That's because the current announcers in F1 aren't very good. Certainly not at the level we had with the old 'Speed TV' announcers who actually understood the American television audience.You know the racing isn't very good when the F1 announce sounds like he's going to have a massive coronary any time two cars get within 4 car lengths of each other.
Thanks, last nights racing was great! Just wished we had a better turnout….and the 3 wide pic is awesome, that’s was some clean racing!D1 photos. Grand Valley really is beautiful. @DublDee You had great pace yesterday well done !
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Going three wide into Daytona's first corner. We all survived without a scuff![]()
With that. The drivers of D1 get to vote to freeze the Mazda RX-8 Spirit R '12 (SM) or Grand Valley Highway 1 - S01 Evening.Prize B: I will use the freeze.
That's cool! What were the steps to hook it up to your Playstation?M2 lobby open running casual laps, no HUD cockpit view, listening to Slightly Stoopid if anyone would like to join.
Fine tuning my Buttkicker Gamer 2, which I won being a SNAIL Admin.View attachment 1243520