dang, got disconnected
maybe my PS3 is telling me to call it a night, thanks for letting me have a go with you guys, it was fun....and sorry to anyone I collected, haven't done the online thing before and was trying to get out of the way as quick as possible![]()
Well again, had a blast last Sunday. I think I'll be around this Sunday night but if that changes I'll let you all know.
For those who got a good laugh at my blue tooth headset troubles, I'm happy to say I have another one, and it's on the "Approved List" of headsets. Haven't tried it yet, but will on Sunday. Look forward to it.
No worries about getting disconnected. Thanks for joining us in the first place? Are you going to be about to participate in league night on Sunday?
Now what do we do for comic relief Sunday night![]()
After giving it some thought, I've decided to cancel this Sunday's league night. A few of you have already said you can't make it due to the Super Bowl, and pretty much all of us will be watching it anyways. I don't want to put anyone in a position where they have to rush home from a Super Bowl party or miss the end of the game (or a potential overtime) in order to make the races on time.
Also, since Division 1 will have ten drivers, we currently don't have enough drivers to fill up Division 2. We could split the divisions into eight drivers each, but I'd prefer not to do that. Pushing the first divisional races on week will give us time to recruit more snails to fill the Division 2 grid. Sorry to disappoint, but good things come to those who wait! 👍
Good call! Now everyone has no reason not to root for the Pats. 👍
I root for the end of double negatives. Spent 15 minutes with the jag and oh what fun.
pitchingblackGood call! Now everyone has no reason not to root for the Pats. 👍
dimitri finds out it's friday! it's friday! diabolic friday!
Spent 15 minutes with the jag and oh what fun.
You must be driving it wrong! Or I just love the subtle drifts in the corners that I'm ignoring its faults. I ran a handful of laps with sports hard...down to 1'52 that popped on the racing softs for one lap and it felt the same...albeit ten seconds faster.
...There's a little rise during a slight left turn and then a hard right and then down the hill. If you wait to brake till after the rise, good chance you'll be coming in 'hot' into the right hander, brake a little too early and you have to speed up to get to the corner, miss it by a little bit and your hands are full![]()
I brake up the hill on that left hander...throttle back on till a quick hard brake for right hander. That section combined with next two penultimate corners always split the pack.
I ran a handful of laps with sports hard...down to 1'52 that popped on the racing softs for one lap and it felt the same...albeit ten seconds faster.
Lobby information for tonight is in post 485. Room limited to 10. First come first to race.
this may be asking a lot but is it possible for folks to confirm whether or not they'll be racing tonight?
I'm wiling to wait got snails if I know they're on the way but if its more than 10 min. after I will start things up