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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Hi D3'lerls,

@Rednose took this picture, just wanted to know who's car this is and which rims are on it, looks epic on this baby :)

Those are the PDI 525N. THe nascar looking wheels just painted chrome. I use the same ones just orange.
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RESPECT to @intoflatlines blue car, and @FloptaStr8 black car.

Fourth lap battle for position 10, 11, an 12 out of 13. Three wide thru the hairpin. No one gave an inch and we all held our line. Next and final lap for same positions we ended up three wide again after the chicane into the two right handers.

Clean and close the best racing of the night for me. This why i race with SNAIL, not to win but for moments like these were you feel your heart miss a beat , the palms get sweaty, all while holding your breathe. RESPECT
The pictures loaded backwards. I changed that before loading. My view in files is correct, however when loaded they show last first. Anyone know why?

To appreciate the close racing just view the above photos from bottom to top, sorry.

@vsfit has agreed to join the Steward Corps. This week and next, he will begin becoming familiar with SNAILIRR and the processes we use and be ready to cast his opinions in the crucible with the start of the February season.

Welcome vsfit, and thank you for volunteering to become more involved with keeping SNAIL the cleanest racing on the planet.
The pictures loaded backwards. I changed that before loading. My view in files is correct, however when loaded they show last first. Anyone know why?

To appreciate the close racing just view the above photos from bottom to top, sorry.
Damn, I liked the order posted better! :D

That was an awesome race. I love that we're battling intensely even for the last three positions. Great race @SGETI and @FloptaStr8!
Does anyone know which combo is staying for Feb 1st?
February 2015 Season
February 1st - No league night because of Super Bowl XLIX
League Night #1 - February 8th
League Night #2 - February 15th
League Night #3 - February 22nd
League Night #4 - March 1st
Work got cancelled tonight. They closed the store due to the snow storm. I was supposed to be from 6-12. Tomorrow I have to be in at 12 noon to 6pm. I hope it's open so I can work and get paid. I'm not sure how this works if I'll get paid for today or not.
Work got cancelled tonight. They closed the store due to the snow storm. I was supposed to be from 6-12. Tomorrow I have to be in at 12 noon to 6pm. I hope it's open so I can work and get paid. I'm not sure how this works if I'll get paid for today or not.
You salaried or hourly? Do you accrue any vacation or sick time?
Chances are then, if you want to get paid for a day not worked, you'll have to burn one of those A.R. days.