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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I just remembered something and was able to find a reference to it.

@zer05ive Isn't a driver only allowed to win prize A and B once in the course of a month?

I found it posted here in a results post and I don't recall it ever being changed from this. This would mean, since fizzer won prize B last week, that this weeks prize B would be opened to suggestions and voting from those who raced in D1.
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I just remembered something and was able to find a reference to it.

Isn't a driver only allowed to win prize A and B once in the course of a month?

I found it posted here in a results post and I don't recall it ever being changed from this. This would mean, since fizzer won prize B last week, that this weeks prize B would be opened to suggestions and voting from those who raced in D1.

BAM! Lawyered!
I guess I just don't get all the complaining. We all have our preferences, but as was stated earlier, the prize winner earned the right to pick what they want. Being relatively new still, when I won a couple weeks ago, I enlisted some help from those I trusted.

I see it as an opportunity to become better at something I'm not good at or something that doesn't suit my style. Work through it the best you can and you'll become a better racer for it.

I just remembered something and was able to find a reference to it.

Isn't a driver only allowed to win prize A and B once in the course of a month?

I found it posted here in a results post and I don't recall it ever being changed from this. This would mean, since fizzer won prize B last week, that this weeks prize B would be opened to suggestions and voting from those who raced in D1.

As for this, I find it hard to believe we could enforce this, given it's not listed anywhere, except in that post, from 1200 pages ago.
I guess I just don't get all the complaining. We all have our preferences, but as was stated earlier, the prize winner earned the right to pick what they want. Being relatively new still, when I won a couple weeks ago, I enlisted some help from those I trusted.

I see it as an opportunity to become better at something I'm not good at or something that doesn't suit my style. Work through it the best you can and you'll become a better racer for it.

As for this, I find it hard to believe we could enforce this, given it's not listed anywhere, except in that post, from 1200 pages ago.

It's in that post, the next weeks results post and any other results post that came after it that had a winner of the same prize twice in a month. It was actually a change to the policy that any given division could only win the same prize once in a month. It has been used multiple times over the history of S.N.A.I.L. and I'm pretty sure the only reason it wasn't used this time was a simple oversight.
So...it's all about you.

Now we know a little more about you without having to meet you in person ;)

Yep, I'll fill you in some more :) I'm a pretty hard-core libertarian and part of my beliefs are that success should be rewarded. I also believe that society is best served when individuals exercise maximum freedom to their own benefit without infringing upon the freedom of others. Blah, blah, capitalist economic theories blah blah. I think the pick/voting system is quite compatible with my beliefs.

Not trying to start any political debates, but I'm sure my wold view plays into what I choose to do with MY prize ;)

Assuming of course I don't get it stripped on a technicality :lol:
My motivation for picking the Autumn Ring last week was 1 - ensure the red bull gets voted off, and 2 - while suffering through the car, at least be at a track that wasn't boring to me to drive (aka limited straights).

I think this shows a lack of respect to the league. You have basically said that you chose a combo you knew the 100 people in the league would not like. There are plenty of tracks that the Jr could have been run at that would of been fun. Instead you chose a track that meant you (and others) would have to "suffer through the car".

I hope your car choice for Ascari will not be a choice that makes me and others suffer through the car or the track.

I know that the choice is yours (unless JL is right and he usually is) but this league is for the enjoyment of all and surely one of the highest achievements is choosing a combination that both you and the league enjoy! Why not set that as your goal.
The most recent reference I can find to the driver not being able to win the same prize more than once in a season is post # 39336 (Nov. 25, 2013) which I have copy/pasted here for everyone's ease of use. I also cleaned up some of the extra stuff you get when you copy/paste quote boxes and extra format stuff. Anyone can look up the post if they would like to see it in it's original state.

fastfox400 said
Whats happens when the prize winners have already won the same prize 2 weeks in a row?

zer05ive said
Good catch! Not only can they not with the same prize two week in a row, they can't win the same prize within the same season.

JLBowler said
If they have won the same prize multiple times in one season then everyone that raced in that division on that night is allowed to make one suggestion and the prize winner makes a pick from that list.

zer05ive said
This is spot on. I'll update the results post as soon as possible.


The ruling was not put into effect here because it was soon after this post determined that the two weeks in question covered two different monthly seasons.
I kind of agree with @fizzer 's choice last week. The Red Bull is a terrible car for simulation racing (IMO) and needed to go. And with the "freeze" he was forced to keep the stupid Junior car for the next week. So why not pick a combo that ensures that the car will finally go while still being fun to drive (despite not leading to close racing)? We were forced to suffer through the Red Bull for another week by whoever chose the "freeze", and I honestly can't think of a track where the Red Bull isn't a POS. The Red Bull is a POS everywhere because it's a fake car with fake grip and fake handling/brakes/etc.
I liked your post flatlines, on the grounds that fizzer did what he thought best, within the framework he was given to work with. I still love that car.

I think this shows a lack of respect to the league. You have basically said that you chose a combo you knew the 100 people in the league would not like. There are plenty of tracks that the Jr could have been run at that would of been fun. Instead you chose a track that meant you (and others) would have to "suffer through the car".

I hope your car choice for Ascari will not be a choice that makes me and others suffer through the car or the track.

I know that the choice is yours (unless JL is right and he usually is) but this league is for the enjoyment of all and surely one of the highest achievements is choosing a combination that both you and the league enjoy! Why not set that as your goal.

I don't see it as a lack of respect at all. Its not like one bad combo can ruin an entire night, season, whatever. I was stuck with the redbull, which I don't think makes for great racing at any track, so I chose accordingly.
If we do remove @fizzer as the prize B, that would mean that the true top 2 scorers would not be picking prize A and the next in line for the B can't pick either.

1- @GranStand Bill is ineligible being from the WC division
2- @deaconblues82 is ineligible for being too new
3- @fizzer is ineligible for being too consistent
The most recent reference I can find to the driver not being able to win the same prize more than once in a season is post # 39336 (Nov. 25, 2013) which I have copy/pasted here for everyone's ease of use. I also cleaned up some of the extra stuff you get when you copy/paste quote boxes and extra format stuff. Anyone can look up the post if they would like to see it in it's original state.

fastfox400 said
Whats happens when the prize winners have already won the same prize 2 weeks in a row?

zer05ive said
Good catch! Not only can they not with the same prize two week in a row, they can't win the same prize within the same season.

JLBowler said
If they have won the same prize multiple times in one season then everyone that raced in that division on that night is allowed to make one suggestion and the prize winner makes a pick from that list.

zer05ive said
This is spot on. I'll update the results post as soon as possible.


The ruling was not put into effect here because it was soon after this post determined that the two weeks in question covered two different monthly seasons.

I certainly will respect whatever decision is made by the directors, but the rules really need to be updated in post 1 to avoid any future ambiguity.

While we're getting all lawyer-ey though, I would point out that technically I won prize C this week, so an argument could be that I have not won the same prize multiple times in the season and as such should still be eligible to be bumped up to prize B ;)
Yep, I'll fill you in some more :) I'm a pretty hard-core libertarian and part of my beliefs are that success should be rewarded. I also believe that society is best served when individuals exercise maximum freedom to their own benefit without infringing upon the freedom of others. Blah, blah, capitalist economic theories blah blah. I think the pick/voting system is quite compatible with my beliefs.

Not trying to start any political debates, but I'm sure my wold view plays into what I choose to do with MY prize ;)

Assuming of course I don't get it stripped on a technicality :lol:
Selfishness isn't a political view.

But you sure know how to dress it up :)

Btw...these new Taco Bell XXL steak tacos are delicious. Extra fire sauce...just sayin...
FYI, I am VERY excited to have this opertunity to pick a new COMBO. Please stand by. Info coming later to night.
Don't screw it up or I swear I will collect every penalty point available in the universe to make your life miserable :)

Just kiddin :)

Or am I?


Great effin run Sunday....apparently you practiced...which is illegal.
Selfishness isn't a political view.

But you sure know how to dress it up :)

Btw...these new Taco Bell XXL steak tacos are delicious. Extra fire sauce...just sayin...

Agreed, its just a symptom. I'll be the first to admit I can be quite selfish, but it doesn't mean that I'm not altruistic sometimes as well.

Thanks, now I'm hungry.
If I may just clarify this a bit.. The Prize B winner can't wait to see what Prize C will do with freeze play before choosing which prize to pick. He can either choose to accept Prize C's freeze no matter what or he can choose to steal Prize C instead (and thus effectively swap the power of the Prize B and Prize C winners). I'll work on rewording prize descriptions to make them less confusing. I'd probably start by removing the description of Prize C from the Prize B text, and just state the option to steal Prize C there (while keeping the "freeze" description/link under Price C only).

now can you translate that in common language my 7 year old can understand? :confused:

Edit: @JLBowler Didn't mean to offend, the "teaching a lesson" thing was just me joking around. Really I'm keeping Ascari because A - that's what the prize C winner wanted, and B I enjoy driving it.

and D, you are totally entitled to it. :dopey:

The first lap at Ascari I hated hated hated the combo. By Friday practice I was truly enjoying it, and the track may not be 1 mile wide, but there are opportunities to pass if set up properly; perhaps I like it because I love the Nurburgring Nordschleife which is a highly technical track (why people don't complaint about La Sarthe?) it sure is as skinny as the Nord. One thing is for sure, I makes you a better driver either way, hot lapping or racing.
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Holy crap, I'm confused:confused:

Haha me too.

I'll reiterate just in case things get further shuffled:

I'm forgoing whatever prize I ultimately end up with this week since I will not be available to race Sunday. Don't want to subject the group to anything I won't be a part of as well.

That being said, it wouldn't be a bad idea to try Ascari with a 2nd car before it (potentially) disappears for a long, long time.

Regardless, you guys will have fun!
Prize B, by making a pick to change one part of the combo, effectively freezes the other part and "steals" the freeze away from Prize C. Prize B can elect to wait for the Prize C to "freeze" one part of the combo and once Prize C has done so, can change the unfrozen part of the combo.

Clear as mud now @Wolfsatz ?
Prize B, by making a pick to change one part of the combo, effectively freezes the other part and "steals" the freeze away from Prize C. Prize B can elect to wait for the Prize C to "freeze" one part of the combo and once Prize C has done so, can change the unfrozen part of the combo.

Clear as mud now @Wolfsatz ?

I don't think that's quite right is it?

As I understand zer05ives post:
1. Prize winners are announced. Lets call them A, B, and C.
2. Before C announces freeze, B either chooses to freeze (giving prize B to C), or chooses to accept C's freeze.
3. Prize B winner makes pick (could be either C or B, based on B's choice above).
4. Forum floods with healthy debate about prize pick ethics.
5. ...
6. Profit?
Prize B, by making a pick to change one part of the combo, effectively freezes the other part and "steals" the freeze away from Prize C. Prize B can elect to wait for the Prize C to "freeze" one part of the combo and once Prize C has done so, can change the unfrozen part of the combo.

Clear as mud now @Wolfsatz ?

I think it's like this. You have to think of the prize winners as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The 1st prize winner gets prize A. The 2nd prize winner gets his choice of prize B or he can "steal" prize C. The 3rd prize winner gets whatever is left. Whatever happens between the 2nd and 3rd prize winners, prize C has to be used before prize B can be used.

None of the below is to be considered official in any way.

For this week, Xrad is the 1st prize winner and has prize A. Fizzer is the 2nd prize winner but is not eligible to win prize B so his options are to "steal" prize C and freeze one part of the combo or keep prize B which would open it up to suggestions from those who drove in D1 and fizzer would have to make a choice from those suggestions. Rockhound is the 3rd prize winner and needs to wait for fizzer to make his choice between prize B and C now that fizzer knows what both options really entail. Whoever ends up with prize C will need to freeze one half of the combo.

When @Handlebar gets to this, hopefully we will have a resolution quickly and picks can be made.

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