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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Votes are in!

The MINI Clubman VGT will be going to:

@MSgtGunny 's Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps

Votes: @Alexrider007 @GTLehman

(Alex secures the tie-breaker by posting 14 minutes before Cliff)


The other votes:

SAMHAIN85 's Brands Hatch Indy

votes: @cliff eden @pubason

@Rednose58 's Tokyo R246 / Forward

votes: @socalnatv

@src_ej6 's Trial Mountain Forward

votes: @racingchamp30

Not many votes...was hoping for way more but I understand people are busy and probably dont check the thread as often as others.

I dont have a mid division lap time but I can figure it out in about an hour. If anyone else has it please post it.
1st lap 2:32.8 with 2 offs
2nd lap 2:28.7 clean

My guess is 2:31 @Rednose58

Mio Voto Didn Noto Counto ?
Mio Voto Didn Noto Counto ?

You didnt have a vote gringo. Are you forgetting you're D1 now? :lol: D1 nominates, D2/D3 votes. El gente no voto por tu tracko de "Daytona Road Course" wey

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I played a bit daily for the first few days, and then tapered off, eventually missing a few days. Tuning events, matchmaking(read: random public lobbies), and random unbalanced cars just aren't my thing. As such, my excitement has waned a bit since release and my initial displeasure at not making the first round of invites seems downright silly looking back.

Since my last post, the physics have been updated and I have been able to make a few laps, but not much more. The update is definitely an improvement over the initial release with breakaway characteristics being far more accurate and progressive. Loss of grip sets in much sooner in lateral and longitudinal slip, and falls off much more progressively. It feels a lot closer to reality, where even when you are past optimal slip, the cars still respond. In more casual terms the grip 'feels' reduced to folks simply reading changes on the surface. As such, it creates the illusion that margin for error is lessened. In truth, the margin for error is still great, it's that the risk/reward for overdriving has been brought closer in line. Previously, overdriving had a great reward in lap times, and because the limit was much higher the initial risk was reduced(compared to current). Only when you overstepped the higher limits the sharper breakaway would result in massive losses. This resulted in the "Checkers or Wreckers" method perhaps most famous for the TT and qualifying practice(not SNAIL specific, I refer to the GT events) that existed as;

1) Bomb round the course at 100% until reaching a turn/element where you crash/track out/push wildly offline
2) Dial back 1% on that element
3) Repeat beginning with Step 1 for each element until you make it round the course intact.

The identifying symptom of this approach is continuously restarting the attempt, usually resulting in several restarts before even completing one lap. The end result is a hitting that optimal lap time hard deck, after crashing 5000 times. Some folks may recall my remarks about chasing ghosts(metaphorical, not the literal ones on the TT boards) and my advice not to get too tangled up in hitting that ultimate hard deck as the process that leads you to that doesn't produce repeatable consistent pace.

The physics update appears to reduce the benefit of such a method, further bringing the overall experience closer to realism. You don't/can't go out and do the same in a real car, and that was/is one of the remaining hurdles that will be difficult to overcome in the separation between the sims and real life; much like the proverbial spike coming through your TV screen when you crash to duplicate the consequences haha.

Uniquely enough, while most folks complained that their lap times sufferred, sometimes up to 2s per minute on course following the update; the few laps I cut on one combo found me an improvement of nearly 1s per minute on course as the push monster went back into hiding under my bed.

Additionally, reflecting back upon my opening paragraph here(sorry for the huge post again, but I ramble as anyone in a lobby with me will attest); it is difficult to make any judgement as to the malleability of the gameplay and how it will apply to 'our' style of racing. However, it is apparent that some pitfalls do exist. As I've had very limited seat time, I haven't the opportunity to play much with the tuning and driving options in the game. Much like on GT6 I tend to leave everything stock and just drive. In spite of this, I did go down the list of Driving Options or whatever they call it, where you can adjust traction control, abs level of intrusion, etc. Initially I removed all the aids of course, but left items like the FFB and ABS at default as I had in the past. Well, upon this new update I found everything was pushier than Rosie O'Donnell at a Golden Corral, so I decided to play the game a bit and dropped ABS from default to Mild and yep; WOW. All of the sudden, things turned. Literally. And the cars braked better, much like real life for me (I am not an ABS user IRL and am a fervent opponent of such, but that's another story) and were significantly more recoverable. Corner entries slowed down, and when pushing past the limits time appeared to slow making me feel like I had sooooo much time to get things back in line even if I couldn't accomplish that. Much like real life. Anyone who has ever gone off in the downhill at Lime Rock or Andretti at Laguna will tell you that time slows down as you are recovering. An incident that occurs in 2.5 seconds feels like half a minute in the car. Especially the downhill at Lime Rock, when you go off you see it coming for a LONG TIME, and are fighting it for what seems like an eternity even if it only ends nose into the wall. You do everything you can, and sometimes none of it helps haha. This is how Aremberg felt that others seem to struggle to describe on the forums, and the connection to the (fake) machine felt much greater than previous. 👍

That said, those keen will realise that is also a pitfall. Being a beta/demo it is uncertain as to what will be able to be regulated in the final version, however if even 'minor' settings such as this continue to be unregulated it may introduce some difficulties for spec racers. The effect I felt was not unlike a pronounced version of 'Rigidity Improvement' that remains somewhat of an enigma as well as a thorn to spec racers. Similarly, it will find use as a tuning aid where some cars that are inherently loose will benefit by leaving ABS on default, while the push monsters will likely benefit significantly by running Mild settings. The Lotus RM at Laguna, and the 2s lap differences come to mind here.

As stated in my previous post on the beta, this criticism may be unfair is this is an unfinished game and we have no way to determine yet what will and will not be able to be regulated. It is a concern that I hold and will reserve my final judgement upon, however it will be something to keep an eye on as more information arises.

As always, my apologies for the long winded post. I'd cut it shorter if I could, but I can't so I won't.

So, who wants to talk about brake bias? :cool:
Votes are in!

The MINI Clubman VGT will be going to:

@MSgtGunny 's Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps

Votes: @Alexrider007 @GTLehman

(Alex secures the tie-breaker by posting 14 minutes before Cliff)


The other votes:

SAMHAIN85 's Brands Hatch Indy

votes: @cliff eden @pubason

@Rednose58 's Tokyo R246 / Forward

votes: @socalnatv

@src_ej6 's Trial Mountain Forward

votes: @racingchamp30

Not many votes...was hoping for way more but I understand people are busy and probably dont check the thread as often as others.

I dont have a mid division lap time but I can figure it out in about an hour. If anyone else has it please post it.
1st lap 2:32.8 with 2 offs
2nd lap 2:28.7 clean

My guess is 2:31 @Rednose58

You didnt have a vote gringo. Are you forgetting you're D1 now? :lol: D1 nominates, D2/D3 votes. El gente no voto por tu tracko de "Daytona Road Course" wey


Practice room open
1472 6399 8537 0918 1609

Edit: Their is going to be racing on Sunday so have a practice room open.
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Congrats!! I'm jealous

Don't ya think with these kind of credentials in GT6 I shoulda been one of the first ones to be invited.....
View attachment 640937
do those credentials even mater?
Waste of time in my book, I may be wrong but once I complete what is essential to get on-line, I don't bother.

In my opinion they are just bragging for all to see and a waste of my time as I would rather improve my skills with who I will really be racing with!
@Marcus Garvey

@Marcus Garvey you call it long-winded... I call it extremely informative. 👍 Thanks for taking the time to put your thoughts down in words. :cheers:

Yeah, I'm with Nuno. Great write-up. I also highly appreciate the detail, even if I never play that game.

Also, it is fascinating how our brains will focus so highly on details in an "off-course" situation. I've also experienced the slow-down in my rental karting and even in my real car at least once. It's like going through life at 24fps then getting a boost to 120 in an emergency. The clarity and ability to react to minor changes in such a short span is truly an amazing reality of our being.
Division 2 race report:

Congratulations to @socalnatv for the win tonight. Him and @nmcp1 put on a clinic for the most part. Special mention to @thorracing for a nice clean 3rd place finish. The rest of us seemed to struggle a lot at times, with myself finishing dead last multiple times and almost causing multiple accidents.. Me and that Ferrari just do NOT get along at the top of the hill.