Although my thoughts are very different from all of yours, and to be honest I'm not even a part of this group, I'd like to post my thoughts about this league. First off I feel like most of the people here are nice people, so my post isn't an attack on the way you play your game, or on you all personally. It's merely my thoughts. I have been playing this game for four months, and I have some skills, you would never know it by my time spent here, but if you friend me, you will find that my GT Academy times are competitive, he'll, I've golded them all including 8-5 witch is pretty tough, and from what I've shown here, I'm sure it's a surprise to most I've gotten gold in any of them. But in my opinion, this league, and almost all of the other leagues here are so rule orientated that the FUN gets lost. Now I know you guys have played for years, and playing with tunes or driving aids, or good tires might be too easy for you, and I get that, I also get this is not my club, and you all can do what you want, its just my opinion. In my opinion most of the hardcore players have either left this game for other games, because this is a couple of years old, or have already found their club or group of friends to race with. So the largely untapped group would be the new arrivals like me. But new arrivals have never raced with
1. *Tires other than the best.
2. All driving aids off, especially the driving line.
3. Other real people.
4. No tuning allowed
Unfortunately these four things coupled together make it a bad time for new folks, and possibly for you as they run in the back of you. Personally I can drive with no aids and tuning(very slowly) if I have to, but as a new guy, it's like playing PAC-Man and not eating the berries that make the ghosts turn blue, kinda kills the fun, and makes it a job. I personally don't want a job, I want to have fun. So I have been watching as new guys come in and then no sho with no notice and stuff like that, and while this thread gets a lot of talk on it, there's less than 50 active members. Look, you guys are very good, I think everybody understands that, but to not allow driving aids, without stipulation, and without looking down on folks for using them, in my opinion, limits your club immeasurably. This is a great club with a great bunch of people, and like I said, this is my opinion, I understand it's unpopular here, so please feel free to bash me or simply ignore my words, thanks