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  • Thread starter zer05ive
No, it's not. Better to have everyone racing as clean as they can.

If I'm able to steer my car away from another, because I made a mistake, the only race I'm ruining is my own. That guy behind me that can't steer his car because he made the same mistake I did, will likely have room now to correct his mistake, because I won't be in the racing line when he flies in where I was. If his mistake is greater than mine and he does pile into me, an IR will be filed and the stewards will decide who was the bigger goof.

So far as I'm concerned, control and safety, even in this virtual world, trumps spirit. But then, I came up professionally in a career where not being safe and not taking precautions, in or out of the spirit of whatever policy was published, could get you killed. My sense of safety is probably much more refined than most. In that profession, I couldn't care less what the employers, insurance companies and OSHA thought was the safest way to do something. I was much more interested in making it home alive and with all my parts intact, than they ever could have been. In the case of SNAIL, I'm much more interested in not causing unintentional contact than I am in adhering to what some are calling "the spirit of SNAIL", with which, as a definition, I disagree.

So if OSHA mandates you run brake A and you personally deem brake B safer , your going to run B anyway in the name of safety. I think snail wants to mandate they just aren't provided the tools .

I'm all for.personal responsibility when it comes to race contact btw

Race Date - Sun Apr 13 2014
Penalty Rate 0%
Banner by dabneyd

Below are the results of the 2 incident reports the stewards were able to review.

There were no valid Incident Reports filed.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

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These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here. @zer05ive & @kcheeb & @JLBowler , there were no adjustments necessary in the director's and results sheets.

***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​

Race Date - Sun Apr 13 2014
Penalty Rate 0%
Banner by dabneyd

Below are the results of the 2 incident reports the stewards were able to review.

There were no valid Incident Reports filed.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

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These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here. @zer05ive & @kcheeb & @JLBowler , there were no adjustments necessary in the director's and results sheets.

***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​
Thats pretty cool. So many racers battling it out and no incidents. Good job crew!
Sooo, since my original question, there has been much debate and discussion over the brake balance AND chassis rigidity. I understand it can't be enforced, and others may or may not decide to alter their cars 'within the rules', but I don't want to be 'that guy', so I've kept my balance as is (never installed the rigidity) and will continue to partake in future races as such. I agree a level playing field is optimal, but maybe it should be explicitly expressed in the original post/rules, so there's no confusion for future drivers.
I don't bother with the chassis but I tend to set the following for brake balance before I take a single lap then make further adjustments if necessary...

4WD - 5/10
FF - 5/10
FR - 5/8
MR - 5/3

On super sticky cars like the Miata I have also messed with lowering the front to 3 (so 3/10) to get even more rear bias.
@slammed180 It is stated!

For those defending BB settings, the rules are very clear, if you change them you have an advantage over those not changing it.

In any racing series these type of advantage is subject to immidiate DQ! RIGHT? just ask Red Bull / Richiardo.

Im a purist and thus will commit to not change BB again. Last car i did was the Elise.
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Sooo, since my original question, there has been much debate and discussion over the brake balance AND chassis rigidity. I understand it can't be enforced, and others may or may not decide to alter their cars 'within the rules', but I don't want to be 'that guy', so I've kept my balance as is (never installed the rigidity) and will continue to partake in future races as such. I agree a level playing field is optimal, but maybe it should be explicitly expressed in the original post/rules, so there's no confusion for future drivers.
Just to put the nail in the coffin, 9/10 times body rigidity will make your car worse. I have tuned different pp cars when racing online outside of snail, body rigidity is only useful on road cars with suspension and rs tyres, they benefit from it greatly, as opposed to a race car which is supposed to be modelled as stiff as possible to begin with. Needless to say we never use racing soft tyres on road cars.

Break bias, I have no gripes against it, it doesn't add performance or make you faster it only allows the car to react better to your racing style or racing line.
@slammed180 It is stated!

For those defending BB settings, the rules are very clear, if you change them you have an advantage over those not changing it.

In any racing series these type of advantage is subject to immidiate DQ! RIGHT? just ask Red Bull / Richiardo.

Im a purist and thus will commit to not change BB again. Last car i did was the Elise.

I would argue that it's up to the drivers interpretation of the rules. Hence the reason for my original question. I don't see (pls show me if I missed it) an explicit "no adjusting brake balance or adding chassis rigidity", and since it can't be controlled in room settings, someone could enter a race with those two adjusted and be none the wiser about SNAIL's official stance on it.
I would argue that it's up to the drivers interpretation of the rules. Hence the reason for my original question. I don't see (pls show me if I missed it) an explicit "no adjusting brake balance or adding chassis rigidity", and since it can't be controlled in room settings, someone could enter a race with those two adjusted and be none the wiser about SNAIL's official stance on it.
Here ya go:

@zer05ive and I have both stated publically many times that we are against adjusting brake balance or any other adjustments to the cars. It's stated in the original post that there should be no differences in the cars being used and the only instructions in the welcome post that goes out via PM is to buy the car and change the oil.


The official position of SNAIL in regards to tuning brake balance, tuning torque split, and chassis rigidity and anything else that changes the performance characteristics of the car is that it is not allowed as these changes are considered tuning. This isn't a new position as it has been stated many times before and in the original post as is quoted here:

"Because variables in the car are eliminated, spec racing is the truest measure of driver skill! It also produces intense battles for position because all of the cars are equally strong or weak in the same areas of the track. Another benefit of spec racing is that you'll never spend time tuning cars or wondering if someone is truly faster than you or if they just have a better tune."
I would argue that it's up to the drivers interpretation of the rules. Hence the reason for my original question. I don't see (pls show me if I missed it) an explicit "no adjusting brake balance or adding chassis rigidity", and since it can't be controlled in room settings, someone could enter a race with those two adjusted and be none the wiser about SNAIL's official stance on it.
Read the snail olr again please. I think maybe section "O" plus there are many other parts of the olr that can apply here.
See comment ftom JLBowler and

The one that isn't linked on the first page and is, like, post 50,xxx? I only now saw that because it was linked to me

Paragraph under Spec Racing.

This one?
Spec Racing
S.N.A.I.L. was the first GTPlanet league to prohibit tuning in all of our races. This combined with the fact that we race in the same cars produces a type of racing called "spec" racing. Spec racing ensures that success is determined solely by driving skill and not by differences in car power, gearing, suspension, weight, or aerodynamics. Because variables in the car are eliminated, spec racing is the truest measure of driver skill! It also produces intense battles for position because all of the cars are equally strong or weak in the same areas of the track. Another benefit of spec racing is that you'll never spend time tuning cars or wondering if someone is truly faster than you or if they just have a better tune.

Where does it specifically say no adjusting brake balance, or adding rigidity. This is my point. Since the game lobby allows it, and it is not specifically named in this paragraph, one could interpret the rules differently.

Clear as water. That the game does not allow us to enforce it doesn't make it 'right'.
Things need to be explained in much detail for this one to understand fully :)

Not trying to ruffle any feathers, and I most certainly share the same stance as SNAIL, I just thought it could be more clearly stated - perhaps in size 32 bold font, so blind ppl like myself could see it? lol. But I digress.
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Race Date - Sun Apr 13 2014
Penalty Rate 0%
Banner by dabneyd

Below are the results of the 2 incident reports the stewards were able to review.

There were no valid Incident Reports filed.

These results can be viewed on the SNAIL Steward Review Sheet.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * *​

These changes affect the final standings.
Full final results can be found here. @zer05ive & @kcheeb & @JLBowler , there were no adjustments necessary in the director's and results sheets.

***If you were penalized and would like further explanation regarding the incident, PM your Division Steward and they will let you know what the stewards saw and our opinions on it.***​

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The GranStand Challenge III Points have been updated with the races run on April 13th. If you find something amiss with your points, let me know asap, thanks!​

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This is dumb. Whether you like it or not, nothing can be done to regulate it. Deal with it. By the way, I have not seen a car yet that runs better with chassis rigidity. Brake Balance does make a difference though. My recommendation is to get used to it. Pretty much everyone in D6 does and we are all fine with it.
BB and chassis rigidity are neither of those things. The fact that GT6 doesn't regulate it in Open lobby might be considered a bug, depending on who you ask I guess.

Plus, whats the issue in adding some text to the first page. With the amount of new drivers signing up almost daily, shouldn't that info be right in the forfront? having to search thru multiple post/pages for that seems a bit uneccessary, no?
That they do. But under the context of that rule, they are neither a cheat or a bug. They are something that is allowed by the game, and allowed in Open Lobby where tuning is prohibited. If adjusting BB was done by hacking the game somehow, then yes, that would apply directly.

Also, if it is a "bug", one that is widely known about no less, why has it not been addressed or fixed by PD? the fact that it remains without a patch would leave me to believe its not a bug, and the developers full intent.
That they do. But under the context of that rule, they are neither a cheat or a bug. They are something that is allowed by the game, and allowed in Open Lobby where tuning is prohibited. If adjusting BB was done by hacking the game somehow, then yes, that would apply directly.
This rule applys to bugs in the game. Such as the one you seem to be trying to justify. Hacks are prohibited in the very next rule in the OLR, stated that bugs or cheats outside (read, hacks) are also prohibited.
So I was just practicing online with the GTR, and I have gotten better. I switch to automatic transmission, and changed the tires to what they are supposed to me.... I had sports medium on them.... racing medium were much better. Still getting a lot of spin outs....
Im only playing Devils Advocate here. I'm in no way defending the use of either in a Spec league. My only point is that it should be more clearly stated that it is AGAINST THE RULES.

It doesn't say that I can use them, but it also doesn't specifically say I can't. See what I mean?

At least in the first post where most would look for the "rules"
Obviously seeing JLBowler's comment millions of pages into the thread, makes it pretty clear.

I'm only saying it should be expressed clearly and on the first page. Simple as that.
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