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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Man! I had some catching up to do on post reading:crazy:

I just wanted to make a comment regarding the posts made about practice last night and practice night in general. I used to host practice night but stopped, honestly, not because I couldn't, it was because it was getting more chaotic than I liked so I pretty much started practicing on my own or with a few people.

Reading those posts kind of hurts me. I remember when practice wasn't a Sunday night race but a chance to race with better racers and they would give you pointers, race with you, let you race in front of them while giving you pointers, let you race behind them and watch their line, talk with you, wait up for you if you go off or spin and then continue. I'm not saying that everyone should do that but it would be nice if some did. I just want to say to the faster drivers, us slower people respect how fast you are. And I'm not just talking about D1, I'm taking about ALL faster drivers, take some time out, in practice and give someone that might be struggling some pointers. I'm not being bias because he is a friend but we can all learn a lesson from AJKVail. He's not the fastest racer but he is faster then others and he takes the time to race with someone who asks or if he sees someone struggling. I know a lot of you now what I'm talking about. I sure learned from that.

Look, I know practice night is to practice for the real race on Sunday. I know. I just think that we shouldn't not take practice so seriously and have FUN. I'm sure that there are plenty of slower Snails that would love some pointers from the faster racers, on track. Remember, Snails help each other get better. That's what its all about. Let's not let it come to were there is a Blue Room, Red Room and a Fun Room on Thursday nights. I would love to see a Blue Fun Room and a Red Fun room. Posts saying ''Hey thanks for the tips Fred" or "I had an awesome night racing with Steve, he showed me some great braking points". We are a large family and we should be helping each other get better.

One last thing, have FUN FUN FUN Don't take it so seriously.

Just don't take the T-Bird away.

Good stuff crash 👍

I should be able to start racing Sundays starting next weekend. Should I run another time trial? I'm thinking I'm D9 by now :nervous:.
Man! I had some catching up to do on post reading:crazy:

I just wanted to make a comment regarding the posts made about practice last night and practice night in general. I used to host practice night but stopped, honestly, not because I couldn't, it was because it was getting more chaotic than I liked so I pretty much started practicing on my own or with a few people.

Reading those posts kind of hurts me. I remember when practice wasn't a Sunday night race but a chance to race with better racers and they would give you pointers, race with you, let you race in front of them while giving you pointers, let you race behind them and watch their line, talk with you, wait up for you if you go off or spin and then continue. I'm not saying that everyone should do that but it would be nice if some did. I just want to say to the faster drivers, us slower people respect how fast you are. And I'm not just talking about D1, I'm taking about ALL faster drivers, take some time out, in practice and give someone that might be struggling some pointers. I'm not being bias because he is a friend but we can all learn a lesson from AJKVail. He's not the fastest racer but he is faster then others and he takes the time to race with someone who asks or if he sees someone struggling. I know a lot of you now what I'm talking about. I sure learned from that.

Look, I know practice night is to practice for the real race on Sunday. I know. I just think that we shouldn't not take practice so seriously and have FUN. I'm sure that there are plenty of slower Snails that would love some pointers from the faster racers, on track. Remember, Snails help each other get better. That's what its all about. Let's not let it come to were there is a Blue Room, Red Room and a Fun Room on Thursday nights. I would love to see a Blue Fun Room and a Red Fun room. Posts saying ''Hey thanks for the tips Fred" or "I had an awesome night racing with Steve, he showed me some great braking points". We are a large family and we should be helping each other get better.

One last thing, have FUN FUN FUN Don't take it so seriously.
yes i would have to agree about AJKVail, he and along with fastfox helped me out alot my first week on SNAIL
Cape ring I love it great combo and thanks klutch for the help but still time to make up I've learned a lot tonight not just how to be fast but getting better with my race craft and the dc5 I'm doing good but need more practice and the spa track I've getting better at it but not where I need to be but got to more days of practice and I know from my coaches I'm going to get better and one day ill reach my goal
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Hello everyone. I decided that to not only improve myslef but to improve my fellow snails I have decided to go buy a mic and start making a room where I coach drivers of any level. I've learned alot since I've been in snail and ppl think I'm pretty fast so I figure y not spread the love that you all gave me.. I've decided I want to teach fellow snail racers. I hope I do a good job. Just FR me if your interested I would love to help you I'm always online anyways lol I figured kt would be better to put more purpose behind it and help those that are apart of my team so why not lol. God bless all. Goodnight
earlyer this evening i jumped klutch figure it make a good pic lol


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Hello everyone. I decided that to not only improve myslef but to improve my fellow snails I have decided to go buy a mic and start making a room where I coach drivers of any level. I've learned alot since I've been in snail and ppl think I'm pretty fast so I figure y not spread the love that you all gave me.. I've decided I want to teach fellow snail racers. I hope I do a good job. Just FR me if your interested I would love to help you I'm always online anyways lol I figured kt would be better to put more purpose behind it and help those that are apart of my team so why not lol. God bless all. Goodnight

I am interested @K1utch. Thanks.
My workload kind of snuck up on me this weekend. I'm going to try and get the banners done this evening, but there is an off chance that I don't. I haven't even had more than an hour to practice the new combos this week! Will keep you updated.
Thanks Tcrash and Blueninja for the shout out! :cheers:
I want to give a tip of the hat to Neovre for his awesome display of sportsmanship! Thursday night during practice he got off the track and rode around in another drivers car for nearly 30 minutes helping him with brake points, shift points and corner taking! :cheers:
Ol' VinnyBear should be good in Colorado. So long as he's in the more mountainous region at least. I've been running mine without gloves. But it takes a bunch to get my palms sweaty. I guess YMMV.
i think the only time I really have to worry about that here is in the summertime, But I'll Look Into It Thanks
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Lol I left my ds3 behind long time ago I've been using wheel for 2 yrs straight now
I've had DFGT G27 t500 but lately I've stuck with my tryed and true G27 @_@
I swear in practice rooms you've said you were on a controller but I guess not... must be some other alien
I only change BB early on in my practicing if I don't like the feel of the car under braking. I play around with it for maybe 15 minutes at the most, then leave it for the rest of the time we run the car. So I would tune it for feel, then let it be and continue to work on line and reference points.
Wow...see I get 15mins of practice all week :)

Good thing I don't mess with brake balance or I'd have no time to learn the track :)