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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Has anyone else using the T300RS experienced the start menu popping up in the middle of a race even though the start button was not pressed? It happened to me a few times while going through the single player, and it happened again at least twice last night.

It's happened to me a couple times and I know @JamCar0ne had it happen as well. We are both using T300RS
Ok since I'm so full of questions, and you guys are so full of answers.........How do I find the points standings for each division, and incident reports, etc.?
It's almost certainly on PD's end, and given the fact that this has been happening since gt5, it seems PD ported more code than I would have guessed. Honestly, it is likely a server side issue as well, since it had persisted so long. I am hopeful that given the new platform and FIA partnership, this issue will get more visibility and thus a fix. But hope in one hand...
That said, if you think it's your connection, i implore you to consider two things, what other games have a similar issue when playing online? How many other players are experiencing the same issue? To my experience, I've never had issues online with another multiplayer game of a similar nature, and a lot of other people in the league are reporting the same issue. They likelyhood of it being your connection is pretty slim I am thinking.
On the bright side Ardamike, at least GTS isn't the only racing game, and PS4 the only platform to play on. Dropping big bucks on a rig for one game, i can see being dishearting, but there are luckily plenty of fish in the sea.

At times i questioned if it was ever my internet connection even though it's a very stable cable high speed internet connection. I didn't have an issue with GT5 online connectivity. It was only in GT6 where i would sometimes have problems with stuck on grid while being host of the room and only once i had an issue where i was jumping around on track but majority of the time i was fine. Other games i played online like Grand Theft Auto 5 were no issues whatsoever or played burnout paradise online and no issues there. With so many having high speed internet now, it would be on PD's end and with all the money the GT customer base puts into buying the games themselves, i don't understand how PD does not have better servers to accommodate the millions that play the GT games online.
I am worried that sport mode is an attempt to take control of the league aspect of gran turismo and kaz wants to break up the independent leagues that have made gran turismo what it is and given it the replayability that has kept the brand alive all these years. Sport mode is cool and all but racing against the same people week in and week out develops a familiarity among the drivers and a level of respect that produces amazing competition that a race against random whoevers can never touch. Hope i am wrong and a future update "fixes" the community aspect of sport but this seems intentional to be honest.

I don't thinks he' trying to break us up. If that were the case, we would have no open lobby option at all. I will agree he put some lobby features on the back burner to push his gtsport agenda. I think gtsport is his way of introducing casual/entry level new racers to the potential quality of races that us and other organized leagues experience racing among one another. GTSport is not a perfect system or formula, but it is a great attempt at creating a quality "sit down and race" option. If anything, I think that GTSport, could create a draw and a larger interest in organized sim racing. Don' be surprised to see Snail's number grow exponentially larger around or after Christmas time. Our league is perfect for preparation for the GTSport Championships. I see Snail numbers ballooning in the coming months. That' my take.

I definitely like sport mode. One Snail month consumes more of my time then an actual AFM racing round does. Including if I run a Friday practice.
Over $1000 into my racing set up counting the PS4, the best internet available in my area (Xfinity) and I can't race because the game is broken. I see Sand just fine on track until the race starts and my car gets stuck 4? times in a row. This is retarded and extremely frustrating. Hope y'all have a good night. Sorry for the delays.
I’m not very knowledgeable on these things, but i found i had lots of issues when i had my TV hard wired to the router at the same time as my console. Or if you have anything else hardwired at the same time. I hope you get it solved.
On race nights I change the password to my router, this ensures that nothing else is hooked wirelessly, and the only thing hard-wired is my PS4 Pro, everything else is booted off for the night. But again, I don't think the issues are related to my connection. I always clear the cache(delete temp network files), restart my internet and PS4, and test the internet connection. I usually see numbers around
Download 9.5 to 10 Mbps
Upload 750-800 Kbps (this is sufficient isn't it???)
I’m not very knowledgeable on these things, but i found i had lots of issues when i had my TV hard wired to the router at the same time as my console. Or if you have anything else hardwired at the same time. I hope you get it solved.

Only thing hardwired to my router is the PS4, I even went as far as turning the wifi off on my phone and shutting the laptop down so that nothing in the apartment was pulling on the connection and was still getting stuck on the starting line.

No other problems playing any other game. CoD WWII works fine and I know they're having millions of people online at the same time since its such a new game. Destiny 2 works fine too and a lot of people complain about connectivity when trying to play that game. It's been nothing but problems since I moved into this apartment in another town. I used to be a host until I relocated and its just been downhill from there.
If you are doing all of that and still having problems then it's definitely not on your end. I'm also a wired connection and would clear my cache before race night. Just did a quick test on the PS4 and these are my speeds:

Download - 58.6 Mbps
Upload - 481.9 kbps
^^ Wish I could see those download speeds, but up here in the middle of nowhere, this is the best internet you can get. If I lived in a city, or larger community I would likely be able to upgrade my internet but that's just not going to happen anytime soon.
Has anyone else using the T300RS experienced the start menu popping up in the middle of a race even though the start button was not pressed? It happened to me a few times while going through the single player, and it happened again at least twice last night.
On occasion yes. Are you using the alcantara wheel? ( http://amzn.to/2y8TQn9 ) I only noticed it happening with that wheel.
@Adramike sorry to hear you're still having issues. I know for Thursday practice in GT6 there was always a problem with you not being able to see people or vice versa. I wish I could help troubleshoot but I dont know too much about networking. Hopefully someone with some experience can give you some advice. Maybe theres some settings you can mess with in your router like port forwarding or something.

Also wouldn't hurt to post a thread in the GTS forum and see if someone there can help you.
I've said this before many times and I'll say it again in the hopes that it might sink in for some.

Gran Turismo uses a mesh network for "lobby" races on non-fixed host. This means that there is no "server" that PD or Sony can upgrade. You are the "server" and your connection to everyone else in the room is part of the "server" which means that every piece of equipment that the signal must go through is part of the "server." No update that PD or Sony can perform, aside from switching the whole system to a dedicated server like the FIA events, is going to do anything to improve the situation.

About the only thing an individual can do about it would be to make sure there are as few devices as possible connected to the internet while racing. Always clear your cache (it's called something different in GTS) in game before you start racing for the night. If you do run across an issue during the night and have to leave and reenter, clear your cache again. (it's easy to tell when someone leaves the room and comes back within 10 seconds that they didn't bother to clear their cache) Clearing the cache will delete any leftover remains of the error you experienced and reduce the likelyhood of it happening again.

For those of you who want to discuss "fixed host" again. This uses a "star network" which is similar to the mesh network in that there is still no "server." The difference is that everyone in the room is connected to the host instead of each other. This can lead to more latency as the signal has to travel further for some people as it has to go through the host as well. The other side effect to a "fixed host" room is that if the host get disconnected for any reason, the room closes and everyone is out.

Sometimes the connection of one individual just doesn't get along with the connection of another individual and with everyone being connected to everyone else, that issue can manifest itself in many different ways. For those that experience issues more often than others, it may not be your specific connection in your house but it may be an issue somewhere along the line that your signal has to travel. Sadly, there isn't much that can be done if that is the issue but continually asking for PD or Sony to fix it will do less good than anything else I have listed above.
I've said this before many times and I'll say it again in the hopes that it might sink in for some.

Gran Turismo uses a mesh network for "lobby" races on non-fixed host. This means that there is no "server" that PD or Sony can upgrade. You are the "server" and your connection to everyone else in the room is part of the "server" which means that every piece of equipment that the signal must go through is part of the "server." No update that PD or Sony can perform, aside from switching the whole system to a dedicated server like the FIA events, is going to do anything to improve the situation.

About the only thing an individual can do about it would be to make sure there are as few devices as possible connected to the internet while racing. Always clear your cache (it's called something different in GTS) in game before you start racing for the night. If you do run across an issue during the night and have to leave and reenter, clear your cache again. (it's easy to tell when someone leaves the room and comes back within 10 seconds that they didn't bother to clear their cache) Clearing the cache will delete any leftover remains of the error you experienced and reduce the likelyhood of it happening again.

For those of you who want to discuss "fixed host" again. This uses a "star network" which is similar to the mesh network in that there is still no "server." The difference is that everyone in the room is connected to the host instead of each other. This can lead to more latency as the signal has to travel further for some people as it has to go through the host as well. The other side effect to a "fixed host" room is that if the host get disconnected for any reason, the room closes and everyone is out.

Sometimes the connection of one individual just doesn't get along with the connection of another individual and with everyone being connected to everyone else, that issue can manifest itself in many different ways. For those that experience issues more often than others, it may not be your specific connection in your house but it may be an issue somewhere along the line that your signal has to travel. Sadly, there isn't much that can be done if that is the issue but continually asking for PD or Sony to fix it will do less good than anything else I have listed above.
Just because its meshed doesn't mean that PD's servers aren't involved. In fact, most modern mesh networked games utilize both player hosts and server hosts depending on the need/situation. At the very least they are still being hit for lobby meta data. We have no idea how incorporated they are. As evident by the fact that no online session can be started while PDs servers are under maintenance. Further, the game will only utilize the mesh for networking. It's still the games code that handles the data, meaning a proper resolution to the issue will still likely have to come from coding changes made by PD. The network only transfers data, it's up to the game to properly interpret what's going on with that data.
Ok, fine let's skip to more potent examples then, who here plays Destiny 2 or any version of Halo? The Division? Who has seen or heard of any similar issues on any oif these games? I haven't. They all utilize mesh networking and as far as I know, do not suffer from any of the issues GT has.
Hello fellow racers,

My name is Necrologist and i've been racing on and off since GT2 PS3, sin GT6 been racing constantly. Well GTS is out and I think I am ready to go to the next level and going your league, I would be an honoured to race in the biggest league.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration, Nelson (Necrologist).
Hello fellow racers,

My name is Necrologist and i've been racing on and off since GT2 PS3, sin GT6 been racing constantly. Well GTS is out and I think I am ready to go to the next level and going your league, I would be an honoured to race in the biggest league.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration, Nelson (Necrologist).
Welcome to the league, you have been lerking for a while aye?
Has anyone else using the T300RS experienced the start menu popping up in the middle of a race even though the start button was not pressed? It happened to me a few times while going through the single player, and it happened again at least twice last night.
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Just because its meshed doesn't mean that PD's servers aren't involved. In fact, most modern mesh networked games utilize both player hosts and server hosts depending on the need/situation. At the very least they are still being hit for lobby meta data. We have no idea how incorporated they are. As evident by the fact that no online session can be started while PDs servers are under maintenance. Further, the game will only utilize the mesh for networking. It's still the games code that handles the data, meaning a proper resolution to the issue will still likely have to come from coding changes made by PD. The network only transfers data, it's up to the game to properly interpret what's going on with that data.
Ok, fine let's skip to more potent examples then, who here plays Destiny 2 or any version of Halo? The Division? Who has seen or heard of any similar issues on any oif these games? I haven't. They all utilize mesh networking and as far as I know, do not suffer from any of the issues GT has.

So if PD / Sony servers are involved (they have to be to at least authenticate game and user data), that's just another variable in the transfer of data. It could very well be their problem but it's foolish (not by your statements but other who always jump to blame anything but themselves) to think that all problems would have to be caused by the games servers as opposed to any of the other "moving parts" of the equation.
like I said before, with my issue I'm not sure if it's on my end or not, but the fact that all my other games play without any similar issues(aside from the odd disconnect on GTA5), would lead one to believe that the problem lies elsewhere, but I'm the least tech type person you'll likely ever know, so I don't understand all the ins and outs when it comes to servers and network issues.
So if PD / Sony servers are involved (they have to be to at least authenticate game and user data), that's just another variable in the transfer of data. It could very well be their problem but it's foolish (not by your statements but other who always jump to blame anything but themselves) to think that all problems would have to be caused by the games servers as opposed to any of the other "moving parts" of the equation.
If it were isolated to one or two players, I could get behind it. In fact, i was on that wagon back when it seemed Apmaddock was the only one having the issue. At this point though, it appears far to prevelent to be the case anymore.
If it were isolated to one or two players, I could get behind it. In fact, i was on that wagon back when it seemed Apmaddock was the only one having the issue. At this point though, it appears far to prevelent to be the case anymore.

If I had to take an educated guess, I would say that the constant stream of randoms in and out of the rooms, connecting and disconnecting with everyone could be a contributing factor to the issues currently being seen. I would also guess that if any driver had any problems with invisible drivers in GT6 and they are still having those problems now with GTS that it might not be a server issue. It could be an issue on their end, with their ISP, with their physical location and the infrastructure used to carry their signal.

If I were to try and troubleshoot the issues, I would't try and attack the problem as a whole group of users. Each individual user having issues would have to be looked at and then see if there are any treads or correlations that can be made between the different users just due to all the different moving parts involved.

If I remember correctly, Apmaddock had some kind of rural internet that was delivered from the street to the house by pack mule or something. I kid about the pack mule but he had a pretty outdated connection. I distinctly remember something about a water tower being involved.
If I had to take an educated guess, I would say that the constant stream of randoms in and out of the rooms, connecting and disconnecting with everyone could be a contributing factor to the issues currently being seen. I would also guess that if any driver had any problems with invisible drivers in GT6 and they are still having those problems now with GTS that it might not be a server issue. It could be an issue on their end, with their ISP, with their physical location and the infrastructure used to carry their signal.

If I were to try and troubleshoot the issues, I would't try and attack the problem as a whole group of users. Each individual user having issues would have to be looked at and then see if there are any treads or correlations that can be made between the different users just due to all the different moving parts involved.

If I remember correctly, Apmaddock had some kind of rural internet that was delivered from the street to the house by pack mule or something. I kid about the pack mule but he had a pretty outdated connection. I distinctly remember something about a water tower being involved.
I would certainly look at individual issues when trouble shooting, but grouping is as important i think. A few isolated incidents would suggest a different issue than if a large group were having issues. We don't have access to all the data though, only our little group.
Apmaddock had a crazy setup. I wouldn't call it old tech by any means, just not optimal. He had line of site connection to a dish on either a water tower or a silo, can't remember which, that had a 4g hot spot. On paper, not bad. In practice... yeah, networking was probably his problem.
I would certainly look at individual issues when trouble shooting, but grouping is as important i think. A few isolated incidents would suggest a different issue than if a large group were having issues. We don't have access to all the data though, only our little group.
Apmaddock had a crazy setup. I wouldn't call it old tech by any means, just not optimal. He had line of site connection to a dish on either a water tower or a silo, can't remember which, that had a 4g hot spot. On paper, not bad. In practice... yeah, networking was probably his problem.

Agreed that what we have in our little group is not nearly a big enough sample size to make any determinations about the whole user base. All we can do is look for trends within our group. If the problems continue to involve the same users that have always had issues it means one thing. If the issues appear to be evenly spread across all of us then it could mean something else.

I had an issue last night where I entered the track and the screen was black with the HUD in place. I could drive but I couldn't see anything. I exited, and reentered the track and all was well. I would call that a game issue. Being stuck on the grid is also probably a game issue that has nothing to do with network issues. I've been stuck once so far aside from testing an online lobby with the host set grid option where everybody got stuck on the grid. Once again, a game issue as opposed to a network issue. The one time I got stuck, I cleared my cache and have cleared my cache before playing every time since and have not seen the problem again. Could be a mild corruption of temporary save data that is causing drivers to be stuck on the grid. That could be caused by the odd bad packet or just an error in the game reading otherwise good data.