I would like to offer my $.02 if that is ok about why membership is down in GT6. If you look at GT5 for example, right before GT6 released, if i am correct or wrong on this, the numbers were dwindling in GT5 right before GT6 released. Same thing has happened with GT6 that the number of players and divisions have dwindled because of the expectation of GT Sport getting closer and closer to release plus the issues with online connectivity mattered alot where all of us have dealt with online connectivity issues in GT6 that was not a fault of our own.
Ever since i gotten that invite in March 2013 to join Snail when i was racing in the online lobbies where some were just driving with no sense whatsoever and i guess i was being watched by Snail management and the founders of Snail that i got the invite because i believe in racing clean on the track even if the other drivers drive dirty in online lobbies where other drivers drove crazily. Yes i have had penalties put on me even at times where i missed my braking points getting into another driver or caught cutting corners and i respect the fact their is a penalty system to keep drivers in check so we don't have drivers treating Snail like we driving in destruction derby.
Just like in real life racing on the track, their are people who watch over what happens on the track and will penalize people for overly aggressive driving and either fine them or flat out boot them off the team in racing if they get way too aggressive. I rather have an a**

in the Snail community who is a moderator of the racing rather than have a softy that overlooks every dive bomb or overly aggressive move on the track. Just like in racing outside of gaming where if a driver gets too rowdy with their attitude or starts fighting, they are not allowed to race. Same with virtual racing, have to keep a cool attitude no matter how aggressive the other driver might be. It is to show that not just me and others are cool headed even if the other person acts like a jacka** on the track.
Another reason number of players and divisions would go down is because of life itself. Don't know what someone else is going through when they need some time off of virtual racing. Whether it be having children, a death in the family, going through depression, just through life itself where things just happen in life we cannot control and if people need to be off of virtual racing for awhile because of life itself, that is normal. I love that this league in Snail has rules to abide by in virtual racing just like the same rules apply in real life racing and same rules apply when driving on the road. I always will stick by Snail no matter what.
It was an honor getting that invite in March 2013 and never look back. I like their are people who others would consider a jackass rather than have a softy that would just overlook the online drivers that skirt the rules. Things have to be kept in check in order for this online league not just for current members to stay but new members to be interested.
Thank you to
@zer05ive @kcheeb @JLBowler @Dragonwhisky @TEX36 @thorracing @DesertPenguin09 @Adramike @DVD @pubason @singlepaddy @Rallywagon @gulfvet67 @Raw10_2u @MajorBlixem @Rednose58 @socalnatv @Nicktune @Kgffy @ConnorWolf @SlvrOnyx @src_ej6 @Whitey093 @Grandpa Money @Vegasracer @nmcp1 @aLmk @Mike Lobban @MikeGrove @BArthur68 @Gonzo23 @brian540 @Oshawa-Joe @SAMHAIN85 @msgt-sd @GumballCGT @TomMang_68 @JamCar0ne @basswerks1 @cliff eden @Alexrider007 @GTLehman @Engmatic1 @USERID_77a23 @CoachMK21 @STEAMER62 @MISFITmusicINC
Thank you everyone for all these years of online racing and thank you all for your support in Snail all these years. Thank you to all the people who founded this online league. Thank you all for your part in Replay Uploading, Scoring, Data Specialist, Broadcasting, Hosting. Thank you all to people who have kept the rules in check and make sure we all are following the same rules that would not just apply in racing in the real world but driving in local roads and highways. I cannot thank the people enough for sending me that invite in 2013 and me racing not just online in GT5/GT6 but continuing that tradition for me to race once again once Christmas comes. Each and everyone of you are appreciated and is not said enough. Here is to Snail forever.
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