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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I'm going to comment on some behavior I've heard of occurring in Sunday night race lobbies, then I'm going to make some comments on the quote below. Do not expect diplomacy or tact in the following.

For practically the same reasons we don't allow discussions of incidents in this thread, we do not allow them in the Sunday race lobbies. It is behavior that is considered worthy of filing an Incident Report on and, if found "guilty" of such, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of SNAIL guidelines and principals. More than one driver has had their entire night disqualified, been suspended, or banned from the league, for such behavior. It is unacceptable and intolerable and goes against some of the first rules in the SNAIL OLR. I challenge everyone to go find what those rules are.

God doesn't forbid anything.

Historically, "discussions" regarding combos invariably degenerate to 🤬 🤬, 🤬 🤬, drama fest, pissing contests. Tempers flare, butts get hurt and nothing good has ever come from it. So far as I'm concerned, we all have but two acceptable ways to publicly (by publicly I mean this thread, the Sunday race lobbies and divisional conversations and/or other wide exposure mediums) express our dislike, dissatisfaction or outright despite of any winner's choice.

You can;
  1. Race the combo on Sunday night and vote for it. We invalidate votes for combos not raced when we find them.
  2. Not race on Sunday night and wait for the combo to go away without your input. Every combo will go away, eventually.

Otherwise, keep your pie hole closed and your fingers off the keyboard regarding combo choices. Not everyone will be pleased with any given car at any given track and that's the way it is. Get in, buckle up, shut up and drive, or not. Either way, it's your choice.


And now back to your regularly scheduled SNAIL programs.

The Ferrari 599 is very hard to use, it feels that it is going to fishtail in the rear if you put any acceleration into the turn.

It's awful. The California is a better FR Ferrari

just sayin' AND nothin like stealing someones thunder, gheesh
This is a random, ignorable rant that has nothing to do with the league or anyone in it, but I felt like saying this somewhere people would hear it. xD

It's sad when a stock V6 Camry is faster to 60mph than a $10mil+ Ferrari 250 GT, but if a modern sports car is slower in a straight line than that same V6 Camry it's a "poser car" or "not really a sports car".

What does that even mean?!?

If you feel like your sports car has to beat all bland modern family cars in horsepower to be respected, then it's essentially impossible to make an affordable sports car that is respected, no matter how good it is. Modern appliances are just that powerful now. A top of the line Corolla GT-S was $11k USD in 1985. With inflation that is $23,000USD in 2015... I think some of you know what I'm getting at now. That's also the base price of the Scion FR-S/Subaru BRZ, it's supposed successor.

That car has been getting a bad rap as of late for it's low power output compared to other cars it competes with; even though it's essentially in a class of it's own right now, but I'm of the opinion that Toyota/Subaru simply copied the original format of the AE86 better than most people realize. (Even if the BRZ has a way better power/weight ratio than an AE86)

This is MotorWeek review from 1985 of the USDM MR2 and the AE86 GT-S... Look how slow they are, look how much body roll they have! These are cars that have a cult following and at least one of them is considered "legendary".

It's true, this review is now 30 years old - but these old cars are STILL well respected even today. Why? They were good cars; no GREAT cars, even if they were a little slow out of the box compared to other sports cars of the time. Their suspensions weren't even sophisticated. They were simple, functional, efficient and inexpensive. They did it all in the right ways, though. They were light and well balanced. They were driver-focused and road-focused. They could easily be made to outperform much more expensive cars on technical tracks (or in Rally and hillclimb events where they're still extremely popular) They didn't even pretend to isolate you from the road. They were easy to drive on the street, and rewarding to push on the track with the slightest of modifications. The interiors were cheap, but who cared? Thats not where your money went.

Following that tradition, the BRZ is the lightest semi-affordable RWD coupe with a roof since... well probably since the Nissan S chassis! And we didn't even get the last generation of that car here. The FR-S/BRZ is an amazing car to build whatever you want, or just drive around on the street and actually be able to enjoy doing it; to at least still feel like you're actually driving something.

What do you actually want from a sports car? Numbers on a page? To feel superior to the guy next to you in his Chrysler 300 land yacht because you beat him from a stoplight? Why does a sports car have to be faster than a 300HP bland appliance to be respectable? Why can't we just admit that.. "Damn, that's a pretty fast minivan [or land yacht, or bland appliance]. It's not even slightly a sports car, though." Why can't we have a cheap lightweight RWD sports car that is also practical? I guess it's a case of "light, cheap, practical, powerful. Pick any two". If only I could pick three...

The BRZ's only downfall, to me, is that it isn't quite practical enough. The hatchback version of the AE86 could haul some serious cargo (bass cab with 18" woofer, 350w bass amp head, two guitar combo amps, some small PA speakers, a drum set minus the kick, two guitars and a bass in their cases, pedals, cables, two guitar stands if I remember correctly...), and on several occasions I've carried four actual adult human passengers! All in a car that weighs ~1900lbs (in the spec mine is, with some work done, without me in it). That meant it not only functioned as a badass little RWD coupe, it could be your only car. It was just a Corolla, after all. If the FR-S/BRZ was everything it is right now, but as practical as that... I'd have one already. I'd have found a way xD

I'm hoping some other companies come out with something like what I've described, but i'm not holding my breath.

Anyway, there's something to think about I guess xD If you read that whole thing - I'm sorry.

I know I may have mentioned this before but ford has done exactly this work some of their current models. Look at the Fiesta ST and the Focus ST, both out of the box are amazing and have been praised by car reviewers. Right now is a great time to get into sport compacts for the value of car that manufactures are putting out. VW had their stable of cars asas well with the GTI, Golf R and R400 soon to be released.
I really like the challenge the RGT provides when driven at the limit. This should be a great combo.
Prize A
- Ruf RGT '00
Dealership PP - 499PP/ 379HP/ 1,330kg
Tires - Sport Medium
Track - Nurburgring GP/F
Not sure on mid-division times, but my guess 2:12- 2:13
sooo well done @Ricky Wilson , this is an awesome choice [my 2ct] and THX you posted it in time 👍
guess we'll have Rock'n'Roool in Germany SNAILers :D ,so looking forward to the practice lobbys...
:cheers: I
servus @BayouSimDrifter , but am I right that this is your recent car choice in real life or wrong :embarrassed:? How do you feel it?
It's a great car for a pretty great price ($25k). I've done quite a few AutoX events with it and it does not corner like an FF at all lol. It's tail happy for one and it pulls out of corners like an awd. For right now the only downside about this car is that it doesn't come with an lsd. Brakes are another thing that should've been upgraded as it shares the same brakes with the Ford Escape. Future upgrades are a sway bar, intercooler, rims/tires. Here's a quick video from one of my events.

awesome. my jank huffing phone blew up a nice long rant on cars.
the short of the story, 80s import sports cars were the best. and i will probably continue using them for as long as they are around. Tuning on a computer screen doesnt give me the same.joy or connection with my car as getting under the hood, massaging the carb, adjusting the timing on the dizzy, etc.
To aid the prize process, are division winners notified that they unofficially won the division for the night? If not, maybe they should, so they can at least be aware at an earlier time as they are a potential prize winner. It just seems like there's a lot of pressure for prize winners to pick really quick. Some people may not have an idea of what to pick, because again, real life things happen. These kinds of things will result in poor combo decisions.

Could people offer up time to run "Potential combo rooms" once or twice a month? Even if people don't find a combo, they may pick up some ideas for good ones to practice at other times. Is there a way to streamline the process more to give people more time to make selections?

Honestly, I think people who are in the running for a prize (come on, most people know if they are a potential prize winner), should already have a prize A "in their pocket". I don't see why there should be any delay for a prize A announcement. Your idea for potential combo rooms could help in this, but also some encouragement for people to preselect a prize would be nice.

Prize B/C are tougher, because until you know the freeze, you cannot really start seriously testing cars/tracks.
Honestly, I think people who are in the running for a prize (come on, most people know if they are a potential prize winner), should already have a prize A "in their pocket". I don't see why there should be any delay for a prize A announcement. Your idea for potential combo rooms could help in this, but also some encouragement for people to preselect a prize would be nice.

Prize B/C are tougher, because until you know the freeze, you cannot really start seriously testing cars/tracks.

Not everyone expects to be a prize winner. Some people do have combos in mind theyd like to run, some dont. I'd obviously encourage people to have a few combos in mind, so they could quickly pick, but sometimes even just the amount of time isn't much after incidents are dealt with.
Not everyone expects to be a prize winner.
Obviously there are surprises sometimes, but I think most people have a good idea who has potential to "win a night" in their league (eg: not me.).

Again, it would be nice if people could have a preselected prize A - even have one on record - then there is no delay - at least for prize A. I really like your idea for test rooms biweekly or monthly to aid in this.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see inconsistencies in these deadlines people are given for prize choices. Some people don't visit the forum every day, real life things happen. Is there a format for when these deadlines are placed? Do we have rules for them, or are they just addressed as we see fit?
For a long time official practice was on Wednesday. The schedule from preliminary results and prize winner announcement to possible IR review to prize winner confirmation was even more compressed. In some cases stewards had to turn around reviews in the first 24 hours after racing and it became even more rushed getting combos settled for the next week's practice session. Practice was moved to Thursdays to help ease this condition. It gave the entire process another 24 hours.

So, we have a 23hr+- from race night start deadline for scoring, votes and replays. Shortly after that deadline expires the preliminary results are posted and 3-4 hours later the all clear or not all clear is posted.

Now we are to Monday night. From this point, if winners are clear, they have almost 3 full days to make their picks. If the all clear is not given, the burden falls to the steward corps to get a clear set of prize winners. Sometimes, it takes longer than other times, but, as soon as we can determine who the prize winners are, that information gets posted.

The main purpose of this thread is that exchange of information so coordination can be accomplished. It's a very unique environment to use to manage an effort of this magnitude. Now, while it might not compare to building a Burj Khalifa, it's still magnitudes tougher than 4 friends getting together to play tennis or poker. We tend to fill in the blank spaces between that purpose being fulfilled with many topics of discussion and that is not a bad thing, but, it can be troublesome for those whose MO is show up on Sunday and race and choose not to engage fully here during the week. The process we use to adapt to this level of engagement is variable but, it generally involves working back from 9:30 PM Eastern on Thursday. JLBowler usually makes the call on when to start the alternate prize picking process when his experience with member posting habits start making his fingers twitch. It's also what he gets paid the big bucks to do. Oh. Wait....

To aid the prize process, are division winners notified that they unofficially won the division for the night? If not, maybe they should, so they can at least be aware at an earlier time as they are a potential prize winner. It just seems like there's a lot of pressure for prize winners to pick really quick. Some people may not have an idea of what to pick, because again, real life things happen. These kinds of things will result in poor combo decisions.
For several months we had a couple people who'd volunteered to serve in this capacity. It quickly devolved to just one person working this effort and it became one of the things that had to be cut when his time budget got tighter. There's $hells offered for doing this work so, if someone wants to step up and help here, let @zer05ive , @CoachMK21 or myself know and we'll get you headed in that direction. Keep in mind, the person who does this work is not to suggest combos but to assist the winner with using the resources available to help them decide.

Could people offer up time to run "Potential combo rooms" once or twice a month? Even if people don't find a combo, they may pick up some ideas for good ones to practice at other times. Is there a way to streamline the process more to give people more time to make selections?
Certainly. Don't think it needs to be anything official like but that doesn't mean it can't be done.

To be frank about it, from the time the results are posted, which has, for all and intents and purposes, always occurred on Monday between 8-12PM Eastern, which provides about 69+- hours to get everything settled. It's always been enough in the past. I can't recall a single week where combos weren't decided on by practice time on Thursday. That isn't to say there can't or won't be a first.

All this appears to be moot this week since Ricky has made his pick JL was genning up the alternate pick process for. 11+ hours before absolutely necessary.
Here are the settings for practice tonight and racing on Sunday

2015-08-02 Settings.png
For what it's worth ive begun to inject "fake combos" for the fun of it on Tuesdays or Wednesday 's if we are still waiting for the real combos to be announced. I've even been entertaining the idea of setting up my own club on Tuesday 's and running the surviving combo and 1 or 2 fake ones...

This past Tuesday I ran the HighEnd Performance g37 @ Toyko Rev. fun combo
Thanks @Dragonwhisky! Having IRs for prize winners does cut down the selection window quite a bit, and I know it's difficult to accelerate that process. I realized the stewards are in the same bind that prize winners are in those cases. This community is far more organized than any other I've seen, so I'm not discounting the efforts that are already put in. Our schedule is quite organized and does work well, I was just seeing if there was a way to fine tune it some more :P

As for potential combo rooms, it would be cool to have a more experienced SNAIL member, or someone with very good track knowledge and car behaviour to run a room where people can join and learn what sort of things make a good combo. I for one can work out which combos I like after only a few laps, but find it difficult to narrow down a selection that might suit certain locations. This is one of those times where the vast number of cars and tracks in GT6 doesn't help the cause!
Thanks @Dragonwhisky! Having IRs for prize winners does cut down the selection window quite a bit, and I know it's difficult to accelerate that process. I realized the stewards are in the same bind that prize winners are in those cases. This community is far more organized than any other I've seen, so I'm not discounting the efforts that are already put in. Our schedule is quite organized and does work well, I was just seeing if there was a way to fine tune it some more :P

As for potential combo rooms, it would be cool to have a more experienced SNAIL member, or someone with very good track knowledge and car behaviour to run a room where people can join and learn what sort of things make a good combo. I for one can work out which combos I like after only a few laps, but find it difficult to narrow down a selection that might suit certain locations. This is one of those times where the vast number of cars and tracks in GT6 doesn't help the cause!
I think it helps to start with a track and know the types of cars that excel there OR have a car you know in and out and know what types of tracks it excels at. For one, I love Trial Mountain Reverse. That's in my head all the time if I get to pick a track or full new combo.
Oh ok thanks, that's what I thought. To bad it wasn't one of the 4 other RUFS just for the sake of variety. Or have they all been run a some point. I'll have to check it out.

RUF 3400S '00 - Not used before
RUF BTR '86 - Not used before
RUF CTR "Yellow Bird" '87 - Not used before
RUF CTR2 '96 - Used 1 time: 25 August 2013 on Autodromo Nazionale Monza (No Chicanes)
RUF RGT '00 - Used 2 times (before this week) - last appearance: 18-Jan-15 on Tokyo R246 / Forward