 Before the turn-in point there's no overlap - therefore the Lotus has no right to room or to interfere with the Eagle's normal racing line in any way.

2 But, as often happens, the Lotus sees this empty zone along the inside and thinks they can zoom up into it, probably believing this to be the move of a talented racing genius.

3 Its possible to get apparent overlap after the turn-in point. The point is you shouldn't.

4 The Lotus may actually achieve their objective, forcing the Eagle out wide, who may actually not press the issue for the sake of not crashing - if they can.

5 But, if the Eagle doesn't back away, and holds their line, as they're entitled to do, this is what happens as often as not.
The issue is that the Eagle has the right to be fully committed to the racing line. In this case, the entire inside area ought to have been a no-go zone for the Lotus, who should have tucked in behind and followed the Eagle around. Of course, late braking barge drivers often end up in the hay bails, hopefully without taking you with them.
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The only "issue" I see with penalties on/off is that for mixed division practice rooms, those in D2 and lower might race in a room set up with D1 rules, follow D1 racers, watch replays of D1 laps, etc. in order to learn how to improve their own time. Then come Sunday night they might suddenly be penalized by GT6 for a move that was allowed in practice, on replays, etc. that they studied to try to emulate. That would be a legitimate reason to have penalty rules the same for all Divisions, in my opinion.
The only "issue" I see with penalties on/off is that for mixed division practice rooms, those in D2 and lower might race in a room set up with D1 rules, follow D1 racers, watch replays of D1 laps, etc. in order to learn how to improve their own time. Then come Sunday night they might suddenly be penalized by GT6 for a move that was allowed in practice, on replays, etc. that they studied to try to emulate. That would be a legitimate reason to have penalty rules the same for all Divisions, in my opinion.
Another option would for the divisions that race in the Blue Room to turn off penalties while the divisions that race in the Red Room to keep penalties on. Practice could then be evenly divided with each room using the same penalty setting that they use on Sunday night. That being said, I don't believe the issue you mentioned has ever been publicly confirmed to be an issue before. I'm not saying that it hasn't happened before, just saying that I don't think it's enough of an issue to mandate a policy change IMO. As I've said a couple time tonight, D1 has been racing with penalties off for almost a year and it has a non-issue (until today).
Another option would for the divisions that race in the Blue Room to turn off penalties while the divisions that race in the Red Room to keep penalties on. Practice could then be evenly divided with each room using the same penalty setting that they use on Sunday night. That being said, I don't believe the issue you mentioned has ever been publicly confirmed to be an issue before. I'm not saying that it hasn't happened before, just saying that I don't think it's enough of an issue to mandate a policy change IMO.
Fair enough. But then D1 racers in Blue will then be practicing with different rules than they would for the official race, so it wouldn't be a great practice for them. Also I can say that I did watch replays from Thursday's Blue Room, then went out to practice trying to follow the fastest drivers' lines in Deep Forest Reverse, which resulted in shortcut penalties for me.

I don't really have a strong desire for the policy to be one way or the other, I just wanted to throw an example out there where the difference between penalty rules in-game did confuse me when practicing, that's all. :)
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