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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Repeat stupid question...what is the HAVE TO HAVE....speed test numbers...give me the thread addy or just throw the numbers up (w/o the techinal stuff.) When I do a speed test...say to the west coast what should it be and where physically are our servers/network PS3s located. Want to get into this seriously but if I can't due to living way out in the Thules ...then I'll stick with races w/fewer drivers.
Repeat stupid question...what is the HAVE TO HAVE....speed test numbers...give me the thread addy or just throw the numbers up (w/o the techinal stuff.) When I do a speed test...say to the west coast what should it be and where physically are our servers/network PS3s located. Want to get into this seriously but if I can't due to living way out in the Thules ...then I'll stick with races w/fewer drivers.

That's my results to the East Coast. I'm in CA. My download is a little slow for some reason today. Might be time to reset everything. You're really only looking for at least 1.5 download and upload and a max ping around 130 in you're going cross country. Non of these are absolute requirements to race here but if you're not getting those numbers or better, you need to be aware that you may be lagging or causing lag for others.

While I'm here. Allow me to throw in a plug for this Sunday night's Oval Racing event. Click here for more details and to sign up. 32 drivers signed up as of right now and room for more.
Repeat stupid question...what is the HAVE TO HAVE....speed test numbers...give me the thread addy or just throw the numbers up (w/o the techinal stuff.) When I do a speed test...say to the west coast what should it be and where physically are our servers/network PS3s located. Want to get into this seriously but if I can't due to living way out in the Thules ...then I'll stick with races w/fewer drivers.

More important than speed is packet loss speed comes into play more when hosting, but even those requirements are well below most broadband plans.

Use this: http://www.pingplotter.com/download.html to test your packet loss / pings. Use these: ns23.playstation.net (East Coast PSN server) and ns22.playstation.net(West Coast PSN Server) as the Address to Trace.

Set Trace Interval to 2.5 seconds and run the trace for a minute or so. Don't let it run too long or a host/router could blacklist you if it thinks you're part of a DoS attack.

You'll get a list of all the routers between you and the server you're trying to hit. In DNSName for each Hop you should see some routers with your ISPs name in them. For example, the first 4 hops on my trace end in verizon-gni.net.

Any packet loss at all will show up in the graph on the right hand side of the pingplotter screen. Any packet loss at all has the potential to cause lag in online gaming.

If you get packet loss on any of your ISP's routers, that's their fault and you should call their tech support and give them the info you've found. If they try to deny its their fault or just blow you off, find a new ISP if possible.

If you see loss at the first hop, that's your own router and you probably need to replace it.

If loss is after your ISP, you're pretty much SOL. I noticed when tracing to the west coast PSN, I saw TeliaSonera routers in there. Telia is infamous for having packet loss issues - and lots of multiplayer games outsource hosting to them. When people blame Sony/PD for server issues, its not really Sony or PDs fault directly, but whatever hosting company their using. The cry shouldn't be "PD fix your servers!" but "PD fire your hosting company!".

BTW this is a general recommendation to anyone on cable... if fiber is available in your area, get it. Below runs me $55/mo with my current TV bundle.
Please pardon the "Racing 101" question: What is the Bronze Test? Since it isn't Practice One or Two ...... I don't understand.

Dabneyd pretty much summed it up but basically it is an exclusive practice for bronze/gentlemen drivers. Generally bronze drivers are people like myself who haven't run in GT3 before or haven't raced at a high enough level to be considered on the FIA license categorization. Sometimes even if you haven't run a GT3 season like Blancpain you can also be bronze as well. Idk, it's difficult but I should be silver next year. There seems to be more behind all of it than stated even.
More important than speed is packet loss speed comes into play more when hosting, but even those requirements are well below most broadband plans.

Use this: http://www.pingplotter.com/download.html to test your packet loss / pings. Use these: ns23.playstation.net (East Coast PSN server) and ns22.playstation.net(West Coast PSN Server) as the Address to Trace.

Set Trace Interval to 2.5 seconds and run the trace for a minute or so. Don't let it run too long or a host/router could blacklist you if it thinks you're part of a DoS attack.

You'll get a list of all the routers between you and the server you're trying to hit. In DNSName for each Hop you should see some routers with your ISPs name in them. For example, the first 4 hops on my trace end in verizon-gni.net.

Any packet loss at all will show up in the graph on the right hand side of the pingplotter screen. Any packet loss at all has the potential to cause lag in online gaming.

If you get packet loss on any of your ISP's routers, that's their fault and you should call their tech support and give them the info you've found. If they try to deny its their fault or just blow you off, find a new ISP if possible.

If you see loss at the first hop, that's your own router and you probably need to replace it.

If loss is after your ISP, you're pretty much SOL. I noticed when tracing to the west coast PSN, I saw TeliaSonera routers in there. Telia is infamous for having packet loss issues - and lots of multiplayer games outsource hosting to them. When people blame Sony/PD for server issues, its not really Sony or PDs fault directly, but whatever hosting company their using. The cry shouldn't be "PD fix your servers!" but "PD fire your hosting company!".

BTW this is a general recommendation to anyone on cable... if fiber is available in your area, get it. Below runs me $55/mo with my current TV bundle.
Remember the part about forget the technical stuff.....:banghead:

But thanks...I think.:dunce:
Thing is, I think all the BlancPain replays are area blocked to US. Because CBS Sports took the rights to it during the week leading up to Brands Hatch last weekend.
As i surf looking for any live stream it Looks like all complete event playback is blocked. When you click on it now you get a sad face saying SORRY ABOUT THAT...not available in your area. So shortened event summaries (some @ 2hours in length) are still there.. But Nismo TV will bring you events but if it is like last years 24 Hours at the Ring. it may be a stationary camera w/o commentary or an in car w/0 comment. I'm still surfing for other links from manufacturers,but you can fool the system if you want to go to that trouble (I do). BTW Sunday afternoon 1 hour recap of Silverstone on CBSSC on Dish...I assume also on Direct. Go to www.racertv.com for listing.
Hey all, long time no race!

I was thinking of getting into this again over the summer. With GT6 making it easier to get most cars, I'd love to see more variety in car choices than in the GT5 days. Racing with you guys would also give me an excuse to buy some more cars in the game. Hope to see you guys online. :)
It's great to hear from you! I saw a video a while back that reminded me of your Magic Lap Racing event! :)

As i surf looking for any live stream it Looks like all complete event playback is blocked. When you click on it now you get a sad face saying SORRY ABOUT THAT...not available in your area. So shortened event summaries (some @ 2hours in length) are still there.. But Nismo TV will bring you events but if it is like last years 24 Hours at the Ring. it may be a stationary camera w/o commentary or an in car w/0 comment. I'm still surfing for other links from manufacturers,but you can fool the system if you want to go to that trouble (I do). BTW Sunday afternoon 1 hour recap of Silverstone on CBSSC on Dish...I assume also on Direct. Go to www.racertv.com for listing.
Don't worry about me i have my ways around it ;)

and if anyone wants to watch a certain series on youtube, let me know I can find and send you channels and video links to them too.

The Nismo tv is just a different link to the same video feed, so I assume it will be blocked as well.
Just watched some of the live coverage of F1 qualifying at Monaco. The on board camera, at least to me, shows a very different looking track than we have on GT6. It's the same route of course, but the additional barriers, and in some spots less curbing is a lot different.

It was some pretty interesting driver vs. driver stuff going on between Rosberg and Hamilton. They really don't like each other. Mercedes 1-2 and Red Bull 3-4 for tomorrows Grand Prix. Should be an exciting (close) race, I hope.

If anyone is wondering, this is where I usually go to watch this kind of stuff online (since I don't have any of the TV stations that cover it).


Just be cautious when you open a link. You'll need to close the mini pop ups by clicking the small x on the overlay. And you might get a full size pop up, as well.
room open 1472 4710 9995 5398 0547
Please help a newbie. Last night I only found one room that mentioned snail practice but couldn't get in. I wanted to practice the Mit at GVS with others so I decided to try and open a room for the first time. I called it "snail practice GVS" and set the limits to the Mitsubishi. JCsSoldier joined and we did some laps together, so I think I did something right. What I don't understand is where the string of numbers comes from that get posted here ie:room open ............
I have done some research before asking but couldn't find anything on this. Just trying to do things right. Thanks for any advice.
Please help a newbie. Last night I only found one room that mentioned snail practice but couldn't get in. I wanted to practice the Mit at GVS with others so I decided to try and open a room for the first time. I called it "snail practice GVS" and set the limits to the Mitsubishi. JCsSoldier joined and we did some laps together, so I think I did something right. What I don't understand is where the string of numbers comes from that get posted here ie:room open ............
I have done some research before asking but couldn't find anything on this. Just trying to do things right. Thanks for any advice.
Once you have created the room , the number sequence is shown at the bottom right of the lobby screen ..(pretty sure its under the list of racers, I don't have it open at the moment)
Also, if you create a Friends only room it will not have an Id number
Hope you guys are enjoying the updates during the race weekend!

Today didn't quite go as well as planned but we did get some dry-ish running in! First practice Alex Buncombe went out in the car to start the session but after a couple laps it was decided the rain was far too bad to go out for all the teams which pretty much ended that session.

Second practice session went much better with some sun trying to pop out and dry the track up for us. First half of the session was a fairly damp track but second part we had a mainly dry track and were able to throw some slicks on. Felt good to finally run the full GP circuit in almost all dry conditions, at least for the 3 laps I got till the end of the session. All in all enjoyed the running we got today although limited. Looking forward to tomorrow and going racing!

Catch qualifying and racing live tomorrow on NISMO.TV! Also, watch the highlights from the race on CBS Sports Network channel 221 and channel 158 on DISH at 2pm(PST).

For live
Qualifying - 1:00am(PST)
Race - 6:55am(PST)


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