My apologies for getting this posted late, couldn't miss the M3 race last night and the GT Planet site maintenance cut into my edit time.
I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the S.N.A.I.L. Advance Notice Policy and how it affects relegation in particular.
You will be considered for relegation if you meet one of the following criteria (in order of importance) :
1. Did not race, with no notice.
2. Did not race, with late notice (less than 24 hours).
3. Finished with the least points in Division 1, least or second least points in Division 2.
I bring this up as we've had a few situations where these guidelines have been used and I didn't want any confusion as to what happened. I realize life get's in the way sometimes and things can't be helped.
We use this criteria to fairly apply relegation, that is all![]()
I will be there tonight. It's next weekend that I will be unavailable.