1) sorry for sticking the snoot in here as usual eavesdropping on the thread (can you blame me you have interesting conversations sometimes? And I'm hoping to get more information shared & maybe figure out this stuff

2) what is a "button press sound effect"? Is this a sound effect in the game or something you're describing or what? I haven't noticed this - but I don't know what it is I would've noticed if I did.
3) I've only noticed the 1st race glitch of... "puts the host on the way way way back of the grid for the first race" (that takes place in a new lobby). This has happened since... well since as long as I can remember doing the MMShuffle races - because we use RGO for that, not any qualifying at all.
Because of this, and because *I* of all people do NOT need that kind of a handicap

... I've always started doing a "reset" race, to fix it (on Madrid Mini - I just keep that as the track on the load save).
I found the other day, that I could also do the reset race ALONE, and it fixes it too - so if I get in the room early I can do it alone. And just set it on autopilot while I make preps (or coffee).
But... for the first time yesterday... and @
Chiochan I think can vouch for this... he asked if maybe the update fixed that... and we started the race... and not only did the host (me) wind up way way way back on the grid... but 2 other drivers wound up all the way around the corner way way back. Like several car lengths behind me - and I was way way way back on the grid. Which was actually new. Usually it was just me (the host) who would wind up way way back.
No problems in the next (1st official) race though, with the grid, so far as I noticed.
4) Today in @
CC570 's VCRC event we had the room lock up at the end of the race at the results screen after one of the races.
NOT black screen - I mean it was the results screen... and it was like the autopilot in the background was speeded up, if that makes sense? Running too fast. Well faster than those cars - untuned Bluebird rally car & R8 Gordini... should've run on autopilot on Eiger dirt.

We were able to go to the ps3 screen & msg each other on psn while this occurred. Well I was still in the room when I was doing the messaging (I just assumed the others were too.)
Eventually it told me I was disconnected from the server. After being stuck in the results screen for a long, long time.
I have no idea if cc570 forced his game closed & he was the host and maybe it was fixed... I don't know, he'd have to specify what happened on his end, because I didn't ask, and we didn't really discuss it beyond "PD is being silly again" & just continued racing where we left off (when cc570 made a new room)
I also have no recollection if anyone entered the room during the race. Someone could have randomly entered the room.
I know someone did during some race, but I don't remember if that was the one. Maybe someone else there remembers if it happened during that particular race.
5) Yesterday's MMShuffle lobby was totally flunky dubious in general. I very much suspected it had something to do with the recent update getting things all akimbo or something.
We just had more invisible car problems than usual. There were also reports of intermittent
small & brief lag bomb drops in at least 2 of the races. Ironically - not at Daytona SS - but we managed to have a race incident anyway, so go figure, but someone got disconnected at the start of the Daytona race.
We also seemed to have the room locking up on the track loading screen after I'd do the settings... But we had a couple of spots open for awhile so there were random people showing up. And I wound up having to kick a few people.
6) Speaking of kicking people... I really hate that you can't kick people when the room is stuck. In gt5, if the room was stuck on track loading, the host could still kick people. Not so anymore, it also freezes your ability to kick.
Somewhat unrelated - I also hate the fact that you can't kick someone once the countdown has started to start the race. Which means I have to be pretty aggressive about kicking random people who show up and fail to get into the proper car. I can't trust that they'll just spectate, in other words.
Anyhow... sorry for kind of venting here with walls of text. But I was hoping someone else would maybe benefit from this info, or maybe have something to share with me regarding it.