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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Thanks! I missed running with u guys and looking forward to it next week if I'm in?
Okay, but please leave the D1 lounge asap. Don't leave in the middle of a race, but please leave as soon as there's a break in the action. We don't want any non-racers adding bandwidth issues on the already stained PD servers. With you, there are 14 drivers in that lounge and that's almost asking for trouble.
Okay, but please leave the D1 lounge asap. Don't leave in the middle of a race, but please leave as soon as there's a break in the action. We don't want any non-racers adding bandwidth issues on the already stained PD servers. With you, there are 14 drivers in that lounge and that's almost asking for trouble.
D1 done and scores entered. All was well once X-rad found us except for a couple false starts on race one - sorry @Pizzle13 for the confusion. Just for future reference, when in doubt, keep running at full pace. If we really are backing out, you'll see a lot of people exiting the session and a bunch of messages ;)

ita ok
not like i was on a world record setting lap anyways lol

i found that R1 was kind of sluggish,
i know i can drive solid 1:22s there
and it just didnt work, i wonder if its microlag or something
D3 replays are uploaded to the Open Replay drive. They're also uploaded to a D3 Stewards drive but I'm not sure it's the correct one - every time I attempted to open the D3 drive shared with me earlier this week in "My Drive" I received a "Sorry, there was an error performing this operation" error message. I did upload them to a D3 drive already "mounted" in "My Drive" but there are also replays there going back quite a ways, leading me to think it's actually the abandoned drive. But it's the only D3 drive I'm able to access.

Rough night; too many connection issues.
Wow! seems like D5 got inspired by the F1 weekend.
A lot of overtakes, crashes and off-tracks.

One of my worst sunday nights ever.
What a gloriously frustrating night! The competition is just so close in D4. There is absolutely no room for errors with this bunch. Fumbled the back chicane at Apricot and got busted with a 10 second penalty. Got collected in a random accident because of the weird rules of ghosting. Racked up several personal mistakes. It makes me want to pull my hair out but racing on the ragged edge is what makes it so exciting. Thanks D4 for another heart pounding night of racing. Big Thank You to @USERID_77a23 for covering the plate when @Handlebar flamed out.

Just a side note. The fierce action in D4 (and other divisions) isn't random or by accident. There is a very large group of our members that put in a huge amount of personal time to make sure our divisions are as leveled as possible. Thanks guys for making this THE best League!

Division 4 replays have been loaded into the League and public folders!
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Where can i actually see the new d1 results/data?
When i open the link from the snail faq that says sunday night results the last updates was last sunday
D3 replays are uploaded to the Open Replay drive. They're also uploaded to a D3 Stewards drive but I'm not sure it's the correct one - every time I attempted to open the D3 drive shared with me earlier this week in "My Drive" I received a "Sorry, there was an error performing this operation" error message. I did upload them to a D3 drive already "mounted" in "My Drive" but there are also replays there going back quite a ways, leading me to think it's actually the abandoned drive. But it's the only D3 drive I'm able to access.

Rough night; too many connection issues.

Looks to me like you have them in the right place. 👍

It's 3am here, I'm hitting the rack. D1, please get your replays uploaded this week.
July 20, 2014 lineup
banners by @Pizzle13



Bad ass!
That's nice as nice can get!
We had connection issues, we finished late as hell, we had incredible crashes and we even had Tommy losing his New York/Los Angeles mind but we had real, real good tight racing last night.
The most amazing thing about D3 is how easy it is to finish one race in 9th or 10th and think you're slow as hell and win the next one and vice-versa and 13 people on the grid? That's what I'm talking about.👍
Is there a way to turn off the driver names above each car during the race? I missed my brake point at Apricot Hill because I was in the back and the driver names were the exact same height as the brake markers.
Is there a way to turn off the driver names above each car during the race? I missed my brake point at Apricot Hill because I was in the back and the driver names were the exact same height as the brake markers.


As you enter each lobby for the first time, first go to the observer (binoculars) setting, even if you are the guy setting up the room.

This takes you to a 'view other racers' area - arrow over to the settings within this viewing area, and click on the Options/Settings - second from the right.

Within this menu, at or near the bottom, there is a "Display Driver names" toggle - Show All / None (Hide?).

Unfortunately, even if your default has None, you have to toggle this to Show All, then back to None/Hide each time.

Then, exit Observer mode settings, Exit Observer Mode, and Get on the track. :cheers: