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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Like I said, I know, for a fact, that when posted the unofficial race results, there was a tie for rounds 1 & 3 (for Prize B) and Zro was asking for everyone to make they vote. after that, there were 3 votes for round 1 (counting racefans vote) that should push Round 1 up to +2, but yet "it's still a tie, and racefan gets to the tie-breaking vote". WTF is going on, the math doesn't add up, so I went back and took a look for myself.

I Still question the votes. I'm sorry but something just isn't right!
I took a look back through and your elimination vote count seems right, zer0. Although it would have been a lot easier if someone had remembered to take the votes after the races on Sunday night. :rolleyes:

Yeah, there should be some sort of penalty for people who forget to do that. :sly:
Thanks for lookin' out Sharkie. Mabye i will type it in CAPS next time.

Goat, sorry for overlooking your vote. I've updated Sunday's results post with your vote along with the fact that Round 1 is now has the second-most elimination votes (and therefore racefan78 no longer gets a tie-breaking vote).

I Still question the votes. I'm sorry but something just isn't right!

Let me know if you discover any more errors or oversights. The more eyeballs we have on this the better.
Is anyone going to Purchase Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends? It looks interesting, and Slightly Mad studios is trying to rebound from Test Drive Unlimited 2(which was BAD). So if any one is going to get it could you write a little review. I ask this group because I respect your opinions more that a random review on amazon.
Whoever choses Prize B should be selecting the car or track to replace the Miata or Tsukuba.

This is correct. Round 1 is the combo that is to be partially replaced.

iceburgeson, please post your Prize B selection as soon as possible so that everyone can have their cars broken-in before tonight's unofficial races. If you can't decide on what car or track to select, you could always look back to this conversation for some inspiration. ;)
Is anyone going to Purchase Test Drive Ferrari Racing Legends? It looks interesting, and Slightly Mad studios is trying to rebound from Test Drive Unlimited 2(which was BAD). So if any one is going to get it could you write a little review. I ask this group because I respect your opinions more that a random review on amazon.

I wasn't even aware SMS was working on another game; I've been playing Project Cars for a couple months now.
They should be Ice, I dont think they will be changing before sunday, but, dont hold me to this, as PD seems to decide on a whim when it will change and add the OCD and online events.
Quick question, are OCD cars up for selection?

Yes. It must be a car that anyone has immediate access to between now at the race.

Of course, IF the race is not voted out, and new member join in, they may have a difficult time acquiring the car, but I'm sure there are enough SNAIL members to help gift a newcomer a car, if needed.
When was the OCD last updated? The caveat to this yes is that the OCD has to be new enough not to change before sunday. And I know some events are about to expire and be replaced. Just not sure if its this time or next that the OCD changes since its been up for a while now.
Alright then I'm going to pick the Fiat Punto HGT Abarth '00, because I don't think we've had a car with this low PP yet? Might make for some close racing especially on Tsukuba. I think it's on SH tires.

Don't hate me for this. Haha
I imagine trying to maneuver from last to first in the first division well be harder with less pp, but Ive not raced with you all yet, so I'm not certain. I think it will encourage more aggressive from me, but I'm just one feller.

Question: Knowing I cannot race the following week, is it okay that should I be in position to move up, you take the next person? I cannot commit to each sunday.
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Is diabolic Friday still happening? I thought I remember something about it being on hiatus.
Mabye i will type it in CAPS next time.

In all honesty I did see your vote, I just assumed that it had already been recorded since you're not in D1.

So much for assumptions...

Also. I am of the understanding that OCD cars cannot be broken in. That is, they gain no horsepower or PP through doing so. Is that the case?
Nearly every car in the game can be broken in. It's a standard car, with (what would be) a gasoline powered motor

The BMW M3 GTR was in the OCD and I broke it in with no issue.
I read that they were already broken in right out of the OCD. But I'm using one I bought from the UCD which happened to have just the right amount of miles to be broken in but not need an engine overhaul, so I can't test it.
Is diabolic Friday still happening? I thought I remember something about it being on hiatus.

Yes and no. There will be an event on Friday, but it's not 100% settled. More like 92%. It's going to be a couple of races; a long one with the new track and car combo and a shorter one with the new track or car selection. I was thinking we could do a quick (short enough to avoid tire wear factors) qualifier and then a 1.5 hour feature race.
Nearly every car in the game can be broken in. It's a standard car, with (what would be) a gasoline powered motor

The BMW M3 GTR was in the OCD and I broke it in with no issue.

I guess the consensus from this thread is false, then.

I realize that standard cars aren't standard because they use hydrogen, steam, solar, or fusion. But PD and GT5 just aren't realistic behind the scenes sometimes.
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I can't answer you officially, Nex/Ab. But I would say that you can just play it week by week. If you move up and can't race the next week you can still come back in the next division, provided you give warning. There is a limit to how many weeks you can miss in a row before you start getting dropped, though.
I asked a question last page...with as fast as this thread moves, I'm worried it will be missed. :nervous:

Hey Nexcalibur, I did see it but was a little busy with real work :( Sorry about that.

Question: Knowing I cannot race the following week, is it okay that should I be in position to move up, you take the next person? I cannot commit to each sunday.

Two things, firstly, we race at 10:00 P.M. Eastern time, which is 2:00 A.M. GMT at the moment. Are you able to race at that time?

Secondly, we have a very large aversion to lag and connectivity issues, which is why the league is only accepting people from North America for Sunday nights races.

We could do a test of your connection if you're able to race in one of our weekly events.

Ideally we'd have European S.N.A.I.L. division(s) and have Europe vs. North America once a month or so. We've kicked this idea around before but have not had much interest from anyone else based in Europe.
Lag shouldn't be a problem kcheeb, Nexcalibur previously mentioned he lives in the states.
From what I've read its the same. I will have a better answer shortly though. Since my bob is about done with mine.