◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
I will add when I can think again... Hopefully soon.

Ended shiny side up, smiling. Passed several Cayman S/GTS and 911 Turbos who should be kicking me to the curb. Kept pace (lost 2 lengths a lap) to a 911 GT3 RS that I felt like a massive 'win' for speed in corners. Did a whopping 5.8 mpg Friday - learned much and more fun than frustration (24 mpg on way home)... 5 sessions, about 25 minutes each, 30-35 miles each. Rode for two others in "Wowser fast" cars - another 80 miles, then drove another 250 miles home with the top off. Got home, unloaded, crashed for a few hours, and headed back to Tech for this week's event.

Back to back would be more fun if I were 20 years younger. I am sore.

That being said, I love it, and want to keep going.

Worth it!


Added rest of D5, I think.

And on that Bombshell... Good Night!
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Thank you, Sir.

You have done amazing work .......... and so much behind the scenes, to make our league what it is today. I am sincerely grateful to have been introduced to and associated with such a remarkable endeavor. Wish you could be given an ovation (standing, of course) for all you and your close associates have done for us.

The New Forum is tremendous !!!
Thanks for the praise, but I don't deserve it. The praise belongs to all of YOU. This has been a journey based on collective effort and unrivaled dedication by many. Members from all over the world have poured their time, generosity, and abilities into making SNAIL what it is. THANK YOU ALL!! :bowdown:
It is indeed great to have the forum in place and, aside from the convenience of it when it comes to finding important information, it is a clear indication of the high esteem SNAIL is held within the gtplanet fraternity. Congrats to all involved. 👍
Not only will the forum make if more convenient to find important information, but it'll also allow us have more "focused" threads. So if anyone has a topic of discussion that doesn't have anything at all to do with league racing, feel free to start a new thread. This forum is for us, so let's use it. :)

NOTE: Threads that are just SPAM will be deleted. For example, if you post a new thread just to announce that your cat has the runs, don't expect it to exist for very long. :odd:
I'm gonna put this up here also. RCS considers him to be "ours" lol! Really we are proud of Vlad and just wanted to show it.

Thank you, Brnt! I really appreciate this! I want to also say thanks to everyone in Snail for putting together such a great league where one can improve their racing craft and truly become faster ingame and in real life!
I want to say special thanks to guys in Race Car Series, D1 Sunday nights gang, Thursday practice regulars and league organizers. Without you guys, I would not be able to improve as much as I did since joining last November!
Now, personally @msgt-sd , I probably didn't tell you yet but you were the guy whose driving techniques in game are the best to follow to get fastest lap imho. I've learned a few tricks from your replays even when your laptimes were slower than mine (go figure right?). @ConnorWolf, I also followed your progress because I thought we were the most equally matched in TTs. I saw your perseverance to keep pushing for another 100th and it was inspirational. @GGGMotorsport thanks for hosting such a great series. Everyone in Snail should try it at least once! @brntguy for great videos you put out and for being my teamie for a season. @aerolite , you've been my best student. You want to learn the most and willing to put time into it. You came a long way to getting 3rd last season in RCS! @ParkerMO125 , those couple of seasons in RCS you pushed me to absolute limit for every second of the season. Truly epic battles! Also thanks for Silverstone tips and advice! @Adventuruss , same goes for you. Few races we had were unforgettable. @Ricky Wilson , you're a beast ingame. You got a lot of natural talent. Get on real track to get some practice and you're golden. That goes for all of my nationals' Snail teammates. I see you making it next year and making noise! Thanks to @zer05ive for shirts and @Dragonwhisky for dropping them off for us in Nashville.
Last but not least, Doug @TRL_Importlife , my biggest mentor and coach for Nationals. You've shown me what to concentrate my time on, pushed me to get better times even though I thought I had it in the bag and been there to answer questions I had. You've been instrumental in my steps to succeed.
Everyone who I forgot, I really didn't, thank you! I'm really tired in a hotel and can't keep my eyes open for another minute.

I'm going to do my best in Silverstone with all the preparation, work ethic and your guys' support I can't do no wrong!
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@vovik05 Thanks a lot man! I really appreciate the kind words! We've really had tons of great races. Definitely need to keep up my physical stuff and get on a real track like you said and hopefully they can't deny me. I am routing for youu man! Was a great time chilling in airports and restaurants. And thanks for the ipod charger lol. Good times in Tennessee!! Go and win it all in Silverstone!! Good luck!
What did you guys do outside of the racing that we saw? Did you get a lot of downtime to go out and do things in whatever city was nearby?
What's SPAM? Special Penguin Attention Mumblings??

July 5 2011 I joined GT Planet :gtplanet:
First race in SNAIL- July 29 2011

Before that I had been runnig with @bloodredsky with fully "tuned cars" and everything you could add-on available!

but I digrees! and before I go any further I must say and with great pride that my very first friend in this game was and is @TBongX it was hard to get him in here but I convinced him and look at him now!

While racing with bloodredsky, met some good people, I'm sure everyone Knows @TEX36
he was such a nubbie!

And who can forget my good friend, guitarist/song writer/singer and some time racer, @Schmiggz aka "schimy"

also WAY BACK then there was @AJKVail @Drgreenthumb977 and that Zappa guy from Santa Monica, CA, I think in his PSN there is a "crash"

It has been great being in this SNIAL league for "3 "YEARS", I have had great time's and not so great time's over the last 3 years and wouldn't want to be anywhere else!👍
@zer05ive @JLBowler (longevity)it's the only way to be on the top of the penalty board!

Thank you for the kind words Chatva. You helped me a lot, I can't take all the credit, but I will. HaHaHa
To whomever is making up the divisions can you logically explain how I dropped two divisions from D3 to D5?

Logically, it works like this;

Since a division was added, the majority of people dropped one division. If someone dropped two, then it was because they were scheduled to drop one already based on the July seasons performance.
To whomever is making up the divisions can you logically explain how I dropped two divisions from D3 to D5?
I didn't make up the divisions, but I can tell you that this sort of thing is common when we expand divisions. Since we're growing from six divisions to seven, there's going to be more movement than usual so that we can populate all divisions as equally as possible.

EDIT: Ninja'd by @CoachMK21
Thank you, Brnt! I really appreciate this! I want to also say thanks to everyone in Snail for putting together such a great league where one can improve their racing craft and truly become faster ingame and in real life!
I want to say special thanks to guys in Race Car Series, D1 Sunday nights gang, Thursday practice regulars and league organizers. Without you guys, I would not be able to improve as much as I did since joining last November!
Now, personally @msgt-sd , I probably didn't tell you yet but you were the guy whose driving techniques in game are the best to follow to get fastest lap imho. I've learned a few tricks from your replays even when your laptimes were slower than mine (go figure right?). @ConnorWolf, I also followed your progress because I thought we were the most equally matched in TTs. I saw your perseverance to keep pushing for another 100th and it was inspirational. @grimm thanks for hosting such a great series. Everyone in Snail should try it at least once! @brntguy for great videos you put out and for being my teamie for a season. @aerolite , you've been my best student. You want to learn the most and willing to put time into it. You came a long way to getting 3rd last season in RCS! @ParkerMO125 , those couple of seasons in RCS you pushed me to absolute limit for every second of the season. Truly epic battles! Also thanks for Silverstone tips and advice! @Adventuruss , same goes for you. Few races we had were unforgettable. @Ricky Wilson , you're a beast ingame. You got a lot of natural talent. Get on real track to get some practice and you're golden. That goes for all of my nationals' Snail teammates. I see you making it next year and making noise! Thanks to @zer05ive for shirts and @Dragonwhisky for dropping them off for us in Nashville.
Last but not least, Doug @TRL_Importlife , my biggest mentor and coach for Nationals. You've shown me what to concentrate my time on, pushed me to get better times even though I thought I had it in the bag and been there to answer questions I had. You've been instrumental in my steps to succeed.
Everyone who I forgot, I really didn't, thank you! I'm really tired in a hotel and can't keep my eyes open for another minute.

I'm going to do my best in Silverstone with all the preparation, work ethic and your guys' support I can't do no wrong!

Very happy for you Vlad, thanks right back at you as I enjoyed those final rcs seasons racing you just as much! Was an epic way for me to stop racing on GT as my son was then born and have been focusing any extra time on continuing my own amature racing efforts.

Remember what I've told you, and of course I'm just a PM away if you have any other questions! Push hard and take that red helmet!
I will add when I can think again... Hopefully soon.

Ended shiny side up, smiling. Passed several Cayman S/GTS and 911 Turbos who should be kicking me to the curb. Kept pace (lost 2 lengths a lap) to a 911 GT3 RS that I felt like a massive 'win' for speed in corners. Did a whopping 5.8 mpg Friday - learned much and more fun than frustration (24 mpg on way home)... 5 sessions, about 25 minutes each, 30-35 miles each. Rode for two others in "Wowser fast" cars - another 80 miles, then drove another 250 miles home with the top off. Got home, unloaded, crashed for a few hours, and headed back to Tech for this week's event.

Back to back would be more fun if I were 20 years younger. I am sore.

That being said, I love it, and want to keep going.

Worth it!


Added rest of D5, I think.

And on that Bombshell... Good Night!
You're welcome :cheers: ya crazy old coot.

I'm living vicariously buddy...looking at pics and thinking of my old 911...
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Logically, it works like this;

Since a division was added, the majority of people dropped one division. If someone dropped two, then it was because they were scheduled to drop one already based on the July seasons performance.

I didn't make up the divisions, but I can tell you that this sort of thing is common when we expand divisions. Since we're growing from six divisions to seven, there's going to be more movement than usual so that we can populate all divisions as equally as possible.

EDIT: Ninja'd by @CoachMK21

They are both exactly right. Take a look at the big picture, meaning all drivers and the total amount of movement, and it makes sense.

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