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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Im in the process of moving with no internet connection tonight I will have to postpone the requested time trial till probably wednesday of next week when I get cable and internet hooked up it could possibly be Thursday but I will get it done when I am back online....sorry for the inconvenience
It’s too quiet around these parts. @SAMHAIN85 are you available for testing tonight with SURVIVOR series? Maybe we can get a group together tonight. Is anyone game?

Also the super bowl squares need to be filled up. If you are interest in them please let @SAMHAIN85 know!! We have a little over 1 week before the drawing for the squares. If you don’t have some, GET some!

SNAIL CHALLENGE is using the MILEAGE EXCANGE ROAD CARS. Get yours now before you can’t run with us. I’m working on this hopefully this weekend to get the details completed so everyone can prepare.

This is an idea for a potential survivor series race, or just a fun Friday night.
There is a type of racing that is very common in indoor track cycling called "Miss and Out"

Basically every lap of a race whomever crosses the line in last position is eliminated from the race until roughly 3-5 people are left, then that becomes the last lap and everyone races for the final win.

I think something like this would work very well with the new track and a very fast car...
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This is an idea for a potential survivor series race, or just a fun Friday night.
There is a type of racing that is very common in indoor track cycling called "Miss and Out"

Basically every lap of a race whomever crosses the line in last position is eliminated from the race until roughly 3-5 people are left, then that becomes the last lap and everyone races for the final win.

I think something like this would work very well with the new track and a very fast car...
I was actually thinking about this the other day.
The 1st Annual SNAIL SUPERBOWL OFFICE POOL is now live


View attachment 791558

I'm actually pretty happy with how it looks. I've learned a lot in Excel lately.

So what is this?
Every SuperBowl Sunday thousands of these "Office Pools/squares" are used amongst friends and co-workers in the workplace or at parties to gamble on the game. No skill required - its all luck.

How does it work?
Instead of typing it all out here just watch this video. Its the shortest one I could find on Youtube.

Are we playing for money?
Yes and no. We're playing with $hells

How much per square and how many can I buy?
1 $hell per square and for right now the max amount you can buy is 5.

How do I buy one?
Just reply to this thread that you want X amount of $hells. If you want to pick your own specific squares list the coordinates for each one.
For example the squares I have already chosen are:

If you dont care which squares you get I'll just pick randomly for you. Remember, no one knows which numbers they have. Every square has the same chance of winning.

Who do I send the $hells to?

I will be escrowing escargoting the entire 100$hells.

How do I send?
Visit the link below and fill out the form. Make sure you select the recipient as SAMHAIN85

What are the payouts?
Originally I was thinking of doing a 50/50 split. 50$hells for halftime and 50$hells for final score.
But with the final score being more significant than the halftime score we're doing a 70/30 split.
Halftime score: $30 $hells
Final score: $70 $hells

When do we draw the numbers?
Once the sheet gets filled and all 100 squares are bought we will randomize the numbers. I'll try to think of something clever to do it. Like somehow using SNAIL race data from the previous week before the SuperBowl or something. If I cant we'll just do it the traditional way.

So now you've got something to look forward to while you watch the game. Once the game is over I'll transfer the winners their $hells.

I'll leave a link to this in my signature for the next few weeks to remind people about this. Dont be afraid to ask any questions. Were still a few weeks out from the SuperBowl but its never too early to start one of these. Good luck!​

I will take 5 squares at random. Transfer will be done in a minute.



This is an idea for a potential survivor series race, or just a fun Friday night.
There is a type of racing that is very common in indoor track cycling called "Miss and Out"

Basically every lap of a race whomever crosses the line in last position is eliminated from the race until roughly 3-5 people are left, then that becomes the last lap and everyone races for the final win.

I think something like this would work very well with the new track and a very fast car...

What about running a Survivor Series with an x number of $hells as an entrance fee then pay out the top 3 ?
What about running a Survivor Series with an x number of $hells as an entrance fee then pay out the top 3 ?

So those WITHOUT shells is out of luck?

SNAIL CHALLENGE is using the MILEAGE EXCANGE ROAD CARS. Get yours now before you can’t run with us. I’m working on this hopefully this weekend to get the details completed so everyone can prepare.

I have them all too.
Then if that’s the case, then I’m out. I could try it out, yes, but I’d rather not at this time.

Though don’t rule it out...
I can understand that but at the same time why shouldnt the guys who volunteer their time and help with duties be rewarded with something besides shells it's a win-win as far as I see it bc to participate in 1 off events you have to help out. you dont just show up every Sunday and let the select few do all the heavy lifting not to mention I'm sure some of us would like to have a month or two break I know I'm only in D4 but iv watched the same people every month volunteer to the point they get burnt out and that would add a extra incentive to get more people to pitch in every month
What the old saying? Many hands make light work? Or something like that. Most of the weekly duties are not very difficult as long as you have access to a computer. Sharing replays is a whole lot easier than it used to be. There is also something you can do to earn $hells that doesn't even require you to attend a race on Sunday night. Photographer: Post five photos with no commentary and claim one $hell. Post five photos with commentary and claim 2 $hells.

There really isn't any good excuse for someone not to earn $hells. With that being said, my opinion is that it would be better to keep the wagering of $hells to something that is optional and in addition to the racing instead of a requirement to race. I know I wouldn't put up any number of $hells knowing that I would have to beat @SAMHAIN85 straight up or lose my $hells.
The survivor series is about the only event that comes close to a level playing field regardless of divisional placement. A lot of time is spent tweaking everybody's individual HP and tire settings so we can all meet a static lap time. Overall this series has had success and popularity ,however there still needs to be some adjustments to make this even better for all who participate
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Where does one post said photos, in this thread or the media thread? I have a ton of them.

I think either one will work. I'm sure @zer05ive will correct me if I'm wrong.

I think that’s a great idea, $hells to enter. Reward those who are putting in “the “work”.
And just for the record, @SAMHAIN85 was dethroned in SS2 by @THRASH which proves out just what @TomMang_68 indicated above.

I said "straight up" and was using it as an example. It wasn't a specific comment about the Survivor Series and how well balanced it is.
I have bought a few mileage exchange cars but aren’t only 2 at any given time available to buy? I haven’t remembered to check since @Neutty ’s original post. Is there any other way to capture them then to check frequently what’s offered in the mileage exchange?
I have bought a few mileage exchange cars but aren’t only 2 at any given time available to buy? I haven’t remembered to check since @Neutty ’s original post. Is there any other way to capture them then to check frequently what’s offered in the mileage exchange?
@Rob Brown if I’m not mistaken they rotate every two weeks. Outside of that I know of no other way
I have bought a few mileage exchange cars but aren’t only 2 at any given time available to buy? I haven’t remembered to check since @Neutty ’s original post. Is there any other way to capture them then to check frequently what’s offered in the mileage exchange?
I have failed myself to get on the forum to let people know what car is in there to select from. But I plan to give plenty of weeks, there should be plenty leading up to the end of March for the event.

There will also be more on the $hells for the event as well. I am also planning on turning boost on to allow for all divisions to have a shot at the top prize. ;)
What about running a Survivor Series with an x number of $hells as an entrance fee then pay out the top 3 ?

I do like the idea of $hell wagering which we did in Event #1 but I'm not going to make it mandatory in order to enter. If people want to throw a few $hells into the pot and up the stakes - great. But if you dont thats fine too. Completely optional.

I agree with everyone about the reasons for volunteering for duties. SNAIL is the well oiled machine it is today because of the countless volunteers putting in work week in and week out. Whether it be as simple as uploading some replays or to entering 6 races of lap data or reviewing countless IR's. It all takes time out of everyone's day to make this work. For example, @Rednose58 has no access to a computer right now while hes away. We all rely on him to post the combo chart every single week. Where is it right now? Thats just one piece to the SNAIL weekly puzzle that right now is missing. Now just imagine if every volunteer just took the week off. No replays, no scores, no combo sheet, no stewards reviewing IR's, no Prize updates. It would be utter chaos and SNAIL would simply cease to exist.

So if you have been enjoying racing the greatest GT league on the planet - think about helping out your SNAIL brethren to continue making this the greatest GT league on the planet. And in return, you do get rewarded with $hells which do hold real $$$ value. Head over to the Marketplace to see examples of this.

(I will work on getting the combos page up tonight if one of the other BOD's dont beat me to it)