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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Sorry for tripple post:banghead::embarrassed:. And will try to refrain from text speak us scots are lazy that why we shorten words to lol. In regards to information what can i do so that when this info is posted i can see it. At the moment i use the op to find the information as need to scroll through some posts to find the said information. Also im using my android for comunication on forum. Any advice or help apreciated.

@CoachMK21 posts it all on twitter
Well, I don't see a Throwback Thursday theme going on so... Throwback to your first Sunday with SNAIL!
Silverstone International Circuit.jpg

The very first race I ever competed in, I started on pole at Silverstone in front of a full D2 grid and ended up fourth in the VW Golf touring car... I also got my first win in the Elise touring car at Fuji that night. I finished the night fourth in points and with a big 'ol grin on my face! Good times!
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Sorry for tripple post:banghead::embarrassed:. And will try to refrain from text speak us scots are lazy that why we shorten words to lol. In regards to information what can i do so that when this info is posted i can see it. At the moment i use the op to find the information as need to scroll through some posts to find the said information. Also im using my android for comunication on forum. Any advice or help apreciated.
And you can get banned for text speak its in the agreement
Well, I don't see a Throwback Thursday theme going on so... Throwback to your fist Sunday with SNAIL!

The very first race I ever competed in, I started on pole at Silverstone in front of a full D2 grid and ended up fourth in the VW Golf touring car... I also got my first win in the Elise touring car at Fuji that night. I finished the night fourth in points and with a big 'ol grin on my face! Good times!
fist sunday?
Well, I don't see a Throwback Thursday theme going on so... Throwback to your first Sunday with SNAIL!
View attachment 255531
The very first race I ever competed in, I started on pole at Silverstone in front of a full D2 grid and ended up fourth in the VW Golf touring car... I also got my first win in the Elise touring car at Fuji that night. I finished the night fourth in points and with a big 'ol grin on my face! Good times!

Last Sunday, I think you might remember that

Are you busy?

View attachment 243802

Can't follow the thread all day to find out the new combos?

View attachment 243803

Don't want to get fish slapped for asking?

View attachment 243805

Then be sure to:

I've been tweeting this very information as it becomes available. If are already on Twitter, be sure to give us a follow. If you aren't using Twitter, it's real simple to join and if you follow just us, it will be very easy to stay up to date with the current SNAIL race night information!

A huge thank you for the awesome work by @Rednose58 on the pre-race detail summaries and @GamingPete for the amazing banners.

Are you busy?

View attachment 243802

Can't follow the thread all day to find out the new combos?

View attachment 243803

Don't want to get fish slapped for asking?

View attachment 243805

Then be sure to:

I've been tweeting this very information as it becomes available. If are already on Twitter, be sure to give us a follow. If you aren't using Twitter, it's real simple to join and if you follow just us, it will be very easy to stay up to date with the current SNAIL race night information!

A huge thank you for the awesome work by @Rednose58 on the pre-race detail summaries and @GamingPete for the amazing banners.
OR I'm not busy! Want to know the new combos pm me either on here or PSN:mischievous::):gtpflag:
Connor, I think Nail is showing his age here, and maybe I am to, but back in the day, TVs came with maybe 2 inputs, coax and rca. If you had more than 2 devices, say a cable box, beta max and Atari 2600, you would need to be changing out two of the devices all the time. What's a high fidelity gamer to do? Get an A/B box. Hook up two, or more, devices to the box and press a button for the source you want piped to the boob tube. As for whether they exist in USB form, it's possible, maybe amazon has something.

In the ground attack business we had an expression that was used when the aircraft that had just fired a rocket or dropped a bomb had a direct hit. It was SHACK.

I believe it originated when there was an actual structure, a shack, at ground zero...the bullseye as it were. When controlling a formation of fighters when lead hit the target and you wanted to give his wingman (two) a correction.....the xmission would be...

SHACK lead....Two....hit leads bombs.

All this explanation leads to this...

Rallywagon....SHACK !

I Want an idiot switch to allow the flat screen and the G27 to switch beetween inputs (ps3 and pc) without constant switching of usbs....and eventually allow a new controller and tv to cycle between ps3, xbox, and pc.
Well, I don't see a Throwback Thursday theme going on so... Throwback to your first Sunday with SNAIL!
View attachment 255531
The very first race I ever competed in, I started on pole at Silverstone in front of a full D2 grid and ended up fourth in the VW Golf touring car... I also got my first win in the Elise touring car at Fuji that night. I finished the night fourth in points and with a big 'ol grin on my face! Good times!
My first Sunday in SNAIL and my first online race on my wheel. GTR on Deep Forest in D7, the first corner woes.
Deep Forest Raceway.jpg
On (I think) my first sunday in D2 we were in the Camaro touring car, I was doing really well in that car. I had come in second in the first race, and in the second I had passed enough of the field to be back in 3rd... up until my takumi impression got the best of me on the second to last corner at Laguna Seca, on the last lap. I went from 3rd to 8th or 9th. That's what I get for getting too excited, I guess! lol

Here's the part of my takumi impression that went well, going into the corkscrew... I didn't get any pictures of me in the dirt a few corners later :)

And this was the pass that made me so excited.

Just after that, I think, was when I got one outside wheel in the dirt without realizing it... hah! I couldn't believe I threw away a podium like that, and I've tried really hard to make sure I didn't ever again.
My first SNAIL weekend was just over 2 months ago. D3 at Indy with that same Camaro Touring Car. Was a heck of a car to fight with whule making sure I didn't crash everybody out. Started off as a sour showing but I think I finished 3rd in the division, so I was pleased with that!
On, my next topic. As much as I am a reaching fan, I am as much a fan of most sims. From racing, to submarine warfare, to WWII era aerial combat. A little over a year ago I stumbled across a game called War Thunder, which happens to be a WWII based aerial, and recently add tank combat sim. It's a lot of fun to play, and easy to get into. Mouse/keyboard controls are probably the best of any flight sim, but if you feel the need flight sticks of all sorts work great too. I am wondering if anyone currently does, or would like to get into it? If so, look up SpicyGalloway in game, or message me and I can hook you up with an invite link. This game is a blast, and I would love to do some historical battles in a proper squad. BTW, this game is not a resource hog, and runs quite well on my friends old HP laptop. So you don't need tons of ram and the bleeding edge graphics card to play it.

I've been wanting to try some flight sims for a while now. After seeing that there is quite a few great PS3
flight sims and PC based sims, I broke down and purchase one of these:

50 bucks on Amazon and I've been playing Birds Of Steel online and it's pretty awesome. It does take a while to learn what the buttons do (preset) so I set the buttons up the way I like and it works great. I have checked into War Thunder for another PC based flight sim and it looks interesting. I have Microsoft's Flight Simulator X but haven't tried it yet. Getting into the WWII aerial dog fights is pretty dramatic and shooting down the other planes and going on bombing missions is not as easy as you would think. It's just something different.

But I have to say that racing in Snail will always be my #1 sim experience:)
I've been wanting to try some flight sims for a while now. After seeing that there is quite a few great PS3
flight sims and PC based sims, I broke down and purchase one of these:

50 bucks on Amazon and I've been playing Birds Of Steel online and it's pretty awesome. It does take a while to learn what the buttons do (preset) so I set the buttons up the way I like and it works great. I have checked into War Thunder for another PC based flight sim and it looks interesting. I have Microsoft's Flight Simulator X but haven't tried it yet. Getting into the WWII aerial dog fights is pretty dramatic and shooting down the other planes and going on bombing missions is not as easy as you would think. It's just something different.

But I have to say that racing in Snail will always be my #1 sim experience:)
Snail has indeed been my top gaming experience hands down. I'm not sure I would have gotten this into gt or sim racing otherwise.
War thunder is great. I've not heard of birds of steel, I'll have to check that out. Nice stick too. Those are the G27 of the flight world, just better priced. I'll probably be getting those along with a set of rudder pedals for the rig. Could you imagine that, with a oculus dk2 and some motion? Good times. You might seriously have to belt in to keep from throwing yourself out of the seat.
One thing to note about war thunder. In arcade, mousers have a shift advantage when it comes to aiming. You will notice that keeping the reticle smooth can be difficult. With a mouse it is far smoother, however, the caveat to this is that the controls can be kinda woonky and cause some oh crap moments when dog fighting close to the ground. The game though looks great, over all fly's awesome and definitely takes skill. Boom and zoom, dog fighting, bombing, they all require their own set of techniques and just like here in racing, getting good requires a lot of practice. Only in the last 2 weeks of playing for over 2 months have I gotten to the point where I can get more kills than I get shot down, half of the time.
Anyway, if you do up war thunder let me know, we can take down some bogies.
I am interested in the Buttkicker but don't know which one is for me. I currently have a Grandstand stand and am using an executive desk chair but may eventually switch to using a "dedicated/real" racing seat in place of the desk chair. In light of that, does anyone know which Buttkicker part(s) would work with my current setup that would also work with a "real" racing seat?

Does your desk chair look anything like this?

Does the "dedicated/real" racing seat you plan on getting look anything like this?

Either way, you can't go wrong with one of these! :)
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