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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Put together a small spreadsheet detailing everyone in Div 1's starts, finishes and best lap times per race. Couldn't figure out how to show a flickr image, so I just pasted the link.

Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see if in the future.

S.N.A.I.L. Div 1 Stats
Put together a small spreadsheet detailing everyone in Div 1's starts, finishes and best lap times per race. Couldn't figure out how to show a flickr image, so I just pasted the link.

Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see if in the future.

S.N.A.I.L. Div 1 Stats

Very nicely done! :) 2 Thumbs up 👍👍

If you continued that would be awesome!
Any chance we could have that linked aswell in the 1st post along with the tracks we had done (a link near the results linked or something).
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Here's the line-up for our next races on March 18th:
Alfa Romeo Brera Sky Window 3.2 JTS Q4 '06 (Sports Soft tires)
@High Speed Ring
Honda S2000 '06 (Sports Soft tires)
@Autumn Ring
Amuse NISMO 380RS Super Leggera (Racing Medium tires)
@Road Course - Daytona

Okay, aside from getting these three cars, what do I need to do to join you guys this Sunday?
I'm going to be out of town for a few days. I may check in from the road but certainly won't be in the game.

Keep the house clean while I'm gone.
Put together a small spreadsheet detailing everyone in Div 1's starts, finishes and best lap times per race. Couldn't figure out how to show a flickr image, so I just pasted the link.

Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see if in the future.

S.N.A.I.L. Div 1 Stats

Very NICE!!!!
Put together a small spreadsheet detailing everyone in Div 1's starts, finishes and best lap times per race. Couldn't figure out how to show a flickr image, so I just pasted the link.

Let me know what you think and if you'd like to see if in the future.

S.N.A.I.L. Div 1 Stats

Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! Incredible! :bowdown:

Very nicely done! :) 2 Thumbs up 👍👍

If you continued that would be awesome!
Any chance we could have that linked aswell in the 1st post along with the tracks we had done (a link near the results linked or something).

Great idea! How does this look?
Great idea! How does this look?

That's not bad, but it's easily over-looked. Why not use the image itself? then it's visible and hard to miss. AND, you can click on it to to get a larger view of it.

Tangent: Rally and I should try being partners for cat and mouse. We work well against each other...wonder how we get along together. 💡

I am the best wild car EVER!!! :mischievous:
Haha, I bet we would wreck everyone, or ourselves:cheers:.
I am the best wild car EVER!!! :mischievous:
Haha, I bet we would wreck everyone, or ourselves:cheers:.

They're both exciting!

ps: Looked at spreadsheet and I seem to have been the only driver to not lose a position from start to finish. :sly:

Perhaps I wasn't aggressive enough to put myself in harm's way... This week I must push the cars a bit more, especially the S2000. A bit of feathering here and there, otherwise it's gas gas gas!
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Except, I don't see it. There are three division, but... surely not just one lounge? In fact, I think it says in three lounges. But... how do I know who is hosting which lounge? I got 05's friend request. Did I miss another one (or three)?

Hey Garris, Div 3 is new this week, so I'm thinking Zer0 will be setting up some more pseudo id's for lounge racing in Div 2 & 3.

Used to be Div1 was in the SnailDiv1 lounge and Div 2 in Zer0's lounge, we're growing and adjusting as we do :)
Glad the stats are being well received :)

I really wanted to add average lap time and best sectors, the info is all in GT5 but painful to get out. Actually, overall time wouldn't be too hard, and I might miss one or two depending on what the finish delay is. Then we could have gap added too.

MMmmm, need more numbers ...
zer0s lounge will probably be the host for whatever the lowest division is to ensure new racers are headed to the same place.
A snail2 account I'm certain is in the works or already created.

ps: updated diabolic friday post with new lineup. information can be found by following links on op for the weekly schedule.
Good deal, I'm able to make it this Friday.

Had a lot of fun driving the Brera and the S2000 last night, 20 and 30 laps will be fun!
Except, I don't see it. There are three division, but... surely not just one lounge? In fact, I think it says in three lounges. But... how do I know who is hosting which lounge? I got 05's friend request. Did I miss another one (or three)?

Hi Garris, glad you might be able to make it this Sunday night. The only PSN ID you need for now is mine. New members start in Division3 and that takes place in my lounge. When you join my lounge on Sunday night, be sure to click on the Lounge 'coffee cup' and not on the orange 'man' icon next to it. Clicking on the orange 'man' icon will cause you to follow me to Division2.

If you finish at the top of Division3 on Sunday night, you'll get promoted to Division2 for the following Sunday night. Then if you finish at the top of Division2, you'll get promoted to Division1 the week after. However, that's easier said than done. The competition in Division1 is pretty insane. It's not only hard to be competitive there, but to get there in the first place. I know that barring a miracle I'll never even sniff Division1 again. I'm far more likely to get relegated to Division3, perhaps as early as this week.

Speaking of which, since Division3 is brand new this week, we don't have a set Division3 director yet. I was thinking that since you have experience running your own series, you might be qualified to handle those responsibilities. Also, I hear from the guys who've raced in your series that you're good with a spreadsheet and more importantly you run a tight ship. That's crucial for us since we always aim to keep our league night to only about two hours. Let me know if you're interested in doing this. No pressure though, we have some series vets who I can ask to take on those responsibilities as well.
Glad the stats are being well received :)

I really wanted to add average lap time and best sectors, the info is all in GT5 but painful to get out. Actually, overall time wouldn't be too hard, and I might miss one or two depending on what the finish delay is. Then we could have gap added too.

MMmmm, need more numbers ...

I can't tell you enough how awesome those stats are! Not only do they provide extra insight, but I imagine they could be viewed as extra incentive to get into Division1.. to get the "star" treatment.. 👍
Speaking of which, since Division3 is brand new this week, we don't have a set Division3 director yet. I was thinking that since you have experience running your own series, you might be qualified to handle those responsibilities. Also, I hear from the guys who've raced in your series that you're good with a spreadsheet and more importantly you run a tight ship. That's crucial for us since we always aim to keep our league night to only about two hours. Let me know if you're interested in doing this. No pressure though, we have some series vets who I can ask to take on those responsibilities as well.

I do appreciate that vote of confidence. I don't ever expect to leave the lowest division. I am actually afraid that I'll be the slowest one there going, "It would be nice to find people as slow as me."

But, I don't know that I can keep doing Sundays. For now, I'll pass on running anything on Sunday.
Hi Garris, glad you might be able to make it this Sunday night. The only PSN ID you need for now is mine. New members start in Division3 and that takes place in my lounge. When you join my lounge on Sunday night, be sure to click on the Lounge 'coffee cup' and not on the orange 'man' icon next to it. Clicking on the orange 'man' icon will cause you to follow me to Division2.

I'm sure it's not big deal but if it were me, I would simply make an account for SNAIL Div 2 & 3 so they will have their own rooms each week. This way, regardless of which Division members find themselves they know Exactly with room to go to for the races Sunday night. Not to mention, I would think it would be simpler to instruct new members how to join the races. That's my $0.02.

If you finish at the top of Division3 on Sunday night, you'll get promoted to Division2 for the following Sunday night. Then if you finish at the top of Division2, you'll get promoted to Division1 the week after. However, that's easier said than done. The competition in Division1 is pretty insane. It's not only hard to be competitive there, but to get there in the first place. I know that barring a miracle I'll never even sniff Division1 again. I'm far more likely to get relegated to Division3, perhaps as early as this week.

From what I have seen in your driving, you are fast as long as you are consistent. I've noticed that you will take any given turn differently 3 out of 4 laps. This is really hurting your lap times and your overall results. Once you start being consistent you'll see your lap times drop and move up the leader boards and the overall standings. You're best laps (that I have witnessed) are D1 worthy, but your consistency is what is holding your back. I can work with you on that, if you like.

Speaking of which, since Division3 is brand new this week, we don't have a set Division3 director yet. I was thinking that since you have experience running your own series, you might be qualified to handle those responsibilities. Also, I hear from the guys who've raced in your series that you're good with a spreadsheet and more importantly you run a tight ship. That's crucial for us since we always aim to keep our league night to only about two hours. Let me know if you're interested in doing this. No pressure though, we have some series vets who I can ask to take on those responsibilities as well.

Question: Wouldn't this be best served by someone who is going to be running Div 3 week after week?
Had fun last night driving Sunday's tracks and cars. Was able to pick up a little time just by being close enough to Devious and Mopar, it helped out.

I'll be studying the replays from last week and yesterday to see if I can find some more time 👍
I enjoy this activity within our thread. Often times threads are busy the day before, during and the day after races and in between it's sluggish. This is constantly updated with posts. We are very fortunate.
I enjoy this activity within our thread. Often times threads are busy the day before, during and the day after races and in between it's sluggish. This is constantly updated with posts. We are very fortunate.

Me three, I think the relatively constant banter that goes on here has helped the growth of the league by keeping the thread near the top of the Clubs group. Our friendliness hasn't hurt either :)