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  • Thread starter zer05ive
btw, i was at 900 degrees rotation when I thought I felt the difference. thanks again.
Okay, I just tried it set to 7 lap time was 1:19.5xx
And then with it on setting -2 time was 1:19.6xx
Wheel on 900 degree lock setting for both laps.
I didn't notice any difference in either the feel of the steering or in the correlation between my wheel and the one that Bob is steering on screen. The game also specifically states when the sensitivity option is highlighted that it only affects input from controller buttons or stick. If you were using the Logitech Momo wheel then maybe this would do something to it as the game (at least prior versions) sometimes doesn't differentiate between some other Logitech wheel and the controller.
With a DS3 maybe. There has been nothing I've read or experienced in 2 years that indicates that setting affects anything other than a DS3 controller. When I first started with a DFGT that setting was at it's default value. I was horrible, as one or more of the SNAILs that were there in that PURE Integra series can attest. I spent that entire season fiddling with everything I could find to fiddle with. One of the first things I did was change that sensitivity to 7. It did nothing about my lap times. After fiddling with everything else, up to and including begging a GTAcademy Silverstone finalist for his tune, I came to the conclusion that I just sucked, bad. The only real, lasting way to cure that was seat time. While I haven't advanced to the level of some folks, my degree of suckage has decreased measurably.

Thanks @Dragonwhisky. I love that you are so into this that you found a path to such a resource and found a way to get that information: 'including begging a GT Academy Silverstone finalist'. YAAA!!!! imho, that really shows heart.
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Absolutely yes. Without a doubt the O setting has allowed me to control the car in a much more precise fashion and mistakes that used to result in sea shell hunts or lawn mowing expeditions, have since become nothing more than brief squiggles in my line. Just getting rid of that dead zone in the wheel helped. Not having to hand over the wheel for tight turns like at monaco, to get the cars wheels to lock, is more than worth it for me. There is no way I will ever use a 900 degree wheel setting in any racing game.

If you read more in that thread there are other testimonials to changing that setting to something that feels better to you. Mileage may vary though.

It seems I have a bit more to say about this.

In our real cars there is steering lag. When you start to turn your steering wheel, the rod it's attached to turns a gear or tells the pump to start pumping. The time it takes for your input to hit the tires is the lag. The thing here is, if there are no failures, mechanically or hydraulically, that lag is a constant value. It won't change. You can account for it to be what it is and plan accordingly.

The internet however, is entirely variable. You move the steering wheel, that input is relayed to both processors, CPU/GPU, that data is then sent to the NIC and it sends it downwire, across however many hops (all of them having CPUs and NICs as well) there is to your opponent's NIC and then their CPU and GPUs have to process before it can be displayed on their screen what you've done. There is lag at every step and it is not always stable. The processing units heat up and this will slow them down. The internet will always be unstable and cannot be relied on to maintain anything close to consistency. To many variables in to many different hands. A 50 millisecond lag spike at the moment you begin your input is an almost unoticeable delay. But when that spike goes over 100ms, 500, 1000? That's when those events occur that leave everyone wondering, "WTF just happened?". If your ping rate can be measured above 100 to your own ISPs equipment, your inputs are already at a 1/10th of a second deficit. The O setting takes some of that lag and reduces it by reducing the time of the original input. Think about it. If you're using 900 degrees of rotation and it takes you 1000ms to get it there, I'm not sure I could go lock to lock with 900 in less than 1500ms, and you pull 300 degrees out of it...

There's 3/10ths+- right there. Not that it'll matter, if you get a 1500ms lag spike when you're doing it though.

Just some food, or fuel if you like, for thought.

Awesome - ill have to do more fiddling around to see what works best - do you guys make any changes to the imbedded settings in gt6? I have the g27 and have never messed with the linearity and saturation settings. I too have noticed no change to "controller sensitivity". Also, are most of you h-gate shifters or do you prefer the paddles? No more questions after this, thank you!
Okay, I just tried it set to 7 lap time was 1:19.5xx
And then with it on setting -2 time was 1:19.6xx
Wheel on 900 degree lock setting for both laps.
I didn't notice any difference in either the feel of the steering or in the correlation between my wheel and the one that Bob is steering on screen. The game also specifically states when the sensitivity option is highlighted that it only affects input from controller buttons or stick. If you were using the Logitech Momo wheel then maybe this would do something to it as the game (at least prior versions) sometimes doesn't differentiate between some other Logitech wheel and the controller.

Thank you very much @deaconblues82 . I really appreciate you taking the time to actual do this. This league is awesome. You guys are really genuinely here to help others. Amazing. I hope I can help others in the future as well.

(Event will take place in a friends only room)

04/01/2014 at 10:00 PM EST/ 7:00 pm PST

This event will run with a combined PP of:
1500 (SH)
All cars PP must be between 356pp and 394pp EXCEPT the 4WD which can be between 338pp and 412pp. Pick one car from each of the four drivetrain layouts (FF, 4WD, FR, MR/RR) with the total PP under 1500.

Qualifying and the first race will take place at
Monza (WITH Chickens). 100% weather, 0% surface water at start, and 1% changeability.

If you would like to participate in the next event please post in the DTC thread that you would like to take part. We will add your name to the list. You can also add your name and car lineup to the:

sign up sheet

All cars will be run with sports hard tires (or one grade lower to comfort soft) and no tuning.

Please make sure you are friends on PSN with Ice_Warden prior to 9pm EST the day of the race.

Feel free to post any questions in the DTC thread. The first race is a little tricky this week so get any issues resolved before the race.
Awesome - ill have to do more fiddling around to see what works best - do you guys make any changes to the imbedded settings in gt6? I have the g27 and have never messed with the linearity and saturation settings. I too have noticed no change to "controller sensitivity". Also, are most of you h-gate shifters or do you prefer the paddles? No more questions after this, thank you!
I imagine most everyone makes use of the faster shift time of the paddles, but if you like the H-gate shifter be sure to watch this thread Friday for a race called Mystic racing! It's exclusively raced with h-gate shifters.
*Major Announcement - Please Read*

I was hoping to get a top of the page, but hopefully this announcement will not go unnoticed.

It is with great sadness that I, as of today, will be retiring from racing with S.N.A.I.L. Over the two years and a few months, I have met and raced alongside many great people. The joy I got racing here, has spurred me on in the creation of my own series under the S.N.A.I.L. banner, which has had a great run and will surely be missed by all those who have taken part in the many races over the near 2 years since we started. I want to thank everyone for all the great times I've had, and maybe someday I'll be back. For now I've decided to move on to create a new league that will hopefully rival S.N.A.I.L. Racing, the new league will be called E.S.C.A.R.G.O.T. [Spec] Racing.

If anyone is interested in joining me as charter members of the new league, please follow the link below for all the information you'll need to join.

E.S.C.A.R.G.O.T. [Spec] Racing

That was a good one! Well done Beal!
It's too bad I won't be around Friday night to see how this Championship of Champions will turn out. I'm travelling to Wareham, MA with my oldest brother. He bought a Factory Five MK4 Roadster and we're going out there with my uncle to pick it up and all the parts. Should be a fun project for the next year or so.
Awesome - ill have to do more fiddling around to see what works best - do you guys make any changes to the imbedded settings in gt6? I have the g27 and have never messed with the linearity and saturation settings. I too have noticed no change to "controller sensitivity". Also, are most of you h-gate shifters or do you prefer the paddles? No more questions after this, thank you!

I've been playing the offline mode with the H-Gate & Clutch whenever the car I can use for the event allows it. It's just so much fun hearing some of the cars do their thing when using the clutch. I've found, in GT6, I'm about .5-1.0 seconds off my paddle shifter pace. I don't use the clutch on Sundays. I make enough mistakes as it is with the paddles.

Thanks @Dragonwhisky. I love that you are so into this that you found a path to such a resource and found a way to get that information: 'including begging a GT Academy Silverstone finalist'. YAAA!!!! imho, that really shows heart.

It wasn't that I was "so into this", as you put it. It was more like I couldn't accept that I was so bad I was getting lapped 3-5 times by these guys in the course of a race that lasted less than an hour. So, I went hunting for reasons. I found them.
In the sake of simplicity, we could have D7 and D8 and WC only have 1 entry. That will make it 15 exactly.

Can everyone here tentatively confirm if you are able to race on Friday Night 9:30-10PM EST start time.

@martin20az -- Confirmed



@Daniel Pinho

@hooker4 -- Cannot Make it :( (one slot opens up)

@TEX36 -- Confirmed



@GranStand Bill

Well crap... I am most likely out for this Friday, although I am loving this idea. Sadly bad timing this Friday however.
In the sake of simplicity, we could have D7 and D8 and WC only have 1 entry. That will make it 15 exactly.

Can everyone here tentatively confirm if you are able to race on Friday Night 9:30-10PM EST start time.

@martin20az -- Confirmed

@ptslopoke -- Cannot Makt it :nervous: (2nd slot opens up)


@Daniel Pinho

@hooker4 -- Cannot Make it :( (one slot opens up)

@TEX36 -- Confirmed



@GranStand Bill
While a race of champions may sound interesting to you, I have a feeling the outcome will not be as fun or as competitive as you imagine. But you never know until you try I suppose.
If this champion of champions was done with a reverse division grid, it might make it more interesting. D8 folks in the front, D1 in the back, for every race. Make every race 20 minutes and only run 3, 1 of each of the 3 longest standing combo's for the month.
If this champion of champions was done with a reverse division grid, it might make it more interesting. D8 folks in the front, D1 in the back, for every race. Make every race 20 minutes and only run 3, 1 of each of the 3 longest standing combo's for the month.

I like this added "twist".
I'll add to that twist with a, double the point payout for each position from the usual Sunday point system, he who ends the night with the most points is the Champion of Champions for the March Season. Winner gets a hatcake. From somebody.
Under "Brainstorming an Idea" - What if we had a division of the Champs of Champs with D-1 thru D-4 being ______ Champion. And D-5 thru WC being _____ Champion? Of course, there may be some D-1s in WC, I don't know.
Blanks: Elite Champion & (something else) or Major League Champion & Minor League Champion.

Just thinking
In the sake of simplicity, we could have D7 and D8 and WC only have 1 entry. That will make it 15 exactly.

Can everyone here tentatively confirm if you are able to race on Friday Night 9:30-10PM EST start time.

@martin20az -- Confirmed

@ptslopoke -- Cannot Makt it :nervous: (2nd slot opens up)


@Daniel Pinho

@hooker4 -- Cannot Make it :( (one slot opens up)
@FloydC3 -- Confirmed

@TEX36 -- Confirmed


@deaconblues82 -- Confirmed

@GranStand Bill

I can confirm. Somebody should be there to fill out the back of the pack.
Under "Brainstorming an Idea" - What if we had a division of the Champs of Champs with D-1 thru D-4 being ______ Champion. And D-5 thru WC being _____ Champion? Of course, there may be some D-1s in WC, I don't know.
Blanks: Elite Champion & (something else) or Major League Champion & Minor League Champion.

Just thinking

If you want to break it into two races (which would probably make for better actual racing) the WC should go in with the upper split. If you went into two different races, you could take the top three from each division as well.
Reality may be that it will be a total sweep by Area 51. But should be fun nevertheless. I like DWs idea.

Sure, but I think we're all quick enough to make even little mistakes extremely costly. At the very least, it is a no pressure night of racing!
Can anyone help me im putting in times in the docs and for gap time what am i sapposed to write on for lapped time

You enter the total time in the top box of the total time column, then enter each drivers gap from the first place finisher in the gap column. The total time auto completes for each driver. The winner's time gap is 0. Is this what you're looking for?
I was just reading the champion of champions thing and had an idea. Back in the GT5 days there used to be a series where the start of the race was staggered based on your qualifying time so to speak with the intention that all the drivers got to the line at the same time. This might me an interesting way to do the race so the D8 guys have a chance at winning also. Another idea would be to do an Australian pursuit race where each lap when you cross the line the last place driver is out of the race or if you had 14 drivers in a 7 lap race the last 2 places were out of the race each lap with the grid being inverted. You could do handicapping of drivers also by putting different divisions on different tires or something. Anyways sounds like a great idea. Hope to be able to race enough to take part in it soon.
You enter the total time in the top box of the total time column, then enter each drivers gap from the first place finisher in the gap column. The total time auto completes for each driver. The winner's time gap is 0. Is this what you're looking for?
no i have a guy that has a gap of +3 laps

Correct @intoflatlines