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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Yea, US. I've been looking around but I'm at a loss. I thought the MX-5 would be cheaper. :(
Bah ha ha MX-5 cheap that's cute. You're gonna being looking at a PoS like a yaris or an accent. Maybe a spark. No option just the basics.

Used for that you can find some sweet cars.
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Hey, as some of you know, last month I started hosting an online time trial room on Sunday afternoons. I'd like to invite everyone here who'd like to supplement their SNAIL Sunday racing with some time trialing to join in if you'd like.

The basic idea is that we run 5 x 15 min time trials on random combos every week. There's no practice leading up to the event. You just show up with the necessary cars and then drive and compete the best you can. A goal in each time trial is to see how quickly you can adapt and improve over the course of the 15 minutes. :) Link to thread below.

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Are there any entry level cars that can be bought new for $10-15,000?

I'm curious as to why you want a "new" car? If that's the price range you're looking at, then you really don't have any good options on a new car. You will be able to find a cheap lease on a base model with an automatic, but that's not fun.

If you're able, look at cars that are around 5 years old (maybe 10?) and you'll be able to find a lot of solid options. You'll need to do more due diligence to make sure the car hasn't been abused, but you'll have more options.

Yea, US. I've been looking around but I'm at a loss. I thought the MX-5 would be cheaper. :(

The Miata is not a cheap car new. It's relatively cheap and parts are pretty cheap. You could get a NA for under $3k with a load of miles, but it would be fun to drive and cheap to upgrade. If I wanted to downgrade HP, didn't want a backseat and wanted a convertible, I'd get a Miata without question.
@CoachMK21 and @JLBowler
I will pass the freeze to CoachMK21.

Since @CoachMK21 has already executed the freeze this month, all who raced in D4 this week will get to vote to freeze the LCC Rocket or Cote d Azur. Cast your vote by posting in this thread. Only vote once and do not change your vote by editing your post. Voting will close at 8PM ET tonight or when a clear majority is reached one way or the other, whichever comes first.
Since @CoachMK21 has already executed the freeze this month, all who raced in D4 this week will get to vote to freeze the LCC Rocket or Cote d Azur. Cast your vote by posting in this thread. Only vote once and do not change your vote by editing your post. Voting will close at 8PM ET tonight or when a clear majority is reached one way or the other, whichever comes first.

As per this post, the following drivers are allowed to cast their vote:

@Rpm1990 @Die_Birdy_Die @JamCar0ne @MajorBlixem @JCH8r @SMOKEN FOOLS

First item to 4 votes wins.
@DesertPenguin09 @CoachMK21

I agree with coach here. It sounds like you're a young penguin and when you're young it's best to get a used car cheap. When I turned 20 I got an 8 year old Trans Am with 60,000 miles on it for under 10K and learned how to drive and since it was built poorly got a crash course on wrenching on cars too. There are so many good cars built between '05- '10 that you could probably pick up with relatively low miles and way under 15K cap. I am not sure what exactly you are looking for in a car but with a little research and a few test drives you should have zero issue finding something you'll love for that price. It's really all on you and your taste at this point though.
@DesertPenguin09 @CoachMK21

I agree with coach here. It sounds like you're a young penguin and when you're young it's best to get a used car cheap. When I turned 20 I got an 8 year old Trans Am with 60,000 miles on it for under 10K and learned how to drive and since it was built poorly got a crash course on wrenching on cars too. There are so many good cars built between '05- '10 that you could probably pick up with relatively low miles and way under 15K cap. I am not sure what exactly you are looking for in a car but with a little research and a few test drives you should have zero issue finding something you'll love for that price. It's really all on you and your taste at this point though.

Totally agree with Whitey. I have never bought a new car. I always buy good used cars. Specially here in the DC area, you can get a ton of very good used cars.
Here's the situation. My parents own the 2014 Corolla I drive and a 2012 Versa hatchback. The corolla is a lot easier for my dad to live with as a passenger. Since the corolla is basically mine since I drive it they want to sell the versa and get a new car that's bigger than the corolla like a camry.

So I suggested that since we already have a car that works well for him (the corolla) maybe we can look at a car for me. It would definitely be cheaper and when I mentioned it he definitely considered it.

The reason new vs old is just preference. A the cars we have now we're emergency car..bought without time to really shop around. Also they're used to little nicks and scratches. A new car will be entirely ours with a fresh start. That's a feeling like no other
Here's the situation. My parents own the 2014 Corolla I drive and a 2012 Versa hatchback. The corolla is a lot easier for my dad to live with as a passenger. Since the corolla is basically mine since I drive it they want to sell the versa and get a new car that's bigger than the corolla like a camry.

So I suggested that since we already have a car that works well for him (the corolla) maybe we can look at a car for me. It would definitely be cheaper and when I mentioned it he definitely considered it.

The reason new vs old is just preference. A the cars we have now we're emergency car..bought without time to really shop around. Also they're used to little nicks and scratches. A new car will be entirely ours with a fresh start. That's a feeling like no other

I understand the allure of a new car. We've bought 2 new cars in the past, a 2008 Pontiac Vibe and a 2014 Chrysler Town & Country, both we still have. I regret buying the new van, but not the Vibe.

But don't get sucked into the NEW car smell, feel, etc. It is an illusion. Unless you have enough money that making a poor investment doesn't matter, don't buy new. A car is an investment and should be researched as such. We've lost money on the van, mostly because we want to get rid of it. We made out on the Vibe because it's still running strong with 170k+ miles in the years we've owned it.

If you really want a fun car that you can enjoy and grow with. I'm sure you've heard that the new car value drops significantly as soon as you leave the lot. Pay 20k for a new car, it's worth 15k 5 miles down the road. Get the NC Miata (if you like it) and it will keep it's value very well. Look for one with a hardtop even. They have tons of potential and loads of options.

Like this 2007 NC or this 2009, both under 15k. And be sure to negotiate, no matter what :)
Nothing wrong the the second gen 1.8 either
That's the ugly headlight generation.I'd prefer pop ups or newer. Newer is better for safety and tech stuff though.

Thanks Coach, It's not a rush right now so we can take time to research. If my dad was getting a car for him he said he's looking to spend 25K-30K. The last Camry we had was around 28K so he knows what he's getting into for himself. For me, it just needs to be cheap, RWD, easy to live with, and definitely needs an AUX cable or bluetooth for music. Music is a high priority for me.
Just think how much fun that'll be at the local AX. :)

And a halfway decent head unit with Bluetooth can be had less than a couple c-notes.
Oh yea? Also, I hate autocross. Driving with no elevation change in a parking lot with cones. BORING. In my opinion.