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  • Thread starter zer05ive
okey dokey, getting in now

edit: hmm, looks like it didn't like me plugging in the controller again....booted me out, lol
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I've ditched the controller all together. From here on out I'm guiding my car with telepathy.

Unfair advantage for the cyborg. What he calls telepathy is really a bluetooth enabled network!!!

Thanks for hosting last night doughboy, good fun 👍
(sitting at work practicing telepathic driving skills)

Race update: learned how to move car through barriers...lap times falling fast! :lol:

@cheeb- My reign may be coming to an end. My driving style is truly not compatible with the 458. Even though last night was my first time in car...I'm not confident I'll improve enough to be able too safely pass fellow drivers consistently. If I'm in front I should be okay but my aggressive turn in when playing catch up was a real hindrance. I'll be practicing for sure.
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(sitting at work practicing telepathic driving skills)

Race update: learned how to move car through barriers...lap times falling fast! :lol:

:lol: you'll be invincible on Sunday then!

@cheeb- I may be losing my crown for this week.

If that's the case, there's a bunch of us in the hunt :)

My driving style is truly not compatible with the 458. Even though last night was my first time in car...I'm not confident I'll be able too safely pass fellows drivers. If I'm in front I should be okay but my aggressive turn in when playing catch up was a real hindrance. I'll be practicing for sure.

I think a lot of you're 'fun' is the on/off nature of using the X button for throttle. I ease the throttle on a lot more with the 458 than the other cars we've driven.

I used the 458 to go up 4 or 5 levels, 34ish to 38, grinding la Festa Cavalinno Seasonal for cash and XP. I have a fair amount of seat time in it ;)

I like driving it because you have to drive it, if that makes sense. You can easily induce power oversteer (regardless of tires) but you're able to save it at the same time. And understeer is negligible (depending on entry speed of course). Get it all right and it's really fun :)
I'm with you on that cyborg. I'm finding kind of difficult to ease that X button out of turns. That 458 breaks loose like a mofo!
I'm with you on that cyborg. I'm finding kind of difficult to ease that X button out of turns. That 458 breaks loose like a mofo!

Use the right stick instead of the x button, it's way easier
I'm with you on that cyborg. I'm finding kind of difficult to ease that X button out of turns. That 458 breaks loose like a mofo!

You can try shifting early. I use a G27, but was shifting into 3rd early coming out of turn 1 last night. Especially on the first lap when the tires were cold.

ETA: Or maybe you use an automatic since you're using the controller, in which case just ignore me. :)
I would like to join your Sunday night racing league. I was recommended by my friend ShadowRSX.

Cool, welcome to the league! I just sent you a friend request. Do you plan on racing with us this Sunday night?

Recommended Cars

WRC Challenge
C4/SX4/Focus RS --Trial Mountain (Sports Soft)
(2) Four lap events. Drivers must choose different car for second race.

Copen Active Top '02 Mini Mini Enduro - 9 laps -- Autumn Ring Mini Reverse (Comfort Medium)
GT-R '07 Rain Battle -- Suzuka (Racing Soft -- NO RAIN TIRES)
Challenger SRT8 '08 -- Mazda Laguna Seca and Daytona Road Course (Racing Soft)
Gallardo LP 560-4 '08 -- Rome Reverse (Racing Soft)

The Last Emperor
Evolution X GSR P.P. '07 -- Tokyo R246 Reverse & Forward (Sports Soft)


If the mini mini enduro is well received, I'm have another idea in mind for next friday already!
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The track parameters for the rain battle will be 50%/50%/0. In testing this gave the feel I was looking for most. For those who don't know that's a severity of 50% (overcast and drizzle) with a saturation or dampness of 50% and 0 means it will not be changing. For this race only the grip will be raised to low and not real. The cars will be loose already and I don't want an off early in the pack to remove half the field from the race. The low group setting should make taking risks more inviting!

Zero - I was thinking of making this a stand alone thread in spot races or possibly clubs and leagues area. This will allow me to update one post vs having snails search here. Or perhaps you could link up my latest friday schedule on the second post of the thread?? :)
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Just letting you know I'm still here and am looking forward to Sunday.

Okay, thanks for making an appearance on the thread! 👍

I noticed you haven't accepted the Division1 invite yet, so just be sure to do that by Sunday night. You'll need to join that lounge on Sunday night and not my lounge. My lounge will have the Division2 races (and Division1 racers are not welcome! :sly:)
Zero - I was thinking of making this a stand alone thread in spot races or possibly clubs and leagues area. This will allow me to update one post vs having snails search here. Or perhaps you could link up my latest friday schedule on the second post of the thread?? :)

Tonight's line-up looks wild, can't wait! As opposed to adding another link to the eye-chart that the second post has become, I've added it to the original post instead. I just figured it would stand out more there and not get lost in the clutter of the second post. Simply put, it would be easier to find. Also, I could just update the link in the original post any time you added another Diabolic Friday schedule and everyone would know where to find it quickly. Thoughts?

Room UP


Evening recap: Zer0ive was AMAZING on Tokyo. We'd searched for the right words to explain his brilliance but he'd thought of them all already! :D
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Evening recap: Zer0ive was AMAZING on Tokyo. We'd searched for the right words to explain his brilliance but he'd thought of them all already! :D

Man my driving was even more awesome lol
and when you get it going the right direction you'll be a force :lol:


It was a great time! I was late and missed the first couple of races. (Had to convince the wife she was done watching shows and wanted to read her Kindle.) I really enjoyed the car/track combos. Especially the Gallardo on Rome Reverse. Thanks, Diabolic.

It was a great time! I was late and missed the first couple of races. (Had to convince the wife she was done watching shows and wanted to read her Kindle.) I really enjoyed the car/track combos. Especially the Gallardo on Rome Reverse. Thanks, Diabolic.

Lmfao man cheeb I really didn't feel like trying the copen race was awesome did two whole laps backwards! Plus my gf was here and I wasn't really paying attention
Thanks spooble. The endurance race next week will be more of an Endurance. I'm thinking 10 laps on GVE-R. Sports Hard Tires with a car around 400PP. Have not narrowed it down yet, but I will.
Thanks spooble. The endurance race next week will be more of an Endurance. I'm thinking 10 laps on GVE-R. Sports Hard Tires with a car around 400PP. Have not narrowed it down yet, but I will.

Can we do a rally race on ktrail?