◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Hi guys. I'm not in Snail but wanting to join. Just don't think I am good enough currently.Is it okay for non-snail folks to join public practice sessions during the week? I just joined a blue room and got kicked instantly. Didn't realize blue was for the top dogs. Going to stick to the yellow rooms I guess.


If you think you have stuff to learn, the Yellow Room is a good place to start! There are drivers from upper divisions in there, and it is a "let's practice in some traffic" environment, even using a caution to regroup halfway through. When I left a couple of minutes ago, I think we just about had the full spectrum of SNAIL Divisions in there.

Look back up to @zer05ive posting a couple of posts up for the particulars, but, Welcome Aboard!

FWIW - if we want 2 timed laps, 6 minutes, but 3 timed laps for the 5 lap combo is 8 min at this track.

And on that bombshell... Goodnight, Gracie.
wow, thats the kindest welcome post I have ever received! :D Thank you! I will look into those links tomorrow. Thank you very much! :cheers:
Likewise! That's the kindest reply to a welcome post I have ever received! :D

In fact, your reply promoted me to re-read my post and I just now realized that I totally screwed it up! I meant to say that we're all about having a good race/life balance, not a good work/race balance. I took the usual "work/life balance" saying, and well, butchered it. :lol:
I've never understood people who willingly jump out of perfectly good air machines:sly:
Well if you saw the two planes I jumped out of were not perfect. Heck they each cost less than my civic. But that was all for fun. I have also jumped out each time with someone that had never landed in an airplane before. First flight ever to jump out seems crazy:crazy:

After serving as out first ever GM, I'm saddened to announce that @ExoSphere64 is stepping down from that position. I'd like to thank him not only of taking on this important league role, but for conceptualizing and volunteering for it the first place. :bowdown:

That being said, Exo and I both agreed on who would be an ideal replacement for him, and I'm happy to announce that that person has accepted the position. Please join me in welcoming @KTR5 as the new GM of SNAIL!

As many of have probably noticed, @KTR5 has exhibited outstanding organizational skills during his time in SNAIL. In fact, it seems that he actually specializes in organization. For example, he's taken on the very complex and difficult-to-manage color program and he's also taken it upon himself to organize all of our GT Academy times.

In addition to all that, he's helped to coordinate all sorts of things, such as Race of Champions, new car votes, and even his own special contests. On top of that, he's coordinated the pick process of the last few prize challenges (e.g. Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge and the GranStand Challenge III). I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that he has the organization skills and the self-starter mentality to qualify him to be our GM and the frontman for Team SNAIL. 👍

Please join me in congratulating him on his new role. :)
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Friendly reminder to all, if you plan to race this weekend, you might want to get this update done well before hand. It took about 10 minutes to download here and another 20 to get the biggest GT6 patch, to date, installed. YMMV on d/l and install rates.

I fell asleep earlier this evening and napped for almost 4 hours so went ahead and got the update installed. Almost 2am now and I'm considering taking the day off tomorrow, just for 🤬 and giggles. Probably won't though.

Additional Changes

  • When any “Qualifier” race is selected in the “Room Mode” option under [Basic Settings] and [Race Alone] is selected under the “Race Format” option under [Qualifier Settings], the Ghost line can be enabled or disabled by pressing the Up Button (default button settings).
That is from the newest update to the GT planet site about additional changes so it looks like the ghost driver lines can be turned on and off.
I am already working on the tunes for these amazing cars so get ready.

I see some very possible combos in the future, sadly I couldn't gold them because I don't have my wheel. But that's not the main point I amazingly enjoyed bronze for what the content is worth. Polyphony Digital really came through with this content, and I'm highly surprised this takes racing games to a whole new level. Just think what will GT7 be if we have stuff like this now. :gtpflag:
that loyus is crazy as hell too handle at Brands GP. i enjoy the formula 3 car the most got a :42.9 with it and i think i can get it down to mid :41s.

im so sketchy on my wheel being that i havent touched it in a while....
and last week we couldn't even spell SADF :gtpflag:

I was looking at the list of those of us who have served in various armed forces. Did you know that Canadian citizens routinely serve in the US Armed forces and that members of the Canadian forces routinely serve exchange tours also. It might be informative to know what our Veterans did in the service if they are willing to share.
I can't disclose to much about what I did, but I was part of 1st Armored Division. I was among the first troops in to stand up a new unit at Ft. Bliss as it started to transition from an air defense base to an Armored base. Shortly there after we were tasked with field testing new equipment before it was used on the battlefield. Some very cool stuff passed through our hands in the 3+years I was in El Paso.
Hi guys. I'm not in Snail but wanting to join. Just don't think I am good enough currently.Is it okay for non-snail folks to join public practice sessions during the week? I just joined a blue room and got kicked instantly. Didn't realize blue was for the top dogs. Going to stick to the yellow rooms I guess.

Soap hand, I felt the same way, I spent a bit of time on GT5 before getting 6 but was never able to go online until we finally got high speed on our rural road a couple of months ago. I joined GTPlanet and searched out a bunch of different leagues but was impressed with what I saw with SNAIL and how organized it is. Having zero experience online I was bit nervous venturing into this world.
SNAIL made me feel very welcome and I have now done two Sunday nights in Div 8 and I'm having a blast. Don't wait, jump right in and before you know it you will be amazed at how much better you will get. I have been practicing with higher div guys and was very intimidated at first, but I just tell them I'm a newbie and they are very encouraging and helpful. Just last night in practice at Laguna, @chatva was kind enough to slow down so I could catch up to him and watch his lines and breaking points, I dropped 1.5 sec's off lap time right away, was feeling pretty fast until I blew a corner near the end :irked: He did this all the while leading the race, thanks, :cheers:
Can't wait for Sunday night:tup:

ps: if you haven't already, go to bottom of first post to : For a list of helpful links and FAQ's, please click here.
Congratulations @KTR5 - Thank you for your "skills" and applying them to "our world" in SNAIL.

When the term "skills" came up in the conversation, I was reminded that a racing brother of ours, @Skills_19657, is going thru a difficult time. The health challenges of our children can, and most always, drain our hearts of faith and hope.
Remember Skills, his son, and the family members in your thoughts and prayers ......... this is what "our family" does for each other.
Likewise! That's the kindest reply to a welcome post I have ever received! :D

In fact, your reply promoted me to re-read my post and I just now realized that I totally screwed it up! I meant to say that we're all about having a good race/life balance, not a good work/race balance. I took the usual "work/life balance" saying, and well, butchered it. :lol:
Its ok :lol: So after i do the "book work" do I come a Sunday night lobby? Do I have to stay the whole 2 hours? That would be 11:30pm EST!

After serving as out first ever GM, I'm saddened to announce that @ExoSphere64 is stepping down from that position. I'd like to thank him not only of taking on this important league role, but for conceptualizing and volunteering for it the first place. :bowdown:

That being said, Exo and I both agreed on who would be an ideal replacement for him, and I'm happy to announce that that person has accepted the position. Please join me in welcoming @KTR5 as the new GM of SNAIL!

As many of have probably noticed, @KTR5 has exhibited outstanding organizational skills during his time in SNAIL. In fact, it seems that he actually specializes in organization. For example, he's taken on the very complex and difficult-to-manage color program and he's also taken it upon himself to organize all of our GT Academy times.

In addition to all that, he's helped to coordinate all sorts of things, such as Race of Champions, new car votes, and even his own special contests. On top of that, he's coordinated the pick process of the last few prize challenges (e.g. Allen Berg Racing Schools Challenge and the GranStand Challenge III). I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that he has the organization skills and the self-starter mentality to qualify him to be our GM and the frontman for Team SNAIL. 👍

Please join me in congratulating him on his new role. :)

Thank you for all the kind words @zer05ive. I will do my best to pick up where @ExoSphere64 left off and continue to prove why S.N.A.I.L. is the premier online racing league in GT6.

I see some very possible combos in the future, sadly I couldn't gold them because I don't have my wheel. But that's not the main point I amazingly enjoyed bronze for what the content is worth. Polyphony Digital really came through with this content, and I'm highly surprised this takes racing games to a whole new level. Just think what will GT7 be if we have stuff like this now. :gtpflag:

that loyus is crazy as hell too handle at Brands GP. i enjoy the formula 3 car the most got a :42.9 with it and i think i can get it down to mid :41s.

im so sketchy on my wheel being that i havent touched it in a while....

I agree that the Formula 3 is a fabulous car to drive at the 1980 version of Brands Hatch. Getting gold wasn't all that hard, you just have to hold your right foot down longer as the car has tons of grip :)

Not to be a Debbie Downer, but if I could make one complaint, it is that we can't continuously hot lap the Senna time trials. It would be more efficient if we could just run 15 laps in a row without having to restart each time.

Hi guys. I'm not in Snail but wanting to join. Just don't think I am good enough currently.Is it okay for non-snail folks to join public practice sessions during the week? I just joined a blue room and got kicked instantly. Didn't realize blue was for the top dogs. Going to stick to the yellow rooms I guess.

Just like @aerolite said, just join up with us. We have drivers of nearly every ability levels from GT Academy champion @GumballCGT to where I was when I joined up on January 5th as a far back marker. You will get faster and this is a great place with a great group of guys to help you do it.

so wait...what is the track and car supposed to be for GT Academy round 4? and how am I so out of the loop?

The rumor was that it was the Nissan GT-R GT3 NISMO at Spa. That came out a couple weeks ago, so the next logical rumor was that they were going to change it up. We'll find out on Monday AM.
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