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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Awesome parity races tonight! I decided to make the switch from chase cam to bumper cam and tonight was my first real racing with it. I made contact with other cars a lot more than I usually do, but I think most of it was very slight. I'm still learning where the invisible edges of my car are.

I agree. Tonight's parity racing was the shizzle! In fact, I believe we set an all-time attendance record for the series. At one point there were 15 drivers in there! With so many drivers and so many skill levels, it was awesome to see so much close racing going on. I personally was locked in heated battles for position for the entirety of every single race! There was simply no let-up in the intensity, which was awesome! 👍

btw Vol, I felt like the staggered entrance system was seamless and didn't cause any unnecessary delay. Everything seems to flow similarly to weeks past. Great job hosting, as always.

I do remember smacking Goat pretty good when he spun in front of me, but I didn't concede the position because it was his mistake that caused the contact. Is that correct?

That's correct. If you hit him because he had already lost control, then you don't need to concede the position. While we're on the topic of conceding position, I watched all of the replays and need to apologize to dabneyd for contact in lap 2 of the last race of the night (after Vol left). I took Turn 2 too fast and bounced off the inside wall heading into Turn 3. Unfortunately, I ricocheted right into dabneyd and pushed him wide. I didn't gain a position from it, but the contact prevented him from making a pass, so in hindsight, I probably should have conceded the position anyways. Sorry about that, dabneyd. :guilty:

Also, on the very next lap, I attempted an inside pass on leadbedr at Turn 6. After watching the replay, I felt like I was pretty much even with him as we entered the turn. I did my best to stay on the inside line, but there was contact between us nonetheless and it caused him to go wide and into the wall. Sorry about that, leadbedr. Hopefully, you didn't feel like that was a divebomb, but let me know if you did. Even if it wasn't, it might not have been the best idea to try a pass on such a narrow, high-speed turn. :crazy:
Spooble, you were right, since I put a 17 foot road block in front of you. Sorry about that and i'm glad you weren't to affected to bad. My driver suffered minor injuries, and is in the Hospital if anyone cares to visit.
I kind of have mixed feelings about last night.

Add to the fact that I live in North Carolina, and I'm pretty well disgusted today.

To the racing...

The first race, at Laguna Seca, was probably the best for me, which is sad. I was too slow to make a pass, but at 475, the GT S was faster than the Challenger infront of me, so I could keep up. Still, for six laps, i stayed clean and didn't have a single off (just missed some apexes and such).

The second race started well enough. I felt we got through the first chicane cleanly enough. My car had more power and I was able to move up through the field. I was punted off at the second chicane, though.

On lap two, I was punted off at the second chicane.

On lap three, I was punted off at the second chicane. But it was a moot point by then. I had gotten to the middle of the field and thought that I could probably move up some more. But lap three was the first lap where I was approaching the first chicane with no one infront of me. I went too late and overshot. I didn't get into the wall, just had to stop and let all the cars by me because I was off the line, on the green paint.

The rest of the race was just miserable. I messed up the second chicane on lap four and was just pissed the rest of the race.

The third race started well enough. I was on the second row with as much PP as I could get, and pulled an early lead. Since I am epically slow through the corners (trying really hard not to wreck) people passed me. Every set of corners, there were cars piling up behind me, trying to get by. I think some of them even had accidents trying not to hit me because I was going so damned slow.

I could pull away on the straight, just to frustrate them on the next set of corners. I felt horrible, and even though I was always with other cars, I just felt like everyone would have more fun if I were out of the way.

I don't remember most of the fourth race. I don't remember why I did so poorly there. I do remember the start. I moved up through the group from the launch and was behind Nic as we were going into the first corner. All of a sudden he just launched off the track. It was a big lag spike somewhere, and it look like he had been hit hard.

Or ignited some JATO rockets.

I was so busy looking at him, that I missed the turn in and went wide. I stayed on track, but after turn two, the only person behind me was Nic, who was limping back onto the the track from the beach.

The staggered entrance worked well enough. It was a little slow. It took us about ten minutes each time. I'm still trying to think of ways to make it a little faster. Like how to announce what in what order.

Give me a little while and I'll make sure everyone can see the results from last night.
Spooble, you were right, since I put a 17 foot road block in front of you. Sorry about that and i'm glad you weren't to affected to bad. My driver suffered minor injuries, and is in the Hospital if anyone cares to visit.

Sorry to hear that Goat, I can't make the trip but ...

I drove like crap last night, lost count of how many people I punted. It was like my left foot was asleep. I couldn't brake to save my life. Made some bad decisions too, I can't remember giving that many places back in a night before.

But I still has fun :D

Thanks for hosting garris 👍
Wednesday Night Practice Session
Open Lobby tonight.

tcrash will be host, as his ISP provides him with superior service 👍

We'll be running one race of each of the combos, 5 ish minutes of qualifying at each track.

We'll finish the night off with some shuffle races with track voted on.

Hope to see you tonight.
I could pull away on the straight, just to frustrate them on the next set of corners. I felt horrible, and even though I was always with other cars, I just felt like everyone would have more fun if I were out of the way.

I can't speak for everyone, but isn't this what's enjoyable about racing in general and Parity Racing specifically? It's the battles for position that make racing fun. Otherwise it's just hot-lapping, no?
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Prize B, where are yoooouuuu?

Anybody home? esh?

Going with track...


Also, put me down as not here this weekend though there's a good chance I will make it. Going out of town and may not be back until late Sunday. I will however definitely not be here Memorial Day weekend as I'm sure a lot of others won't be either.
I can't speak for everyone, but isn't this what's enjoyable about racing in general and Parity Racing specifically? It's that battles for position that make racing fun. Otherwise it's just hot-lapping, no?


I love being pressured and putting pressure on. I think diabolic said, I seldom pass anyone, I wait for them to make a mistake.

Being pressured give me the opportunity to test my focus, I don't always pass :lol:

Putting pressure on is fun, because you make passing feints and see how the person in front reacts. It helps you determine where you may be able to pass.

The more I race and learn, the more I get a rush from it.
I'm with Zero! I love being in the mix. Trading some paint, rubbing tires, bump drafting on the straights, constantly putting on the pressure going into corners, protecting the line and your position. That's what good racing is all about!
Going with track...


Also, put me down as not here this weekend though there's a good chance I will make it. Going out of town and may not be back until late Sunday. I will however definitely not be here Memorial Day weekend as I'm sure a lot of others won't be either.

Nice, no car to break in 👍

Thanks esh.
Hey Devious, do you get down on other Racing sims? or anyone else that uses a g27? I ask cause Im curious if the clutch sucks because of the wheel itself or if GT5 implemented it horribly.
Well, we have the Rx8. man I miss that car. That was a fun car to drive. Better then my crossfire was, and that car I thought was great too.
Oh man. Tight racing at Tsukuba and Eiger this week.

Two weeks ago we were chicane happy. Now it's all about the hairpins!

Vol: I was one of the guys behind you at Nürb. That was a great race. It wasn't frustrating to be behind you through the corners. It was frustrating to think that I'd taken a good run on you through one only to watch you slip away on the straights! Seemed the parity numbers were pretty good at that point.

Furthermore: Have you considered using the parity numbers that end one week to start the next? I realize the cars and situations change, but it might decrease the first couple of races' sorting out, and keep it tighter all night. Since things are fluid throughout the night, anyway, you don't have to worry about being in the wrong spot for long.
Agreed! I remember hounding Dude (I think) for like 3 laps on Nurb. I kept getting a run on him, but just couldn't find a spot to pass. I was expecting him to make a mistake eventually, but he had ice in his veins! I finally got a good run on him on the last lap. I had pulled along his right side just as we were going through the right hand sweeper before the last chicane. Since I was using the bumper cam, I wasn't sure where he was, so I went as far right as I could over the rumble strip to leave him room. Well, I ended up going a little too far right, my wheels hit the grass, the car rotated a bit, I over-corrected, and ended up jumping left across the track and into Dude's fender. I cried a little and gave the spot back. :)
There's enough of them in the game for us to drive a new one each week for months :)
Mazda must have had a nice deal with PD, cause they do have like 500 versions of each road going car huh? even the 68 Cosmo L10a, b, whatever. That rotary spaceship has more iterations then any other old car.
Agreed! I remember hounding Dude (I think) for like 3 laps on Nurb. I kept getting a run on him, but just couldn't find a spot to pass. I was expecting him to make a mistake eventually, but he had ice in his veins! I finally got a good run on him on the last lap. I had pulled along his right side just as we were going through the right hand sweeper before the last chicane. Since I was using the bumper cam, I wasn't sure where he was, so I went as far right as I could over the rumble strip to leave him room. Well, I ended up going a little too far right, my wheels hit the grass, the car rotated a bit, I over-corrected, and ended up jumping left onto the track and into Dude's fender. I cried a little and gave the spot back. :)

I remember thinking, "Oh, he's gonna go for it, focus!... Wait, why is he in the grass?" :lol:

I was going to just stay left and wait for you to brake late for the chicane after drafting me, but having a 1700kg car seemed to work just as well. :sly: