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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I have replay Uploader for now, @ptslopoke is scorekeeper but he couldn't show yesterday.
Which is why we need at least 1, preferably 2 backups, in every position for each division to operate with. If you're willing to enter the scores and have the data, I can meet with you via PSN for a brief "clinic" in scorekeeping. I'm not in a position, at the moment, to grant access to the Director's Doc so that will have to either, wait until I get home, or, someone else can grant it, such as @CoachMK21 or @JLBowler or @zer05ive, and you can reference this document to show what needs to be entered where.
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Which makes for a nice parade at GPF. No where to pass and the car is too stable to wait for a mistake. A typical pick from D6 thru D8, easy to drive and hard to pass unless you make a major mistake.

I know snail has a strict procedure to pick out tires but if a car is way to stable maybe we could step down to worse tires and make it slightly harder to drive?
I would like to open discussion up on the whole how hard it is to pass problem we appear to be having. While I have always been a proponent for passing being hard, the main problem I see here is with the draft. I will use an example experienced last night at Indy. Coming out to the oval, I was a little less than a car length behind another car. With the draft set to "Real", I was unable to even pull up to the driver's position before the braking zone for turn 1. I did slide to the right after the start finish line, but since I couldn't achieve anything resembling overlap, broke earlier than I would have by myself, and eased back in behind. A lap or two later, I was even closer to the ahead car's bumper when we entered the oval section of track and I just barely achieved overlap by turn 1. Sufficient overlap was accomplished as much by braking as late as I dared as it was by the effects of drafting. This set up one helluva battle for track position through the first half of the last lap, one which I lost, but have won others in similar situations.

The point to that story is, on a track with a straight such as Indy, I should have had a shot at beating the ahead car to the start/finish line, and, been a full car length ahead by the time we reached the brake point for T1. Completing such a pass, especially at the beginning of the last lap, should have put me at a distinct disadvantage coming to the finish line if the car now behind me stayed with me the rest of the lap. This is the chess game racing should be.

With that in mind, I'd like to propose we move the Draft setting back to Weak. I've discussed this with a couple of others and it was brought up to me when the Real draft setting was first used, and we've all been pretty much agreed, the Weak setting is closer to real than the Real setting is.

Another benefit I see to the draft setting be put back to Weak is, maybe, some of those late braking incidents trying to get that pass done, you've been working at for 4 laps, would be safely accomplished well before the braking zones.
Joe... welcome to my world. I can put up a fast lap that's on par with the best of them but I have no consistency. One thing that's definitely helping me is to run endurance races. I find my mindset is different. Staying on track rather than drive the crap out of the car.
I'm starting to see an improvement on my Sunday races too. I still make silly mistakes but I'm starting to run races without falling off the track too.
Concur with endurance racing helping with "everything".

As you guys know we are in the final throws of polishing the SNAIL Parity Series....AKA Monday night Miatas. We tried boost and ballast and had a winner. Tonight we will do it again, hopefully with a good cross section of Divisions just to make SURE.

By coincidence I raced with "A.N.Other" series yesterday afternoon run by one of our SNAILS. It was set up to run a one hour race followed by a reverse grid second one hour race . We started the second race and after the second time through the esses at Suzuka still nose to tail, en masse ,one of the guys said...Boost is on . I had been thinking that but hadn't said anything. In a boost race the leader has zero boost and the driver furthest from the leader has the most and therefore if you visit the beach you will aided in your trip back to the pack, and it aids drivers who are slower to maintain the pack. Drivers boost varies in a programed proportion from their individual distance from the leader. It allows even slower drivers to get back to a point where they can "race" and thus get more valuable seat time. Guys fell of trying to pass our host who was the leader....he is a true Alien...we took trying to pass him and each other with, shall we say educational results. Everything works like a normal race except your penalty for screwing the pooch is greatly lessened.

When I initially realized what our host had done I thought to myself....this is going to be a long hard hour. 30 very fast minutes later I pitted and rejoined the pack, formulated tyre strategy, and promptly fell off. Three laps later I was with them again. Then...too soon ...it was over. I have NEVER gotten that much educational doorhandle racing in one dose in my life. Unless we screw it up some way...and I really don't see how....the Miata series is going to be both educational and a hoot in hell.

Lesson. Nothing is removed from the boost race except the boring TT when you either get left for dead by Aliens,or your own automotive idiocy. Major said endurance racing aided in your development....add boost to that equation and you get 10X more.I learned yesterday by coincidence what we will confirm tonight in the Boosted Miatas.
I totally agree with you Dragonwhiskey, as I'm always online racing in all sorts of rooms. It is nearly impossible to pass let alone overtake with everything set to real. Good discussion I'm looking forward on the feed back from everyone. Thanks, Kurt
Yeah, we probably need to get his "kinder, gentler" capacitator recharged. :sly:

Yep. That part was completely dead last night. I've made some minor changes to my commentary from last night. The message still comes across but it's done in a little bit nicer way.

About the draft. There is absolutely no reason you shouldn't be able to draft by another car from one or two car lengths back on a straight as long as Indy while doing over 160mph. "Real" in this instance is nowhere near real. Some of you may think that "weak" is too strong but it's a whole lot closer to real than "real" is in this case.
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Unfortunately for me, I really despise Miatas in general. It's not a game thing or performance thing...I just don't like them in real life.
Like ...dislike...racing is racing....my SWMBO says I'd race cockroaches in a toilet bowl.
As usual she is correct. I HATED Combo 1 but the racing was epic...up and down the grid...and trust me the Miata and the Miata TC both are better than that friggin FF rice not so rocket. :gtpflag:
I have always disliked stronger slipstream settings in GT5 and GT6 but I have to agree that for whatever reason the real setting has been feeling too weak. I'm not sure if it's just Indy, or if something has changed. Come to think of it, I was having the same issue at Indy and Spa. You need to have a great drive out of a corner along with slipstream to get the pass done safely before turn in at next corner.

I would vote for a change in settings to Slipstream Weak.
Like ...dislike...racing is racing....my SWMBO says I'd race cockroaches in a toilet bowl.
As usual she is correct. I HATED Combo 1 but the racing was epic...up and down the grid...and trust me the Miata and the Miata TC both are better than that friggin FF rice not so
rocket. :gtpflag:

As a rule I am generally not a fan of understeer :) That track does not showcase FF cars very well unfortunately.
I'm interested in joining the league if there's room. My online name that I use for racing is OGR_ROCKSTAR86. I have a few friends that are in the league(sprintr and griffin) and they have told me about the league and I've read the first page and feel comfortable with what's expected. I'll keep an eye out on the thread for a reply.
I would like to put up a $10 Amazon gift card up for auction on the [URL='https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/threads/%E2%97%86-s-n-a-i-l-spec-racing-new-season-begins-on-september-7th-now-is-the-perfect-time-to-join.235094/page-1194#post-8806434'] SNAIL Marketplace[/URL] . Since you can buy pretty much anything on on Amazon, this is basically like $10 cash!


This will be sold as an auction and there is no minimum bid and no reserve price!
Proper Bidding Etiquette
If you want to place a bid our outbid someone else, please clearly state how many $hells you are bidding and what you're bidding on. It is also preferred if your bid post is in reply to the original listing (if you're the first bidder) or in reply to the highest current bid (if you're outbidding someone else). As an example, a simple reply of "I bid __ $hells for the _____" would be sufficient. 👍
IMPORTANT: Do not bid more $hells than the number of $hells you currently own.
How To Win
Once someone places a bid that lasts 24 hours without being outbid by somebody else, the auction will close and the highest bidder will be declared the winner. The winner will then send me a PM with your email so i can forward the code over. Thanks!
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I'm interested in joining the league if there's room. My online name that I use for racing is OGR_ROCKSTAR86. I have a few friends that are in the league(sprintr and griffin) and they have told me about the league and I've read the first page and feel comfortable with what's expected. I'll keep an eye out on the thread for a reply.


Here's your official S.N.A.I.L. Welcome Post!

Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by 23:59 EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. Send a PSN friend request to the Race Director or Primary Host from your assigned SNAIL Division. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below. Now if you've actually read this, post a :dunce: in this thread.

6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.
If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
I dont. If someone doesnt have a close enough gap with slipstream on weak might cause more dive bombing issues because some over estimates their speed and misses a braking point.

So you think it's a bad thing to ask a driver to pay attention to what they are doing and how fast they are going? People can underestimate their speed and miss a brake point with slipstream on any setting. It all comes down to the driver paying attention to what they're doing.

I bid 5 $hells for the amazon gift card. :)

I bid 6 shells for the amazon gift card.
Better yet, while your sitting there munching that popcorn, get the scores and votes entered in the Director's doc, and, get some replays for D1 uploaded so the rest of SNAIL can see what the D1 Snailiens are doing and give those that want it, something to aim for. You guys are the yardstick many are measured with. Without D1 data, many that may benefit, from being able to see your data, can't be measured, lacking or otherwise.
So, not to dig on D1, as I have been wont to do on occasion. If they race and no one enters data in a timely fashion (or at all), is it really a Snail race night? At that point it's a bunch of guys racing in a room with a Snail label.

I understand that the D1 guys are faster and may have some sort actual racing life or are busy sending resumes to people. But if this is the case and no one steps up on a weekly basis to do the leg work, then it's basically just a "Exhibition" race amongst friends. So all these guys are using Snail as a platform to find other fast guys to race with without actually giving anything back. I realize Snail likes to have the recognition of being a platform to the stars for Academy finalists but dang...if someone can't step up and enter some numbers in a chart then...blah blah...ranting over something that really isn't my place...but I'm sure some of you feel the same way.

This series is based on hard numbers and results data and replays from which others can learn. If none of that is provided regularly then it means nothing.

Just my opinion...
I would like to put up a $10 Amazon gift card up for auction on the SNAIL Marketplace . Since you can buy pretty much anything on on Amazon, this is basically like $10 cash!


This will be sold as an auction and there is no minimum bid and no reserve price!
Proper Bidding Etiquette
If you want to place a bid our outbid someone else, please clearly state how many $hells you are bidding and what you're bidding on. It is also preferred if your bid post is in reply to the original listing (if you're the first bidder) or in reply to the highest current bid (if you're outbidding someone else). As an example, a simple reply of "I bid __ $hells for the _____" would be sufficient. 👍
IMPORTANT: Do not bid more $hells than the number of $hells you currently own.
How To Win
Once someone places a bid that lasts 24 hours without being outbid by somebody else, the auction will close and the highest bidder will be declared the winner. The winner will then send me a PM with your email so i can forward the code over. Thanks!
I bid my dog and my Brother @Roman_SPQR for the gift card. :)
I would like to put up a $10 Amazon gift card up for auction on the SNAIL Marketplace . Since you can buy pretty much anything on on Amazon, this is basically like $10 cash!


This will be sold as an auction and there is no minimum bid and no reserve price!
Proper Bidding Etiquette
If you want to place a bid our outbid someone else, please clearly state how many $hells you are bidding and what you're bidding on. It is also preferred if your bid post is in reply to the original listing (if you're the first bidder) or in reply to the highest current bid (if you're outbidding someone else). As an example, a simple reply of "I bid __ $hells for the _____" would be sufficient. 👍
IMPORTANT: Do not bid more $hells than the number of $hells you currently own.
How To Win
Once someone places a bid that lasts 24 hours without being outbid by somebody else, the auction will close and the highest bidder will be declared the winner. The winner will then send me a PM with your email so i can forward the code over. Thanks!

I bid 6 shells for the amazon gift card.

I bid 7 $shells for the Amazon gift card. :)
I have been waiting eagerly to see D1 data to have the benchmark as well. At least a lot of us can learn how much more potential can we push the car to the limit. D2-D4 data seems very competitively close and I guess the difference is better consistency. I am looking at the D2-D4 data very closely throughout these weeks and you guys are putting down very fast times. What I notice is the overall result as a TEAM. That actually means a lot, if the whole team are able to run consistently fast and similar times, ALL benefits from the drafting and can put down fast time that driving alone can't. D5-D8 still have some very fast drivers but the gap between different drivers seems bigger. Anyways, overall structure of SNAIL organization is fascinating.

Alright, 11 shells for $10 Amazon card by CoachMK21!!!!! Anyone else and anymore!!! :D
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D1 and D7. Get your hsit together and get your results posted. If you can't do this in a timely fashion you will not be eligible for any prizes.

By the way. Any body that voted to keep the piece of crap VW on the piece of crap track over the other pieces of crap has a different idea of what makes for good racing. That is all of my commentary.

That's the only combo I did well in for the night! LOL great racing in D6
I dont. If someone doesnt have a close enough gap with slipstream on weak might cause more dive bombing issues because some over estimates their speed and misses a braking point.
In this particular case, or similar ones, we have a process that's been in place, for more than 2 years, for dealing with such "misses". What you appear to be describing is generally called a divebomb, is against our OLR, and if I'm not mistaken, carries a minimum penalty of -9 points. If a person were to finish in first place and was found guilty of a divebomb, that would be over half the points scored for that race.

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