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  • Thread starter zer05ive
:dopey: Yeah awsome practice. I'm happy to see me finishing in top 5 most of the time even if I was mixed with D1 and D2 guys.

BTW, I finally chose a color my Hardware Store can supplies to me at a good price.

Glacier Blue Metallic.

I'll keep my stock wheels for the moment.

Thanks to note that.

See you Sunday on the grid! :dopey:
I have a question for our new "Track Boundary Guy" - not sure what the official title is yet.

Daytona RC, Turn 3 - I try very hard not to go wide left at the exit because of the white line. Is that the track boundary or can I run off into that area if needed? Same question regarding Turn 5 - going far left beyond the white line before turning for the corner.
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I want the better finish average, I don't care about points :)

Sorry, but we don't want drivers disconnecting just because they wrecked or simply aren't doing well in a race. We want drivers who finish all the races regardless of what happens. Rage-quitting has always been frowned upon in this league. I'm not saying you rage-quit, but intentionally disconnecting in the middle of the race amounts to the same thing. 👎

Just magine what would happen if we didn't tally your 10th place finish just because you intentionally disconnected. All that would do is encourage you to do the same thing again in the future. Therefore your 10th place finish stands. Perhaps this poor finish will encourage you to just finish the race next time because now you know that intentionally disconnecting won't protect your average finish. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I really question your motives for being in this league. You're already on the Last Chance List because you drove like you valued winning more than you value driving clean. And now you are quitting races because you want to protect your finish average? You just don't what this league is all about. I highly recommend that you change your priorities if you want to be a member in good standing with S.N.A.I.L. :irked:
I have a question for our new "Track Boundary Guy" - not sure what the official title is yet.

Daytona RC, Turn 3 - I try very hard not to go wide left at the exit because of the white line. Is that the track boundary or can I run off into that area if needed? Same question regarding Turn 5 - going far left beyond the white line before turning for the corner.

I would say that the white line is the boundary throughout the whole track, so my guidelines (not official, wait for Ap's say-so) would be to always keep two wheels inside the line.
I would say that the white line is the boundary throughout the whole track, so my guidelines (not official, wait for Ap's say-so) would be to always keep two wheels inside the line.

We used the white line boundary on the Indy Road Course (second to last turn, re-entering main track from infield), and it made a big difference on racing lines, as I recall.

Yeah. The white lines are the boundary. Going wide at turn 3 or 5 could gain you a bit of speed for the straights afterward and you will be penalized if you slide out there intentionally. The road itself is wide enough. ;)

Now, regarding GVS:


I feel that we should limit the track a bit in a couple of spots. First is down the main straight. There is a white line down the right side that is the track boundary, this has not been followed by some drivers. Driving out there really won't gain you much, anyway, so why bother?

Second is the white line on the outside of the turn after turn 12 and before the bridge. Keep inside of this line with at least two wheels. Driving outside of this can gain you speed for the run down the straight.

Note that these two at GVS are actually changes from how things have been run in the past, but they're logical enough that I think you knuckleheads can figure it out. ;)
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I feel that we should limit the track a bit in a couple of spots. First is down the main straight. There is a white line down the left side that is the track boundary, this has not been followed by some drivers. Driving out there really won't gain you much, anyway, so why bother?

On the left? I don't think that's correct...
@ zer05ive

I actually was third when I decided to quit and would've most likely finished 1st if I did stay until the end. I quit because I had to.
I know you don't like me, but I like to race in this league and I wasn't involved in any penalty last week, so please stop making me look bad. :grumpy:
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I know everyone is probably at work but since I am not I will be in D1 practicing for 30-40 minutes.
@ Apmaddock

I actually was third when I decided to quit and would've most likely finished 1st if I did stay until the end. I quit because I had to.
I know you don't like me, but I like to race in this league and I wasn't involved in any penalty last week, so please stop making me look bad. :grumpy:

I guess I should just quit right after the start in a reverse grid race when I start in front, then? Give it up. We have scoring rules just like everything else and you are subject to them just as everyone else. If you wanted a higher finish you should have finished. If you wanted a DNF you should not have started.

Furthermore, we don't know why you left. We give the benefit of the doubt and give you points for a last place finish. If you were to return you would have had those few points which would have helped you in the end, of course.

Suddenly I feel like give you a 17th place finish in the rest of the races…

On the left? I don't think that's correct...

Thanks. Fixed that.
I guess I should just quit right after the start in a reverse grid race when I start in front, then?

Why do you say this? I started from the back of the pack, made my way to 3rd position in 3-4 laps, then I had to quit

Give it up.

I know that's what you want me to do since a couple of week, thanks for repeat.

If you wanted a DNF you should not have started.

DNF means Did Not Finish, don't you know that?
You cannot get a DNF in any possible way according to what you say, sorry I thought I saw DNFs in results somewhere, I might not be right then, too bad, let's not make something huge out of this... :yuck:
Next time, just say No I will understand
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Well, I'm heading off for the weekend so have fun at Austin (to those who are going) and/or have fun with the racing Sunday night since I'm probably going to not be back home until Monday :)
Well, I'm heading off for the weekend so have fun at Austin (to those who are going) and/or have fun with the racing Sunday night since I'm probably going to not be back home until Monday :)

Have fun! I'd look for you on the TV coverage, but having no idea what anyone here looks like, it'll be tough. Try to hang around the BBC's reporters and wear your SNAIL shirt... oh, right, we don't have those yet. ;) On that front, I'm moving soon; Zer0, do you need my new address?
I have a question for the D1 guys.

What settings to you use for your G27 wheels in the options screen - same screen with options for force feedback. I currently use Simulation but I've heard it is better to use Professional and that it is smoother (faster) somehow.
I have a question for the D1 guys.

What settings to you use for your G27 wheels in the options screen - same screen with options for force feedback. I currently use Simulation but I've heard it is better to use Professional and that it is smoother (faster) somehow.

Changing from simulation to anything else does not change the way the car drives. That is only on the non-ffb wheels, like the old old old driving force. If you pay close attention, you'll see that on that portion of the menu, the G27 and DFGT and a couple others are not highlighted. That is because this setting does not affect them.

I run on simulation, with an FFB of 5 and power assist off. I'm pretty sure I run the default configs because that's what I ran to prep for GT Academy, since they run default settings.
I have a question for the D1 guys.

What settings to you use for your G27 wheels in the options screen - same screen with options for force feedback. I currently use Simulation but I've heard it is better to use Professional and that it is smoother (faster) somehow.

Good question... I've been wondering the same thing.
Changing from simulation to anything else does not change the way the car drives. That is only on the non-ffb wheels, like the old old old driving force. If you pay close attention, you'll see that on that portion of the menu, the G27 and DFGT and a couple others are not highlighted. That is because this setting does not affect them.

I run on simulation, with an FFB of 5 and power assist off. I'm pretty sure I run the default configs because that's what I ran to prep for GT Academy, since they run default settings.

Immortalpilot just said the same thing. I guess I won't find anything there then.
Immortalpilot just said the same thing. I guess I won't find anything there then.

Time isn't made by any of the front runners with little tricks of game setup or wheel configuration, but instead by running the car on the limit of cohesion on the correct racing line lap after lap, pushing the car until it's screaming for mercy and then getting another tenth out of it. The simplest concepts are sometimes the most difficult to execute. :dopey:
Time isn't made by any of the front runners with little tricks of game setup or wheel configuration, but instead by running the car on the limit of cohesion on the correct racing line lap after lap, pushing the car until it's screaming for mercy and then getting another tenth out of it. The simplest concepts are sometimes the most difficult to execute. :dopey:

I can agree with you to a point on this and that is more on what controller you use then the settings. I've found for me I have a real hard time finding all the speed with some wheels and with others it's easy. I think this would be different though for some people. For example I heard quite a few finalist say they couldn't get the most out of the T500. Some apparently were really fast with the DFGT and I think it's a paper weight. To me the thing is finding a wheel that translates what you do to the game the best for you. My frustration is from the pedals on the DFGT and that I can't effectively trail brake with them. I think it's a lot because I've learned on real cars first so trying to retrain my feet to work with pedals that are very unreal is a challenge. For someone who learned racing on GT5 and has no real life experience they could probably learn to be fast on any wheel because there's nothing to relearn. Anywho that's my .02.
I can agree with you to a point on this and that is more on what controller you use then the settings. I've found for me I have a real hard time finding all the speed with some wheels and with others it's easy. I think this would be different though for some people. For example I heard quite a few finalist say they couldn't get the most out of the T500. Some apparently were really fast with the DFGT and I think it's a paper weight. To me the thing is finding a wheel that translates what you do to the game the best for you. My frustration is from the pedals on the DFGT and that I can't effectively trail brake with them. I think it's a lot because I've learned on real cars first so trying to retrain my feet to work with pedals that are very unreal is a challenge. For someone who learned racing on GT5 and has no real life experience they could probably learn to be fast on any wheel because there's nothing to relearn. Anywho that's my .02.

I agree with the pedal statement completely. I had a really hard time with crappy wheels and pedals before I got the G25. I still struggled a little until I replaced the brake spring which made it feel much more realistic. I know that it's still not a whole lot like a real brake pedal, but it's much closer than a DFGT or the Microsoft wheel.
Speaking of racing setups, I had the chance to drive in a pretty cool F1 simulator yesterday. There was a contest to see who could set the fastest lap time at Circuit of the Americas (I wonder why they chose that track ;)). Anyways, I managed to set the third fastest time for the day and was feeling pretty good about it..

..until they had Vitaly Petrov come and put us all in our place! :dopey:

The first video is of him getting into the simulator and getting situated. The second video is of him taking COTA's signature Turn 1 (unfortunately, the quality of the recorded image deteriorates as he approaches the turn):


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Some of the fastest aliens use the DFGT.

In regards to settings, they do make a huge difference, if you have the wrong settings. I tried turning on the Power Assist in the wheel options menu and it was absolutely horrible to drive. If someone knew no better and was using it, they could probably gain by turning it off.