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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I was never externally swayed one way or the other. My parents have owned every typical brand and had no loyalty whatsoever.

I myself just prefer the majority of the style and image of most of what GM sells.

But when it comes to Ford or Crysler it just doesn't click for me. Given free choice of any generation of any of their top models, I would just never take anything from the three but GM... Just in my DNA.

Money being no object I'd have a Jag parked next to a 2016 Canyon, just because they check all my boxes. And there's always room for some fun, sporty japanese cars :)
No can do. It it's a Ford product. As with a Lincoln or Mercury. :)

The first car nut I've ever met, an Italian friend of my family, was the most dedicated hater of a brand I've ever seen.

When I first met him, he had a Saab 9000T (his wife had a Saab 900 without A/C - he's italian, after all), then a Diablo, then a string of Porsches (911, his latest is a 911 GT3 RS, but unfortunately I checked that one out).
When he had the Diablo and was talking about trading it for something else, I asked why he, a car enthusiast living in Italy, wouldn't buy a Ferrari. His answer? Never buy a FIAT.
I slinked back to my ignorance...
Well, I had a Ford 150 leave me stranded far from home. I had a Datsun do the same. I will not own either, ever again.

All that aside;


A new combo Practice Time Trial event is now live.

The Leader Boards can be found here.

All previous TT Leader Boards can be viewed by selecting the appropriate tab at the bottom.
I've never been a die hard if any of the big three since I really have no childhood influences. I don't come from a car family. Over the years I have become much more find of Chrysler and Dodge due to my taste in design alone. Aside from that I'm a Porsche fan.
Personally, I am a fan of performance (and corvettes). I don't much care who makes it or in which country. Because we're talking 'murican muscle, I like the new mustang (looking forward to the gt350), the Z28 and of course the Z06. I will most likely never own a performance car ($$) but certainly can appreciate them...cars are beautiful, marvelous, wonderful machines that stir the soul like few other things...:bowdown:
I just have a huge problem with PD making American muscle cars so limited. Those old Plymouth and Dodge cars topped out at 154+ mph. Especially the Super Bird and 440.
And back then...there was darn near nothing that went faster....even the street Cobras....because....there was no where to drive the suckers. All these super dooper cars with 200 plus on their clocks....will never see those speeds except in road/ track tests. If you guys have gone 154 on a track you know....IT IS BLOODY FAST. My 65 mustang was transmission limited, not power or chassis limited. With a 289 Hi-po High Performance ( Cobra Kit which raised the two barrel 289 from 200 standard BHP to 271 BHP) it was out POWERED by bigger engines...but not out sped on track..there is always the problem of more powerful bigger engines out classing brakes and chassis'. This is the brochure I actually used...I wanted the bottom....would have taken the middle....and got the top. STILL , EVEN THE COUPE WAS MASSIVELY BETTER THAN ANYTHING ELSE ON THE MARKET. Note the smoother sides without the scoop and the addition of the white pinstripe. Not bad for a Falcon clone.
They lterally could not make them fast enough. And....they were bloody fast....in a straight line...:rolleyes:

Has snail ever done an oval race??

If we ever get the course creator (and I've read that it's root file is in the game code now) the SNAIL Oval Racing Series will be making a comeback provided the creator allows me to create ovals. I had a series a while back but it got stale with only three tracks to choose from.

It was great fun as it allowed just about anyone to run up front and a lot of guys learned how to race in very close proximity with each other. I suggest that everyone should put aside their opinions of oval racing and try it at least once.

I have done a couple of special events when SNAIL was off on Sunday night and had really good participation. The last one had multiple heat races and main events in three different rooms with drivers switching between rooms for each race.
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I hope the map can contain all the awesomeness that is US129, 636 corners per lap
When I was there I did US129 as part of a loop that was probably 70 miles in total. 50 miles of it was a gravel road through a river valley I found, that eventually led up to a paved road that took you up to 5000ft and then back to US129 to start the loop again. Make that a track! XD (It will never be big enough, especially in elevation change, but one could hope)
I have to apologize if it's been covered on the thread, but I've looked over many pages already and have to ask. What is the best practice in using the boost at Mid Field? I was stuck at low 1:03s using boost to start the lap. Decided to not use the button at all and ran a 1:02.9 on the next lap. :confused:
I have to apologize if it's been covered on the thread, but I've looked over many pages already and have to ask. What is the best practice in using the boost at Mid Field? I was stuck at low 1:03s using boost to start the lap. Decided to not use the button at all and ran a 1:02.9 on the next lap. :confused:

I've seen low 1:02. Try using it as a boost off the corners instead of dumping it all at once and don't let it drain all the way that will slow your LT's too
-Turn 2
-Turn 4
-Turn 6 (maybe, not a lot of room before Turn 7
-The stretch between Turn 7 and Turn 8
-Turn 9
-Turn 11 if you still have any.

So that's six areas. Three of which of potentially unnecessary. If you eliminate those and just use it at Turns 2, 4, and 9, it may be a faster lap. Have to test.
Thanks. This is what I needed to know. Anywhere between 1:31 and 1:42 will be 7 laps. I'll Pick 1:38 to make up for the first lap loss, and also for the fact that the average lap times in races are a bit slower than the fast laps.

Therefore...... here are the settings for tonight and the weekend.

Sorry for the delay in getting this onto the lineup post. Been buried in work. :yuck:
If we ever get the course creator (and I've read that it's root file is in the game code now) the SNAIL Oval Racing Series will be making a comeback provided the creator allows me to create ovals. I had a series a while back but it got stale with only three tracks to choose from.

It was great fun as it allowed just about anyone to run up front and a lot of guys learned how to race in very close proximity with each other. I suggest that everyone should put aside their opinions of oval racing and try it at least once.

I have done a couple of special events when SNAIL was off on Sunday night and had really good participation. The last one had multiple heat races and main events in three different rooms with drivers switching between rooms for each race.

My first race with SNAIL was actually the oval race in August. I had a lot of fun racing with everyone! I'm not a big fan of oval racing, but I'd definitely do another oval event.