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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Since we will be racing at Fuji with a GT300 car and I was still watching the SuperGT Fuji race earlier today and decided to crop this crazy dogfight with some amazing moves from Björn Wirdheim in the SLS, definitely check it out!

We only have to concentrate for 7 laps (and we still fall off sometimes!)...they have to do 110 laps.. that's game face on!
Same here... Or that kid is actually Paul Tracy or Jack Villeneuve making fun of us or its just incomprehensible how can you be that skilled at such young age.
I asked him already if he has any racing experience but he never answered me back.

Come on Schmiggz, you live in Canada, it's Jacques! :lol:
I still have some gear from his BAR Honda days :lol:
We only have to concentrate for 7 laps (and we still fall off sometimes!)...they have to do 110 laps.. that's game face on!
They make driver changes on every tire change so roughly an hour in the car depending on strategy, but I've had my fair share of endurance racing in real life and holding yourself against the G-force built up with slicks is on a different planet from street tires.
For those that wonder where the banners have been hiding. Wonder no more. It appears I will be the proxy for our banner maker while he works through some technical difficulties.

View attachment 197480
Fuji will actually be 6 laps with 6 minutes qualifying.

View attachment 197481
Willow Springs should go 8 laps with 6 minutes qualifying. Also, it will be on sport soft tires, not sport hard. Bear with us as we work out the kinks in this by proxy banner submittal.

Edit: whoops. Forgot. @zer05ive
Yup, got em. I updated the lineup post a few hours ago, but have been waiting for a TOPP to post them on the thread (almost there.. :sly:)
For the guys that like those "Hella flush", cambered out cars:

Formula vee style!

Also, the Family Affair Racing Team had their fifth annual vee invitational race about a month ago and I thought I'd share some footage. The driver is one of our renters Alan Baker driving a 1990 Tsunami Mkll (#30), battling with another one of our renters Ross Baillie driving a 2004 Protoform P3 (#01), and the famous Formula Vee driver (and my grandfather) Al Ores in a 1975 Caldwell D13 (#19)

If you guys remember from last year, I had mentioned my father driving his '98 Campbell last year. This year he would challenge for the podium in a 2003 Protoform P3 (#69) seeing as though he snapped a spindle going down the front straight in his personal car earlier in the season, I'll try to get some footage from his point of view later on... Enjoy!​
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Love the banners, but I think the Corvette should be sport softs, correct?

Sports soft is correct, I believe the error is in the process of being rectified. I too love these banners so I'm glad they are still in operation.
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August 3rd, 2014 lineup
banners by @Pizzle13

Love the banners, but I think the Corvette should be sport softs, correct?
Sports soft is correct, I believe the error is in the process of being rectified. I too love these banners so I'm glad they are still in operation.

@turnupdaheat is correct, as is @Dacana. Our banner posting process is going to be a little clunky for the foreseeable future, Pizzle13 still wants to do the work, but, he will have to submit by proxy and we're still working out the details of how that will be done and when.
I submitted my time trail. I looked at the cars being used for this Sunday. The only car I don't have is the Nissan GTR-GT500 Base Model '06. It might take me some time to get that car, since it costs so much. I just purchased the RE Amemiya RX7 GT300 Base Model '06, which took all of my funds.
If you weren't placed then you might not have got it in in time, patients!@TBongX
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I know my work schedual has kept me from racing, but why was I removed from the list of drivers?
You might consider sending a pm to JLBowler, but, I suspect it was because you haven't raced a Sunday night in 2 months or more.
Love the banners, but I think the Corvette should be sport softs, correct?
Rookie mistake. I had been practicing on sport hards on the corvette this week and raced on sport hards with the lambo last week. For some reason i thought you used the stock tires that came when you bought the car... :banghead::banghead::banghead: At least I'll shave a few seconds on my lap time!!! :D
Rookie mistake. I had been practicing on sport hards on the corvette this week and raced on sport hards with the lambo last week. For some reason i thought you used the stock tires that came when you bought the car... :banghead::banghead::banghead: At least I'll shave a few seconds on my lap time!!! :D

This, from the OP, will tell you all you need to work out what tyres to run on:

Tire Restrictions: (based on Dealership PP)
Street Cars
below 450 PP -> Sports Hards
450-499 PP ---> Sports Mediums
500 PP & up --> Sports Softs
Race Cars
below 600 PP -> Racing Hards
600 PP & up --> Racing Mediums
Tuner Cars
Classified as either Street or Race cars based on this list
Once again, and I swear for the last time this week, the driver's list has been updated.

All drivers should take a look at the list to make sure of the division that you are placed in for this month. There were some changes since the list was posted yesterday. If you're a host, I strongly suggest that you have a copy of the drivers list at your side when it's time to race tonight to make sure everybody gets to the right spot to race.
Division 5

Division 5 will be run "friends only" tonight (and every sunday). I will be hosting tonight so everyone be sure to have userid_77a23 on your PSN friends list ASAP. no new friends will be accepted after 9pmEST. the room will open shortly after 9. Good luck to everyone tonight.
Once again, and I swear for the last time this week, the driver's list has been updated.

All drivers should take a look at the list to make sure of the division that you are placed in for this month. There were some changes since the list was posted yesterday. If you're a host, I strongly suggest that you have a copy of the drivers list at your side when it's time to race tonight to make sure everybody gets to the right spot to race.

-Attention D3 Racers-

Division 3 is opened as a 'friends only' room. Make sure you send me, tcrash15, a 'friend request', if you want to race tonight. Remember, it is up to you to send me the request not me sending you one. I will be accepting them up until 9:00pm ET and after that, you'll be out of luck until next week.

Also, if everyone can be in the room, ready to go, by 9:30pm ET / 6:30pm PT so when JLBowler gives the all clear we can start the races.

I will be opening the room at 9:10pm ET / 6:10pm PT. So there should be plenty of time to get yourself together.

If you are not sure you are in Division 3, please refer to the current drivers list to make sure. I also would like ALL of my fellow Division 3 racers to read this so you are aware of my responsibility's as well are yours.

See you all tonight!
Just a reminder for everyone in anticipation of the night's racing at Willow Springs. The excerpt below is taken straight from the SNAIL OLR and applies at every track but is especially relevant at a track like Willow Springs where off track excursions are quite common.

14: Re-entering to the track after running off:

A: It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.
An off track incident includes but is not limited to:
1. Being stuck or pinned to a wall or railing.
2. More than two tires leaving the track at any one time
3. Any situation where the car may lose control and create cross traffic
Do not reverse back onto the track unless it is necessary. If you are backing up away from a wall first look around you to avoid a collision and as the collision would be your fault.
Re-enter the track parallel to the road, slowly and gently, and always with great care. This gives you the best opportunity to see what’s coming up the track behind you, and it also gives drivers coming up on you the best chance to orientate themselves to your situation.

When re-entering the track, you must take all available measures to not affect any other driver on the track. If this means you have to come to a complete stop on the side of the track and wait for the track to be clear, then that is what you must do.
I have all division 6 drivers added to my friends list. Will be friends only so i am set for starting to host.
I seen some people in different divisions who had the same numbers. I'm choosing number 75. Someone has that number in a different division. I have also chosen color GT6-Chrome 12. I didn't see anyone using that color.
I seen some people in different divisions who had the same numbers. I'm choosing number 75. Someone has that number in a different division. I have also chosen color GT6-Chrome 12. I didn't see anyone using that color.

My cars are body color GT6 Chrome 007, Merlot Red rims, number 20. I think it's coach who has the link to what each driver has in body/rim color and number. Use whichever color/number combo you can pick that isn't being used.