◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
VR seems to be very hit and miss with nausea. My neighbour can't last 30 seconds, where I have had no problem, including the Eiger track. Some have suggested working into it. And there's always 'pancake' mode. :D:cheers:
Not nausea but on this track, and only on it, the steering wheel makes some “phantom” movements, most noticeably during loss of grip. So annoying
Scores, data and votes done for D1. Seems like we had a stable connexion while I hosted tonight. I can take care of it next week.

Glad to be back, I shouldn't have any problem making it on the next 3 sundays.
Scores for 8/25 transferred to data.

August 25th Standings.png
What a difficult set of combos this week! Not the most fun to come back to I must admit but it was fun last night.

I learned after finishing dead last the first race that my pedals weren’t going to 100% and was much closer to maintain 6-8 range but still ended up in the back of the pack the rest of the night due to a few mistakes
After fiddling with it, and a call to my ISP, last night, and another call to the ISP this morning, after swapping back to my old router, my internet appears to be back up on the new router. For the last 3 hours I've been attempting and failing at improving the PS5's upload rate. It's currently getting about 6% of what I'm paying for, which, according to the tech I spoke to this morning is symmetrical 300Mbps. PC and wireless devices are getting anywhere from 60%-90% upload rates. I've manually set up connection on static IP, port forwarded, updated PS5 in safe mode, rebuilt data base in safe mode, cleared system cache files in safe mode, changed cables and I don't remember what all else, trying to get the upload rate somewhere north of even 30%. It's being stubborn and now my in game network test shows parameter 2, which is allegedly the jitter value, is lower than it has been before yesterday.

I've run out of ideas to try at this point.
To whomever came up with the Nissan Silvia @ Tokyo Expressway idea: may the fleas of a thousand camels find their way to your tent!
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Let me guess, you guys would like GR3 cars at Daytona or Dragontail Seaside?
In all seriousness though, I’ve seen less moaning and groaning from pre-schoolers than I have in here lately about combos!
I really don’t care what people think about my choices. I won the prize and it’s my choice, period. Race it or don’t, I really don’t care. Same goes for anyone else’s choices….they win, they choose.
I’ll continue to race every combo I can, regardless of whether I like it or not, and will never voice any displeasure about it!
Let me guess, you guys would like GR3 cars at Daytona or Dragontail Seaside?
In all seriousness though, I’ve seen less moaning and groaning from pre-schoolers than I have in here lately about combos!
I really don’t care what people think about my choices. I won the prize and it’s my choice, period. Race it or don’t, I really don’t care. Same goes for anyone else’s choices….they win, they choose.
I’ll continue to race every combo I can, regardless of whether I like it or not, and will never voice any displeasure about it!
Dude, my comment was a joke, nothing more. I'm sorry if it came off as anything other than a joke.
Let me guess, you guys would like GR3 cars at Daytona or Dragontail Seaside?
In all seriousness though, I’ve seen less moaning and groaning from pre-schoolers than I have in here lately about combos!
I really don’t care what people think about my choices. I won the prize and it’s my choice, period. Race it or don’t, I really don’t care. Same goes for anyone else’s choices….they win, they choose.
I’ll continue to race every combo I can, regardless of whether I like it or not, and will never voice any displeasure about it!
I rather like combos that are a little bit weird or different from time to time and original combos as long as it makes for good racing. We would have raced Eiger sooner or later so here goes and the car was right sized and powerful enough to make it enjoyable. I'd say great pick !

2024-08-25 Race 1.jpg

Not pictured: Massive lag across the grid.
2024-08-25 Race 2.jpg

2024-08-25 Race 2 (2).jpg

Much better without lag. The track is just wide enough to make it possible to overtake and defend. I love this new iteration of Eiger as I have lots of nostalgia from the GT5 Prologue and GT5.
2024-08-25 Race 2 (3).jpg

And Eiger has never looked this beautiful. This must be so awesome in VR.
We still have reverse layout to race eventually but I'm not so sure about the layout. It feels weird in reverse.
2024-08-25 Race 3.jpg

Spot the difference ;)
Of course points were adjusted.
2024-08-25 Race 4.jpg

2024-08-25 Race 5.jpg

Tough and challenging combo but the RUF is fun to drive. It was still a good deal of fun. Variety is the name of the game, if I wanted Gr4 and Gr3 I would race in the dailies instead.
2024-08-25 Race 6.jpg

Here are the unofficial results from our league night on August 25, 2024

Click here for this season's points standings and click a tab at the bottom for more detail.

Click here if the data linked above has already been archived and you would like to view it.

Division 1
  1. GTP_Worstdriver --- voted to eliminate Round 3
  2. Rasta_Senpai ------ voted to eliminate Round 3
  3. Xrad-11 ----------- voted to eliminate Round 1 - Prize A
  4. Kgffty ------------ voted to eliminate Round 1
  5. smoove_cuda ------- voted to eliminate Round 1 - Prize C
  6. DUB-L-DEE --------- voted to eliminate Round 1
  7. Fudman420 --------- voted to eliminate Round 3
  8. basswerks1 -------- voted to eliminate Round 3
  9. arethosetacos ----- voted to eliminate Round 1
  10. Kakalaylay -------- voted to eliminate Round 1
Division 2
  1. RacingChamp30 ----- voted to eliminate Round 1
  2. JamCar0ne --------- voted to eliminate Round 3 - Prize B
  3. Cdn_Sweet_Tee ----- voted to eliminate Round 2
  4. Canoworms1 -------- voted to eliminate Round 2
  5. Tex_Hill ---------- voted to eliminate Round 2
  6. yuhboiari --------- voted to eliminate Round 1
  7. cesarr64 ---------- did not submit a vote
The round that received the most elimination votes was:
Round 1 - Ford Sierra RS 500 Cosworth '87 (SM) at Eiger Nordwand Full Course - S02 Evening (11 laps)
Therefore the entire combo has been dropped from next week's line-up. Since @Xradkins wins Prize A, they get to choose an entirely new car and track combo to replace it.

The round that received the second most elimination votes was:
Round 3 - RUF RGT 4.2 '16 (SS) at Mount Panorama Circuit - S11 Evening (7 laps)
This means either the car or the track will be replaced for next week's line-up. Since @JamCar0ne gets Prize B, they have the option to freeze the car or the track, or they can give that option to the Prize C winner. If they give the freeze away, then they get to decide what car or track replaces the part of the combo that is left unfrozen by the Prize C winner.

Prize C goes to @Smoove_cuda so they get whichever option the Prize B winner does not select.

Preliminary prize winners, please don't announce your prize selection until all incident reports have been filed and it has been confirmed that you don't have any penalties. It's also recommended that you review the SNAIL combo history and other data on our car and track history so that you can get an idea how many times we've raced each car and track. Please remember that originality is always appreciated, so picking cars and tracks that we've never raced is a plus (but not required). What's more important is that you thoroughly test any combo that you are considering before making it your official selection. For example, any car you select must not hit its rev limiter at any point during a race (even in the draft).

IMPORTANT: When posting your Prize A or Prize B selection, please list the complete in-game name of the car and/or track you are selecting. For example, if you want to choose the Integra Type R as your car selection, post "Honda Integra Type R (DC2) '98". If you want to select Monza for your track, post "Autodromo Nazionale Monza". Being specific helps us to update the lineup accurately and also helps avoid any confusion among the drivers. Also, please be sure to list the HP and Weight (LBS) of any car you select. For track selections, include the Preset Weather and the Time of the Day (e.g: S01 Afternoon) or else it will be left to default. Available settings can be found under Time/Weather Settings, when creating an online Lobby, after selecting your track.

Car Selection Guidelines
See Section 3 of the SNAIL OLR, Policies and Guidelines.

Track Selection Guidelines
See Section 3.1 of the SNAIL OLR, Policies and Guidelines
I tried to submit 2 IRs yesterday but the IR form was closed early. I messaged one of the stewards about this but l am posting here in case anyone else can help. I'd like to submit my incidents.
View media item 2540
Race Date: 25 August 2024
Currently tracking 4 Incident Reports

We have at least one prize winner with a racing incident being investigated by the stewards. This may, obviously, change the order of the prizes to be selected. All winners are asked to refrain from making selections until the Weekly Steward's report has been posted.

The target deadline for the Steward Reviews is next week, Wednesday night, 4 September, by 10PM Eastern. The Steward Summary will be posted as soon as possible, following completion of reviews.

:@: SNAIL Stewards, please make your way to The Incident Review Scoring.​

The IR Submission Form is now closed.

The Lobby Settings Sheet for SNAIL Sunday racing has been updated.

If you have it bookmarked, please
change it to the url behind this underlined text.

If this works, you can copy what's inside this box 👉https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w1Okq68lnTGuUiKrllY2X_KEbJYfRGieoPXussHUl5o👈 to update your bookmark/favorite.

If anyone finds links to the lobby settings page here, that do not lead to the above file, please let me know.​
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Thinking another look needs to be made into "Traction Control Prohibited" option in lobby settings. This may be fixed and working as intended now. Had a room over the weekend with it off and it seemed to stay off for everyone.
Thinking another look needs to be made into "Traction Control Prohibited" option in lobby settings. This may be fixed and working as intended now. Had a room over the weekend with it off and it seemed to stay off for everyone.
I'm a little curious why we need to set TC to prohibited other than "tradition". Generally speaking, it usually slows you down.
I'm a little curious why we need to set TC to prohibited other than "tradition". Generally speaking, it usually slows you down.
It slows you down everywhere except from a standing start with mid to high power cars. That’s probably why we set it to prohibited. Either way I wouldn’t mind.

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