Well I just got home ended up staying way later then I thought I would

who wouldn't rite!!!
My overall experience was a ****in blast what a crazy setup this thing got all the latest and greatest
Sim racing gear us guys could only dream about owning, this thing by far the best simulation I've ever
Had the chance to race on from the wheel to the Todd cannon peddles and the full motion I felt was spot on
What a real car would felt like the setup I was on will cost you 60k its the full motion setup
so I got there around 12 didn't end up leaving till around 7 lol so after about 20 min on
The rig a crowd had gathered and come to find out these were some private owners of the vgt sim and prospective buyers & race team owners and they threw out Jokes how they would pay to have me teach them how to get up to speed so the rep get to talking and there looking into How they could make that happen crazy rite! So few more people come into the show room and by this time the rep is having me instructor the prospective buyers into what to do and what not todo how to go fast ECT felt like I was already working for them lol
Also I was invited to come back in a week to check out there head quarters
To check out how everything is made ECT also!!!!! The where they have there main rigs setup is at GMG racing facility
That manages team GMG Audi and he said that there pro drivers acutely uses the vgt simulator to prep on the off season and there going to fit me in to get some time with the GMG guys and race director to hopefully better my chances at national/silverstone when I heard this i was shock like really all this for me,,, all I did was ask to come down and test drive the simulator then all these other option were thrown my way I was so great full!! So we got to talking about me making it into gt academy and then all these other options stared being offered I was so shocked
So at the end of the day I got around 3.5hours on the rig off and on
Also don't be afraid to ask to try something in life the worse they could say is
No you didn't gain noting but at least you asked for me it payed off 10x. Fold
The wheel on this rig is trackstar7000 the peddles were Todd cannons
And of course triple screen thin edge also full motion was so cool!
The sim it was on is Iracing and Rfactor should be heading back to headquarters
And GMG racing facility in a week will have another update
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