If by resentment you mean I think you are a figurehead whose obvious hero worship of certain D1 members allows said members to make decisions for themselves...then you're right. When is the last time you made a decision that went against the opinion of certain outspoken longstanding D1 members?
So I'd say you most certainly do read the opinions of everyone on this thread...no doubt about it. But there is absolutely no way you'd do anything to draw the ire of your heroes. If even one of your heroes threatened to leave over any issue that came up, you'd cave in faster than I could type "puppet". To avoid appearing like a figurehead, why not just let them run their own separate SNAIL series instead of being one of many divisions in a series but having different rules than the rest?
I can't be bothered to actually fact check, but how often do you actually race in the league you founded? Word of mouth says very seldom. I'm not saying the McDonalds CEO needs to flip burgers to make proper informed decisions affecting the entire company but try watching a few episodes of Undercover Boss now and then.
You also like to point out how you have never heard of any issues within that division so why change it? If you made your own division rules, would you complain about it?
It doesn't take long to realize
why the decision was made to try turn penalties off in D1. It also doesn't take long to see why you're so bitter about it. You call it "hero worship" that we sided with an almost unanimous vote to turn penalties off. I call it sour grapes that the one person who didn't want them off is name-calling to this day because the decision didn't go in his favor.
I can call a spade a spade. Am I dick for it? Probably. But zero and I have never really seen eye to eye on anything. If he calls it resentment then I want to show him where my opinions stem from.
I have no problem calling any of these "Leaders" out on anything. Most people who agree with me don't really want to say anything publicly for "fear" of being lambasted. I've been through all that...so I really don't mind being drug through the public opinion ringer. People who really know me through racing and online racing chat really know what kind of guy I am.
I don't need my "like" button to be checked as that would associate someone with me. Calling me a "Coach" is a bit off I'd say. I never drove purposefully like a douche and then tried to blame it on everyone else.
I don't mind being the dick...just on my own merits
Actually calling you a "Coach" isn't as off as you think, at least not based on your comments above. If there was one thing that Coach did more than anything else, it was that he always talked about how many people supported him, but just didn't want to say anything anything out of fear.
It's all good Pyxen. we've never had issues before. I know it seems ridiculous for me to even be posting here because I haven't driven on Sunday much since they changed the start time...but I still at least buy the cars and have aspirations that something will happen on race night allowing me to participate one day.
I've had public issues with a couple of high profile people here. But
I don't have a reputation to tarnish by doing so. So I don't really mind throwing it out there when some of these old debates pop up
Isn't that the definition of a troll? I'm not saying that you are one, but if you read your last comments there, it almost sounds like that's what you're trying to be.

I think it'd be better if you actually cared about your reputation. I don't care if you always disagree with me, but when people on the internet start name-calling and stirring things up because they don't care about their reputation, that sounds a lot like trollhood IMO.
I'm not saying he doesn't put the time in or isn't respected. I just think his decision making history follows almost exactly a course placating certain people.
Wow. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. I don't know who these people are that you think I'm placating, but I
do know that there's only been one single person in the entire history of this league that has actually
asked to be placated - and that's
After your first night in the league, @
dabneyd filed a complaint on you and you got a minor penalty. However, you then proceeded to send me a PM stating that you wouldn't race with us again unless the penalty was lifted. For someone who has such a seemingly huge resentment of me placating people, I find it incredibly ironic that you're the
only person..the
only person..to have ever actually asked me to placate them! Makes me wonder if it's that you don't like when people are placated, or if it's just that you don't like it when
you are
not placated.
EDIT: To anyone wondering if I lifted the penalty, the answer is a resounding NO. I ignored his PM and actually made it a point to not even reply to it.