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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Try doing it five days in a row and if it's only 8 hours a day and only 5 days a week, you're doing well. That's called adult life.
Just got switched to nights... 8 PM to 5 PM. Not my choice but I am supporting India and China now. I never ever worked nights before but if I want to keep the job and a roof over my head ... and a internet connection.. LOL
While everybody is working over time let's see where we are with D4 and the new combo for Prize A......?

Aug 23 Prize A choices.png
I did that for one year. Seven days/week. No days off. That was physically the worst year of my life.

That's a lot. What did you average?... 40/mo.?

Over the time I spent in auto sales, I averaged 31 units a month. My best month for units was 52 while at a Toyota dealership. Once I made the move over to RVs the units went down but the money went way up. It was not uncommon to make a $10K commission on one class A motorhome. Move three or four of those bad boys in a month and you're good. Get to a total of 15 units for the month and you're even better.
Over the time I spent in auto sales, I averaged 31 units a month. My best month for units was 52 while at a Toyota dealership. Once I made the move over to RVs the units went down but the money went way up. It was not uncommon to make a $10K commission on one class A motorhome. Move three or four of those bad boys in a month and you're good. Get to a total of 15 units for the month and you're even better.
Even if you made nothing for the first 9 years but sold 15 of those a month for one year...you would still be doing OK.
Ya'll know, we Snails have a tendency to punch, kick, stab, chew or otherwise harangue each other but, if anyone wants to know just what SNAIL is all about, this,
Adramike said
So I broke my brake pedal last night while Pack Racing.. This may be a long shot but, does anyone have an older wheel/pedal set laying around that they'd want to sell to me cheap-ish? If not, I'll be done with racing for awhile until I can buy a 27 or something.

Thanks in advance if someone steps up! If not, it was a true joy racing with y'all for the last few months . I've never ran across a community quite like this one.

You can PM me or quote/post here if you're willing to help.
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TEX36 said
Sir, if it is just the black plastic piece under the medal section ......... use the Clutch part (if you don't use the clutch, that is). But you more than likely would have already considered that solution.
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JLBowler said
I have some parts from previous sets. What happened to the brake pedal and what would you need to fix it? What model is it? I may have a replacement in the rafters.
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Adramike said
Its the driving force pro (old and junk) when I opened it up this morning it showed me that I broke the bracket where the springs sit and when it over rotated it also broke the electrical connector on the wiring. So its toast lol
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JLBowler said
I make no promises until I look through a couple of boxes but I think I have an old driving force pro. If I can find it,you're welcome to the whole thing if you will pay for shipping.
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Adramike said
Sounds great to me :bowdown:
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STEAMER62 said
Hi @Adramike , I have a complete Driving Force set and could ship you the pedals over the pond at your costs, but I guess if @JLBowler has one it will be cheaper shipping costs, pls don't hesitate to pm me in case of ;)
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aLmk said
I will probably have an extra pedal set here in a week or 2. G27 pedals. Just waiting on a warranty replacement.
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brntguy said
And if you can't find it, I think I have one downstairs that hasn't been used in quite some time and I'm quite a bit closer.
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is what SNAIL is about.

Hope I didn't miss anyone up there.

I'm fairly sure this is the best community I have ever been a part of. After breaking my pedals last week during Pack Racing an out pouring of support came from around the world and Snail. Today I'm so happy to announce that my replacement has arrived at my door step. So a HUGE thank you goes out to @fzappa for my new G27 that he sent me! Words cannot begin to express how I'm feeling right now, this is undoubtedly the most generous thing that has ever happened to me via a stranger. This man, whom I'm fairly sure I've never even turned a lap with is the epitome of what a human being should be like.

We may argue and run each other off the track and file stupid IR's out of anger, but deep down we all love each other. So thank you from the bottom of my heart to @fzappa and the Snail community as a whole. This is truly something I will remember for the rest of my days.

Edit note: I totally screwed up that post, but y'all get the jist of it.
Even if you made nothing for the first 9 years but sold 15 of those a month for one year...you would still be doing OK.

I made enough in 10 years to pay of my mom's house. Buy my own house and pay it off. Buy a few other properties. Sold some of them during the boom and kept some for rentals. When I got married, my mother-in-law had a couple of houses that she rented out so I bought her out of those houses and manage them all together now. I was never the guy that went out and bought new shiny stuff just to have new shiny stuff. I'm still not that guy. I do like good cigars, good whisky, cold beer, and racing. The racing has probably consumed more of my nest egg than anything outside of the business but it's not going to put me in the poor house any time soon.

I remember one weekend in particular while I was selling RVs. Our dealership group had just purchased the inventory of a dealer that went out of business in Arizona. We had year old Gulfstream diesel pushers coming in on a daily basis that we had purchased for $30-40k below invoice. This meant that we were into these things for about 50K a piece. MSRP on them was north of $200K. We were selling them as fast as we could get them in stock for an average of $125K which was a bargain for a diesel pusher at that time. $75K gross profit and I was making 30% of gross. I called everyone I had talked to in the last year about a class A motorhome and ended up selling four of these in one weekend. I made just a tick under $100K in three days. I finished out that month by selling a few trailers and another class A to finish up at 16 units for the month. That was the month that I got my paycheck and paid off my house.
I was never the guy that went out and bought new shiny stuff just to have new shiny stuff. I'm still not that guy. I do like good cigars, good whisky, cold beer, and racing. The racing has probably consumed more of my nest egg than anything outside of the business but it's not going to put me in the poor house any time soon.
Contrast that to a few local realtors I know...they do very well, but they are also buying 150K+ autos every six months and burning through their cash as fast as they make it. Kudos to you.
I used to work shift work around the clock for 20yrs at a sawmill until they shut it down. That was 8 yrs ago and I still feel the effects from it to this day. But hey!!! It paid the bills and kept a roof over my head.
Now I'm employed in a wood working shop working straight days. I make half the wages but I'm twice as happy cause I enjoy what I'm doing.
Sometimes things just work out.

Plus I get to hang out with you goofballs...so life ain't so bad. :dopey:
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Hey @TomMang_68 your suggestion for a combo sounds really interesting. How does the car like the track in terms of grip and gearing? I may set it up and check it out but would like to get input from others.
The Red Devil is just plain violent however, it loves this track but be aware of the narrow end of the track, especially turn 3. I was doing a little bit of a 4/3/4 gear combo through 3 and 4 . Haven't raced in a pack, unfortunately, so im interested to see what that will do for lap times and handling. Also be aware of tire degradation you need to conserve some grip for the last 6 or 7 laps and perhaps steal away a win from someone driving the wheels off it.

There are still a few hours left for others to suggest a combo and at least 1 other combo in consideration.so i wouldn't invest toooo much time with it.
The Red Devil is just plain violent however, it loves this track but be aware of the narrow end of the track, especially turn 3. I was doing a little bit of a 4/3/4 gear combo through 3 and 4 . Haven't raced in a pack, unfortunately, so im interested to see what that will do for lap times and handling. Also be aware of tire degradation you need to conserve some grip for the last 6 or 7 laps and perhaps steal away a win from someone driving the wheels off it.

There are still a few hours left for others to suggest a combo and at least 1 other combo in consideration.so i wouldn't invest toooo much time with it.
I'd be up for some testing of that beast! Say 9pm tonight?
The Red Devil is just plain violent however, it loves this track but be aware of the narrow end of the track, especially turn 3. I was doing a little bit of a 4/3/4 gear combo through 3 and 4 . Haven't raced in a pack, unfortunately, so im interested to see what that will do for lap times and handling. Also be aware of tire degradation you need to conserve some grip for the last 6 or 7 laps and perhaps steal away a win from someone driving the wheels off it.

There are still a few hours left for others to suggest a combo and at least 1 other combo in consideration.so i wouldn't invest toooo much time with it.
Yeah the Cobra at Indy sounds good too, I like the track.